PC - Exposed icon stays on HUD when not exposed

Step 1 : Boot the game

Step 2 : Played survivor in a public match

Step 3 : After reaching Evil Within III for the first time, the exposed status effect persisted even after going back down to tier II.

Step 4: The icon remained, even though the game was not behaving as if I was exposed. All survivors were taking damage states as usual in Evil Within II and going down in one hit in Evil Within III

Step 5 : Going up or down in EW tier did not clear the icon from the HUD


  • Character played - Jeff Johansen
  • Perks played - Aftercare
  • Map - Haddonfield
  • Frequency of the issue - Have not played another match yet since; issue persisted for the duration of the match.


  • Images - Apologies, forgot to take a screenshot
  • Videos
  • Logs (PC only)

20 votes

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  • uuntiedshoelace
    uuntiedshoelace Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2022

    I forgot to mention, the Evil Within sound cues played when they were supposed to, which is how I knew he was going up or down in tier.

  • Zensunim
    Zensunim Member Posts: 157

    Same. Against Myers, the tier down music happened but the Exposed icon never disappeared. Even though the icon was showing I was exposed, I was able to take a hit from healthy without going down, so it's just a display bug.

  • mileto_br
    mileto_br Member Posts: 34

    Happened to me as well. PS5, Myers, Ormond map.

  • Cookie_Des_Lys
    Cookie_Des_Lys Member Posts: 64

    PC - Icon of "exposed" doesn't disappear

    Step 1 : Boot the game

    Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match

    Step 3 : In-game, play versus Mayers

    Step 4 : Mayers gets Evil III, and survs get exposed

    Step 5 : Mayers down to Evil II but the icon of exposed staysw on HUd

    Additional informations

    • Character played : Claudette (1) or Jane (2)
    • Perks played :
    • 1) self-care, borrowed time, boon : circle of healing, stake out
    • 1' ) self-care, borrowed time, detective's Hunch, stake out
    • 2) Head on, Stake out, self-care, borrowed time
    • Map : Haddonfield, MacMillan Estate
    • Frequency of the issue : every times

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 359

    Same here. I've faced 2 Myers who had no infinite Tier 3 or exposure perks active. Exposed status effect remained after the Tier down music played, so he should've been in Tier II.

    I am on Xbox.

    Most recent match was on Badham, Myers had no add-ons; perks were Unrelenting, Distressing, Deerstalker, and Mindbreaker (fearmonger).

  • Psychedelic
    Psychedelic Member Posts: 13


  • brucs
    brucs Member Posts: 2

    I had the same issue yesterday while playing against a Myers. The exposed status effect icon ran through the entire match, even though he didn't have the power anymore (just regular add-ons)