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When is Legion getting nerfed?



  • Member Posts: 847

    What they are doing to counter legion has nothing to do with how good they are. It has everything to do with what you are unwilling to learn to do. Which is why they shouldnt balance the game around people who refuse to learn it

  • Member Posts: 77

    How did this even balance out for top 0.1%, this does not even help top MMR even the slightest 😂I think they are just balancing out for the top 99.9% who find Legion not threatening in the slightest to have more challenge

  • Member Posts: 193

    No? Legion is fine high c tier killer that could use buff or two but he has counterplay and he is fun to play. I do not see point in nerfing him

  • Member Posts: 70

    legion is in a good place right now hes usable

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    There is no counter to Legion so there is nothing to learn. The only advice ever given is to all spread out. That is not practical, especially when some maps are small and solo queue is a game mode.

    It is not fun mending all match and when you have a killer meta it is totally impossible to win as a regular public match. Survivors have to finish 5 gens. When everyone is mending all the time with Ruin and other genslow perks the gens simply can't get done.

  • Member Posts: 1,267

    In that sense, to repair is to press M1 and hit "space" from time to time, I don't know if that or legion is more difficult :P

  • Member Posts: 847
    edited May 2022

    This by itself tells me you still havent looked at games where people have hard countered him. Here are some tips. To prevent him from getting his 5th hit and down with frenzy do not mend until he is out of it. If you were an early target then simply stay out of sight until his frenzy is up. You have to be conscious of where your team is or the general direction, where dead zones are and how to try and waste as much of his frenzy chasing you down. If hes not running those busted addons you also have pallet baiting to slow him down. Bait a weaker pallet so he has to stop his frenzy to be able to hit you. If you take this out of his kit hes still just an m1 killer. Since his strength is injuring not downing this make healing less useful to you because if you're injured hes more incentivized to not use his feral and play as an m1 killer. There are other tips but I'm not humoring this past here. Like I said learn to play the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    I got the sliver bullet. The ace in a hole. The ultimate nuanced solution. A ping system i know i know it would break the bank implementing it. It would require years of programming but we can get there together as a comunity.

    Ok dropping the snark now but implement a ping system fixs 99% of solo issues. I dont entertain solo issues when the solution is this simple.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Let's give Trapper a shotgun while we're at it too

    I think that would be very beneficial to his kit and appeal to a new demographic of players

  • Member Posts: 5,047

    why is it that whenever you respond to me it's in german

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I have the site in German but I guess it affects people who don't? That's pretty funny tbh

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Would you like to elaborate on how this ping system is supposed to work?

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    I honestly haven't seen any game where he was "countered". Everyone is always injured and broken. He is still a normal speed killer and if he has spirit fury which I have noticed several use, then pallets do not work. The main issue it he is extremely easy to keep everyone injured and if people are constantly mending when can the objective be completed? We can't forget everything survivors have to do. Mending, gens, totems, saving,........etc.

    Contrary to popular belief, I've seen the Legion get the uncounterable 4th person down numerous times. That is not balance.

  • Member Posts: 847

    did you read anything past the first sentence of my reply? Thank you for further proving my point. Have fun trolling people

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    I'm more how confused how anyone thinks Wraith or Freddy is somehow a free win.

    Anyone with any amount of situational awareness won't have an issue with either any more than any other killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,513
    edited May 2022

    Sluzzy's a veteran of DBD.

    like, I'm pretty sure everyone on the forums who's played against or with them is scared to go against them on the other side.

    they're just a troll. Mobody as unknowledgeable as Sluzzy pretends to be couldn't possibly have only bad ideas.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Before his nerfs, people said Freddy stacking his two gen slowdown addons and 4 gen defense perks was a brainless easy win. At one point I probably would have agreed, but looking back my opinion was based more on boredom/being sick of facing it over and over - something that I've tried not to base my opinions on too much lately.

    As for Wraith, It was a similar thing, some people found him really obnoxious due to the default increased speed and the extended lunge which got nerfed and led to what we have today

    I think the big thing was overexposure - People (Like myself as an example) would face Wraith and Freddy like 3-4 times in a row and it got old really fast. In a similar vein to how killers hate seeing 4 DHs if that makes sense.

    My opinions on those two have def shifted. I actually enjoy facing Freddy and Wraith these days.

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    I just meant their current versions.

    I've heard about their pasts, but I can't understand how anyone would think they're free kills in DBD's current state.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    I looked at the title alone and already knew who posted this.

    Sluzzy, since ur really good at baiting, have you tried doing it on twitter? God the reactions you can get on there are funny asf. So much so I do it myself.

    Just make sure you don't bait too hard otherwise you'll have your full legal name and address DMed to you. I've learned that the hard way.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Oh, right

    In that case - the only explanation I can think of as to why somebody might think they are "brainless easy wins" is simply because their powers don't require a huge amount of skill (As in it's not like nurse where you need to master it) but

    These two killers still lose to pre-dropping meta perk survivors who play well and split up so I wouldn't say that's "an easy win" at all tbh.

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    In my opinion the fifth feral frenzy hit shouldn’t be an insta down because the legions feral frenzy has such a long duration and it recovers super fast.

  • Member Posts: 124

    Legion is not strong.

  • Member Posts: 77

    I'm really trying to understand what you typed, but I can't... Could you try to rephrase it a little better?

  • Member Posts: 2,513
    edited May 2022

    Sluzzy is in reality, a really good player who's just trolling.

    also, I'm not sure what was wrong with my phrasing.

  • Member Posts: 653
    edited May 2022

    just like in VHS.

    You press "Button 1" - you ping your location. If you're being chased while using "button 1", ping icon will change to "running man". If you're on a gen/totem/healing, ping icon will show it, and will show gen/totem/healing progress. Could also change ping icon for injured survivors, so, others can "find" and heal them

    You press "Button 2" - you can ping the place, you're "looking" at (center of the screen) (killer/generator/totem/something else). Plus it's possible to make it so, if you, for example, fast click "button 2" 2 times, it will show that "there is danger" (showing others, that "killer in this side", if you don't have line of sight on him, but you know, that he is somewhere there)

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    Hold button, wheel appears select from a list of options. Killer here, hex here, boon here, gen here, need healing. A marker will be placed and visible to the survivor group as a whole. For keyboard you can key bind it but the point is you use a system to mark objectives and employ communication.

    Balancing dbd around both solo and swf is dumb. Reduce the gap between them by giving solos similar tools. The pandoras box of swf comms was open long ago there is zero reason to arbitrarily decide solos shouldnt have the same tools as swf.

  • Member Posts: 15

    He's b tier now, low a at most.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    And in that response is a big part of your problem.

    Everything is "I haven't seen" or "I have seen" - you're assuming that what you've experienced is the same for everyone else and you feel entitled to speak for everyone else.


  • Member Posts: 156

    Nerf every Killer Sluzzy should be happy with that.

  • Member Posts: 77

    Could be the grammar or spelling error. Thx for the info, I'm new to this forum and I am torn in between a very very delusional noobie or a very elaborated troll for Sluzzy. I usually feel it is a troll till I played with one guy who was a really delusional noobie where they feel everything is overpowered and what they say is justified. I was really shocked that such a noob existed and he was being serious and stubborn with his opinions... because whatever happens in low MMR everyone else is facing it too.

  • Member Posts: 76

    I just can straight up tell that this is a immersed claud main literally every good player loves to play against legion

  • Member Posts: 605

    You won't find any objectivity here. The vast majority of the forums is filled by extremely biased killer mains that will make sure the game dies over having any actual balance whatsoever. It's never going to change and it's one of the reasons me (together with many others looking at the numbers) quit the game over the past months. To clarify, they made sure solo queue experience is abhorrent and unplayable, thus when SWF teams start dropping the game and getting bored, DBD will officially de dead.

    It's not like the game is "going to disappear" anytime soon, but certainly, it's going on a fast decline for a number of reasons, extreme bias, listening to very one-sided minorities in the forums, and ruining solos experiences would be the top ones.

    Back to the topic though, you won't get any balance as I said, they stopped listening to reasonable sources long ago if they ever did.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    I think you got it wrong.

    It should be "When is Legion getting buffed?"

  • Member Posts: 77

    I don't get it, I play survivors and with friends, I have yet to see legions in my games get more than 1 kill.

    You already quit the game so why would this topic even matter to you? Just move on with your other games.

  • Member Posts: 848

    Sluzzy... When are you gonna stop with your nonsense. It's called git gud.

  • Member Posts: 605
    1. Do not tell me what I should/shouldn't do. Thank you.
    2. If you played enough, you would probably see what I meant.

    In any event, I'm not interested in what you do or don't do with your friends. I didn't ask either. I exposed what is my experience and many other people's.

  • Member Posts: 77

    1) You are clearly spreading your negativity, so I love rebutting people like this because how do I say it, FUN

    2) Played enough? 2000 hours enough for you? A game is a game. It has flaws. I don't go about bitching about games after I quit, I move on because I have enjoyed enough of the game.

    In any event, no one asked you about your 'I quit this extremely killer biased game for a few months and here I am whining about it because I want other people to quit too' mentality. You don't like it when someone goes against your post, simple don't post anything on the internet. You don't like what I type, then don't reply. Clearly you are bothered by it since you actually reply me? 😂

    You funneh

  • Member Posts: 150

    These threads never fail to make me laugh, not sure if troll or legit, but so funny coming from Nurse main, who I'm going to assume always sweats 100% and brings only the top % of addons, perks or even map offering to 'make it more fair'

    Give me a break, Legion just got slightly adjusted and his addons made more interesting, if you think Legion is in any way overpowered I just have to accept it as a legit troll, or we're not playing the same game.

  • Member Posts: 854

    All it takes is people spreading out and its very hard for Legion to get the 5 hits he needs to down someone in Frenzy. In most cases its not even worth staying in Frenzy that long and trying for it and you're better off cancelling the power and downing someone with a regular attack.

    Not to mention as soon as one person is on a hook or out of the game with 3 survivors left a Legion would have to hit all three, and then circle back around and find one of them that had already mended and be able to hit them for the 4th hit to even proc the chance to down someone.

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    Fearmonger might be good as survivors will not realize how close they are to others without aura reading. This might negate the spread-out counter. I have not played new Legion yet but will give it a try when I do!

  • Member Posts: 16

    Legion gets a deserved buff after being completely obsolete and surv mains start to complain that they have to play a certain way. keep crying all you want but Legion desperately needed a rework/buff

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    1) The center gens can get done when the legion is forced to commit to somebody for an m1 down, if you don't let him get a frenzy down he quite literally has to chase normally at which point he is m1 killer man with no power

    2) Survivors if they are playing well should be working on 3 diff gens at once while somebody is being chased, that is usually the most optimal way to spread out

    3) As soon as you hear the terror radius, you should be running away from it so if he hits somebody close by, you don't get detected. If you hear the TR approaching you then you should also start running instantly and go far away or go to a corner to make sure their power runs out

  • Member Posts: 77

    Of course every opinion matters, but read the statement carefully. How does "The game is too killer sided", "The game is too hard", ever help anyone? Even opinions that constantly mending is much more meaningful despite people negative thoughts on it. It at least portrays what is the issue with the game. How does "You won't find any objectivity here." "It's never going to change and it's one of the reasons me (together with many others looking at the numbers) quit the game over the past months." "To clarify, they made sure solo queue experience is abhorrent and unplayable, thus when SWF teams start dropping the game and getting bored, DBD will officially de dead." help in any way except by providing his toxic inputs?

    DBD provides a very unique experience and you can't get it in any other game. You can see for yourself this guy have already quitted the game and still follow DBD forum? Why? Because this guy can't move on from game easily after investing their hours on the game. This guy is hoping the game will cater to his needs so that they can finally return to it but when they saw that killer is getting buffed and making survivors life difficult, they are clearly expecting other people to quit too.

    When I play solo, the survivors know what they need to do, I can roughly say I am at least at MID MMR, and by no means we find Legion tough at all. Most of the game, Legion just ended up with 2 or 3 hooks in total thus 0 kills in most of my games and the occasional 5-6 hooks 1 kill. Could be the Legion we face are horrible but like legion is not as straightforward everyone assumed it is. Even if the legion is new, you should understand they will give me baby survivors that I need to babysit to average the survivors MMR in order to match killer's MMR.

    Going with the SWF I can safely say none of them knows how to counter legion and most of the time leading to 1 kill. How to counter Legion: Don't heal, don't be like my friends who even bothered booning to heal.

    Here are two of my friends I play with while my last friend has privated her game profile but I can say she is the worst among us to loop killers.

    You can see my friend has 900+ hours but despite that he has 172/197 mostly killer's achievement and 600 hours spent on it because he doesnt play solo survivors.

    I can understand the frustration of playing solo, I have played quite alot of games where I am being chased for a good 2-3 minutes and see no generators being done only to find out when the killer aura is near them, they hide for a good amount time and only start doing it again after the killer leave (I use bond at times) and I am still able to do 3 generators.

    If stealth is an issue, just hold shift+W , it's very effective against most killers. Even with good regression perks, you'll be surprised that you can actually finish gen even before anyone dies. If ruin is an issue because of mending, bring small game, spend some time finding and cleaning it even if this provides 1-2 more hooks for the killer. I don't know what else I can say other than praying for decent teammates and having good game sense and knowledge.

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