Head-On should be disabled and redesigned

Notretsam Member Posts: 129

Head-on is simply very abusable by survivors and specifically SWF's.

I truly believe it wasn't attended to be used in the way survivors are using it, it was meant as a last-ditch effort to extend a chase with a killer, survivor runs into a locker and stuns the killer.

Sadly, there are people who think it fun to have a friend run them to the front of the locker and then boom, you get head-on by a survivor that there is no way to know they're there.

Today, I was playing my first matches with Pig, I got Badham Preschool IV in the 3rd match, a rough map for most killers but especially Pig. I get a hook pretty quickly with a nice mind game and then gen pops, all of a sudden alerts are popping constantly at the house. I know from past experience I can't ignore it as they just constantly do it, so I go up to look.

It's the 2 rooms with the pallet and the lockers there, nothing I can do but go past the lockers, I assume they are still in the locker and then boom, head-on. I'm like OK, I go to chase after them but to my surprise, the other 2 survivors are in lockers as well and all have head-on.

Of course, I'm going chase after the survivor and there is no way I would think all 3 survivors be in the locker when 4th survivor is on a hook. I also didn't think anyone would be so childish and do this, I had people before running me into a locker where their friend is but never had it to this extreme before.

This is why Head-On should be disabled and redesigned in a way it can't be abused by childish players.

I suggest changing it to "Lock-In", it's similar to Lucky Break that it works for a specific duration but a survivor can jump into a locker, and that locker can not be opened by the killer or another survivor until it runs out, once it runs out, the perk is disabled for rest of match. The killer can wait it out or at least some of it but survivors can waste more of the killer's time with it, could come in clutch in the end game but it's not abusable like Head-On is.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    really? bait it out? how can I do that when I don't know they're there? I can bait it out after I know they're using that perk and what type of survivors they are.

    I stand by what I said and your reply proves my point on why head-on needs to be disabled

    as for dc'ing, I dc if I want to and I will always DC against people who are just not fun to play in a match with.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    These sorts of matches are free wins.

  • Key
    Key Member Posts: 37

    I get what you’re saying. That can be annoying to keep getting stunned for no apparent reason. However, I don’t like it should be changed. I would have just blocked/reported those players

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Dang survivors... using a perk well. Better disable it because... its unfair.

    DBD is the only game ever created where the community gets upset because people play well.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    This takes the game way too seriously excuse in this community is weird to me, I don't take the game seriously, I take the way people interact with each other in a game seriously and we all should. Being kind to others doesn't just end when you log in to a game and using Head-On in the way it is being used is not fun for the person playing killer, that is a fact and its meant to be fun for everyone in the match, not just one side.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    lol if you think using head-on is a skill, then that is hilarious to me as there is no skill in using Head-On, you wait for a killer to go past a locker they don't know you in and rush out to stun them.

    Yup, that is as skilful as a survivor blinding you at a pallet when you are stuck in animation breaking pallet, this was sarcasm encase it not clear :)

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Exactly. You can bait it out once you know it's there. Don't act like the victim when you can definitely bait it out after discovering it. Quit being a little baby about it. While I do respect your decision to dc if the match isn't fun and I stand by that since I've had crappy games when I first woke up and didn't want to put up with that, you're accusing of all perks bloody head-on as abusable.


  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    They're being kind enough to hand you over a free win. You're just too stubborn to realize it.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    Everyone is free to play however they want as long as it brings them joy - and everyone is free to stop playing when they don't enjoy themselves enough to continue playing. There is not one prescribed way to play this game, so sometimes what is fun to some people in a match isn't fun to others. Happens. If it bothers you so much that you dc and move on to the next match; that's okay. But four survivors using head on and coordinating it, is just as okay.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Yes... it is. If it wasn't you would be grabbed by the killer. Or you would never get a chance to hit them with it. Being able do that is uncountably skilful. What perks would you consider skilful?

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    They were goofying around, you never mentioned them BMing. And no, using Head On is not BM. I was in the same situation you described, I decided to play along and we all had a lot of fun, so no, yours is not a fact.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129
    edited April 2022

    doesn't matter what perks I consider skilful, this is about head-on and it doesn't require skill but more importantly, it's an abusable perk that survivors use to bully killers, it should be disabled and redesigned as its meant to be fun for everyone.

    that is generally true what you say, everyone does have a different definition of what is fun for them but clearly, head-on is not fun in how it's used. Personally, I play in a way that I believe is fun for everyone and I think head-on takes the fun out of a match for killers, so therefore it needs to be redesigned into something that is less abusable.

    the fact you played along with it tells me you be a survivor who would use head-on in an abusable way and confirms that Head-On needs to be disabled and redesigned, you may be fine with it but that doesn't mean every player in-game should be fine with it and they aren't.

    The game is meant to be fun for everyone and how Head-On is being used is not fun for most killers, also, my suggested Lock-In perk is actually stronger than head-on as it is more guaranteed.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    "The game is meant to be fun for everyone and how Head-On is being used is not fun for most killers, also, my suggested Lock-In perk is actually stronger than head-on as it is more guaranteed."

    "The game is meant to be fun for everyone" - As I said, while the game's primary purpose is to be fun - there is not one single way in which it can be fun. Thus, there are inevitably situations where it's not always fun for everyone. People who find themselves in such a situation can stick it out or decide to leave one way or the other - and whatever they choose: it's their right to do so.

    "Is being used" - That implies this is the standard way of using the perk, which it isn't. It can be used this way in certain situations. But most mechanics can be used in a way that may be unfun to some players in certain situations. Removing content based on a potential to be unfun in certain situations for some people would result in dbd not having any content beyond W and M1. -- If anything, the locker placement on some maps could be adjusted to allow a killer, who would be forced to get head-on stunned (/fears they may get head-on-stunned) because the map doesn't allow for anything else, to simply take a different route and not walk right in front of a locker if they don't want to.

    "My suggested lock-in perk is stronger" - No. It is buying a finite amount of time a single time (=hook inevitable). Stunning the killer with head-on has the potential to escape the killer (=hook may be avoided). None of the exhaustion perks are about guarantees; if pulled off skillfully they have the potential to buy a lot of time by significantly delaying/extending chase and/or allowing a survivor to escape the chase altogether.

  • HexDaddyissues
    HexDaddyissues Member Posts: 328

    okay ill limit my response two two outbursts

    attended SHOULD mean INTENDED

    using a perk the way it supposed to be used is not abuse or toxicity or anything. YOU just need to get better at being killer

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,859

    The problem here is, like in many cases, swf

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    The only problem is the GenRush and the Boons.

    Head on is no problem at all.

    Stop crying for Head on.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    First of your definition of abuse is extremely loose. You could call just about call anything abuse. So let's give it a definition.

    Abuse is to use a perk, not as intended. A perfect example is boil over, with the RPD library.

    So what was intended use of head on. Well its to stun the killer. The merit of this is too either A save yourself or B save a teammate. Your situation involved survivors luring you to lockers too then hit you with head on. Thus saving them from you. Not abuse is it? Secondly is it too strong? Well its a 3 second stun and can be baited out (if you don't know how I suggest you watch some killer tutorials. so not exactly strong is it? Lastly just because you struggle as killer, does not make everting automatically abuse.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    who said I struggle as a killer? no-one, I just didn't want to waste time with survivors who clearly put their own need for fun ahead of mine

    I will give you that yeah, the head-on perk was also designed to assist a friend who is being chased, that is a fair point. however, we both know that is not how it is being used, we both know survivors will continually try to do it to the killer over and over again. This is where the abusing the perk comes in, instead of using that 3-second stun to leave, they will continually stay near the lockers and try again and again, instead of taking the save and getting back to gens.

    Yes, you can bait it out once you know what type of survivors they are and it does help you, as they not doing gens. however, some people are really good at it, and I had 3 survivors all using head-on in an SWF and this was with the 4th teammate on a hook, this was a malicious attempt by them to abuse me for their own entertainment. I'm sure they do it too many other killers as well and there not the only ones in-game to do it. There are a lot of survivors who do this and every single time it's not fun for the killer, as I always say, it's meant to be fun for everyone.

    This is why Head-On should be disabled and redesigned into something that can't be abused.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,621

    Head-on is pretty fine the way it is.

    Do you realize it's an exhaustion perk?

    Do you know what it means when survivors have it?

    It's DH and SB free paradise.

  • Pralinchen
    Pralinchen Member Posts: 7

    Well, it's a game and not all perks are only there to play 100% serious. Of course the players want to have fun and Head-On is one of the perks that can be used like that.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    I'm aware it's an exhaustion perk but it does nothing really to put people off, never used it personally and never will.

    Most of the time multiple survivors have it, so if one head-on is disabled, their friend's one is enabled.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    You should atleast try to use it? Idk, maybe your opinion would change or something.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    nope, I already know everything I need to know about it by how survivors use the perk which is in no way how I would use it

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,951

    I think Head On is one of the best perks in the game - its in my regular build along with Deception.

    If all 4 survivors used it in your scenario, that means all 4 survivors are also exhausted, and that also means there's no Dead Hard or Sprint Burst gamers...

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2022

    It's a stupid troll perk but when I see someone use it I'm just happy it's not a Dead Hard instead. It's fine. You'll learn to deal with it. Remember it causes Exhaustion so they can't spam it and they have nothing to extend chase after using it. And if they use it in chase you can bait it out.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    If survivors are locker spamming they're not saving or doing gens, then they waste their perk for a meme and have no sprint burst, dead hard or whatever to help them in chase, it's a free win for you..

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129
    edited May 2022

    no, it's not, it's accepting that the perk isn't fun for killers and therefore refusing to use something that I know isn't fun for everyone again.

    good for you, glad you enjoy using it but not everyone does especially when many players abuse it.

    also, I much prefer they use sprint burst and dead hard, as there is no malicious intent when using they perks.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    May your killer games be full of Head Ons, Blast Mines, and Flashbangs. See you in the fog!

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Then, I'm curious. How would you use it.

    (Also, if we disabled/changed every perk that is not fun for either side, that would be like half of the perks in some way)

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    why do you keep asking about how I would use something I have clearly stated I would never use because its abusable and not fun for killer, I already stated that a number of times.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    When you said Head-On in your title and asked for it to be Redesigned, I was assuming you mean it needed a buff, which is does need a buff. I would say a 5 second stun instead of a 3 second stun.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    which is in no way how I would use it

    which is in no way how I would use it


    Y-you stated that. So I'm just curious on how you would actually use it.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129
    edited May 2022

    I use it by not using it which I think is clear by the many posts I made regarding how abusable this perk is and no one has proved me wrong regarding that. I also mentioned in my first post what I thought was the purpose of the Head-On perk, and that was a last gasp effort to extend the chase by jumping into a locker and stunning the killer, not to have a friend run the killer into the locker your waiting in, and then trying to do this over and over again.

    Personally, I prefer running load-outs like No Mither, Tenacity, Spine Chill and Resilience because that is fun. Also, I get the added bonus of it doesn't ruin the killer's fun, unlike Head-On.

    Head-On should be disabled and redesigned into a perk that is less abusable, however, not to worry, I highly doubt it will be changed but it should. SBMM isn't the only reason why steam stats are going down, the way community is to each other is part of it as well I'm sure.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    It's definitely not a super hard to counter perk. It's there for it's purpose and it works. If players team up against you with it. There probably purposefully doing it.

    Otherwise it's just there to be slightly annoying.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Something like that happened to me when I was still baby killer and survivors just continued stunning me with head on and worst part was I never catched them. It was mostly 2 survivors doing it and other 2 doing gens and sometimes stunning me but I eventually got those but the other ones who stunned me whole game escaped.

  • Mint_
    Mint_ Member Posts: 52

    someone got stunned one to many times.

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    The author, you can not say this, you can not advance the argument that Head On, is not friendly killer, so survival you're not using.

     That does not even make sense to think that way.

     In this case if you survive cheeks gives you the killer of the start of the game if you think like that.

     Or do not come at all in survival if you think of how the killer is going to feel.

     This game is not thought to be systematically fun.

     In fact it is not based fun, although one can find pleasure in hunting and loop.