Bubba Anti-Camping & Tunneling Nerf

Even with Borrowed Time, Bubba can face-camp and tunnel players with his chainsaw. So, what if hitting a survivor with the Enduring status effect put his chainsaw into the animation that occurs when he hits a wall? Like if it jammed his chainsaw. I think that would be fair.
Personally to me, he and all other killers shouldn’t be able to use non-mobile powers within 12m of a hooked survivor. Only exceptions being with basement hooks and after the fifth gen is popped. Camp and tunnel that.
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Have you considered the answer to reducing camping in a healthy way is to buff not doing so instead of incentivizing people just hook diving in his face?
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Nah this would only mean you could use other endurance effects to Stopp his power. The medkit addon for example could be used to just block his power. And bt already gets falsely used as a weapon to block Attacks even when the killer wants the other survivor.
So in your world I could have bt run up to the hook the second someone gets hooked bait the hit cause the grab Mechanik is crap unhook and use the unhooked guy as a shield for the chainsaw. Then the killer has a bit tantrum can't move and we get away at the cost of maybe one health state and that bubba wasn't even camping.
Don't get me wrong they need to Adress camping but like you see its not that easy because in tests survivor already have proven that they need no time to find a way to abuse the Mechanik if there is a way and that's why they need so long to work on something
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I've had a suggestion a while back to not be able to be downed immediately after it triggering, for lets say a regular killer hit cooldown.
That way at least there is a chance the speedboost will get you somewhere where you can start looping.
And yeah, it would also affect something like STBFL so maybe BT would just give an additional effect for iFrames, not having Endrance have that effect by default.
Then again, the Artist cannot create birds close to hooks even if aiming at far away Gens. Similarly Bubba could be unable to rev the chainsaw when close to a hooked survivor and starting after the unhook should leave enough time for at least one to get away. This could however get in the way of "legit" chases, so I'd much rather prefer a short invulnerability after triggering BT, not being able to tank hits or bodyblock, but just not get hit again immediately after, just enough to not get instantly doublechainsawed
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There is no viable solution for the killers to stop them from camping.
By viable I mean that there is no idea that reduces drastically the campsite and that does not penalize the killer to the point that just stops playing.
Because your ideas will just discourage killers simply be "killers".
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Yeah maybe it's the best to change bt to have Iframes like DH that would boost the perk massive for what it's designed for and at the same time gets rid of people using it aggressive and then rage because "tunnel"