Should certain offerings be removed?

Like the mist or shroud offerings. They're pointless and just take up space in the bloodweb, making you spend more bloodpoints on stuff you're never gonna use.


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,675

    Mist offerings are worthless. Get rid of them.

    Any BP offerings below 100% should be converted to 100%.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Bloodpoint offerings should definitely be made better. You have to nearly score perfectly in a category to recoup the costs of brown bp offerings. The mist offerings can literally help the killer sometimes. They probably should just get rid of the brown bp offerings and just increase the chance of escape cakes appearing on the blood web.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    I'd like them to buff mist offerings and include weather offerings. THat'd be fun.


    If changing 1 perk breaks their game, I don't even want to imagine what would happen if they attempted to include weather offerings. The game would break into oblivion.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    A lot of pointless offerings should be removed or at least pruned and others should have their costs reduced, luck offerings are useless, mist offerings are mostly useless too, coin offerings shouldnt be purple, map offerings should be merged (make one for indoor maps and merge RPD, Lery, Midwich and The Game offerings), shrouds should get changed alltogether etc.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    They spoke about changing the common bp add ons as they weren't worth the cost to reward ratio. Another of bhvrs broken promises.

    I agree, the mist offerings are pointless as are the hook spawns unless four people use them.

    The shrouds are ridiculous and only benefit swf. Why would you want all 4 to start together?

    Finally the one that starts you furthest from the killer is stupid, it buys maybe 5 or 10 more seconds before they get to you if no one else is found. If they have ruin, it makes it even more pointless.

  • Ula
    Ula Member Posts: 276

    I'm part of these who thinks map offerings should go away. It's even quite ridiculous how a swf can guarantee to choose their map (using 4 time the same map offering). I agree it's so rare I've never seen it happening, but the fact it's a thing blows my mind.

    I don't mind the hook offerings. They can either stay or go away. By the way, they forgot these offerings for the "we change all ambiguous effect with numbers": the putrid oak is still "considerably decrease the distance ..." I only noticed this now.

    They spoke about changing the common bp add ons as they weren't worth the cost to reward ratio. Another of bhvrs broken promises.

    Wasn't that like 1 year ago? lol

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Remove the blueprints, reagents (mist offerings), and any BP offering that's below 100%.

    Shrouds are fine imo (I use Vigo's Shroud occasionally), but the Shroud Of Separation and Shroud Of Binding should be switched to the opposite roles (Shroud Of Binding for killer and Shroud Of Separation for survivor).

  • Archive512
    Archive512 Member Posts: 150

    maybe give players a way to 'burn' offerings for BP or something. ive had blueprints and mist offerings in my offerings list for ages and never use them. or possibly a way to trade up offerings, so you could turn 5-10 brown offerings into a yellow, then to green, then to purple? kinda like the CSGO trade up system.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197
    edited May 2022

    Make all green BP offerings apply to the whole team, just like a letter/party streamers, but specific to a category.

    e.g. Party Streamers = 100% to all categories, and Envelope = 25% to all categories, while the other four greens are 100% per category, for all survivors.

    Then make all yellows 100% individual (Cake = all categories, envelope = 25% all categories, and the rest 100% per category) and all browns 50%.

    Killer BP offerings, just get rid of the browns entirely. If this messes up with bloodweb distribution, then replace them with 'free nodes' that don't cost BP to activate.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451
    edited May 2022

    Unless they're potato survivors...they'd be scared ######### less all alone with the big bad killer running rampant 😂

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,952

    i dont think anything should be removing but i think they should be reworked

    like mention before the shroud of separation and binding should be usable by their opposite side.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,316

    Certainly. Far too many offerings and far too many that do practically nothing. Plus green is really stacked since every map offering is green rarity.

    To start:

    Move the higher rarity bp offerings down and remove the current uncommon and common ones so bp offerings are cheaper and give more for their value.

    The mist offerings need to be changed to something else at this point, because fog has practically been removed.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 5,992

    Luck offerings, fog offerings, and individual category bloodpoint offerings are all pointless. Also what others have said about shrouds of separation/binding benefitting the wrong side. Scratched/cut coins are also pretty unattractive for killers, as chests are a diversion for the survivor objective and there's only a few circumstances where you wouldn't want survivors rooting around in chests (the old bug where everyone was getting Plunderer's Instinct level items and keys were everywhere, maybe if you're Hag and you're allergic to the idea of a flashlight.)

    It's a shame, because I feel like without these things, we'd be pretty low on offerings. I like the concept of variety - it's just that there really aren't an awful lot of offerings that are ever worth using.

    I wouldn't be opposed to keeping Vigo's Jar of Salty Lips and Murky/Clear Reagent and then nuking every other fog and luck offering - that way, their occasional users can still access them, but their less effective variants aren't around to cause clutter. The individual bloodpoint category offerings could be fixed by just fixing the price/reward ratio, though I do like the earlier suggestion of making them apply to the team.