Why are the maps so dark on ps4 ? Is it ment to be or needs fixing do most maps seem dark on pc?
Thanks^^^^^^ it never was this bad be for for me on Ps4
It seems to get worse every update and definitely causes me problems seeing things, compounded by my colour blindness. I also play on PS4.
PC a lot of people use filters to make the game easier to see which is why less complaints come from those users.
Switch is absolutely ridiculous how dark it is as well.
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I got the game on PS5 and immediately uninstalled after a few games because it was unacceptably dark.
It's brighter on PC because we have 3rd oarty graphics options (the horror, BHVR! The horror!)
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It's insanely dark. I have to change my TV setting and even then it barely brightness the maps. I often get stuck on the new Haddonfield map because I can't even register that there's a fence or bush in front of me. And Springwood? Forget it. I just afk until the match is over.
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Thanks all
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I think the game is overall a bit too dark personally, I always play with my brightness turned up a notch so I can actually see what I’m doing on some maps.
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Thanks all for the replys tv turn all up on brightness but still to dark with killer shadow born helps still dark though to dark
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I believe people were complaining about this when the Autoheaven rework dropped. But they refuse to do ANYTHING about it.