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Can you please bring the old Haddonfield back as Lampkin Lane I and make the new one Lampkin Lane II

AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232

So many other realms have multiple maps (or map versions) such as Springwood/Badham, Autohaven/Azarov, Coldwind, MacMillan Backwater Swamp, Red Forest, Yamaoka Estate, and Crotus Penn. In almost every case, each realm has a map (or multiple maps) that favor the killer and a map(s) that favor(s) survivors. Why can't this be the case for Haddonfield/Lampkin Lane as well? The new reworked map clearly favors killers and the old version favored survivors more, but good killer matches were still possible on it.

Can you please re-add the old map back to the rotation of maps in the game as Lampkin Lane I and make the reworked map Lampkin Lane II? BHVR already put in effort to create the old version and for sure it's backed up on their servers, so what would be the problem of adding it to the rotation so that both versions of Haddonfield would be in play when the Strode Key offering is used or when that realm happens to randomly get chosen by the game?

Please consider this. I dislike the new map a lot as many others I know do, and it would be a lot more bearable to know that the old map would still be playable. Maybe fix one or 2 of the bad anti-killer loops on it, but keep the visuals and the rest the same. Maybe add in a breakable wall here or there and even breakable trees or fence areas to shorten loops.

I can't be the only one who wants the more survivor-friendly Haddonfield back so that realm would be like others and have both, survivor & killer favoring versions.

I created a straw poll for this:


  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232

    I know from my own matches and statistics I've seen from watching streamers who play solely DBD that the reworked map far favors killer with how far you can see compared to other maps. And that's without your usual tunneling or camping killer with the likelihood of surviving the new map. The majority of matches I've played and seen that weren't 4Ks for killers only had 1 or 2 survivors. And with the crappy new MMR that keeps matching me in the solo queue with beginner players who keep letting me die on 1st or 2nd hook, having just the reworked map is a big liability.

    I play both survivor and killer about evenly, and as one who plays both, I don't think there's any issue having both in the game. Players who are good enough as killer have had very good matches on the old map. By your logic, they should remove all but 1 of the Badham/Springwood maps.

    I do agree that we need more maps that have positives and negatives for both sides, but the reworked Haddonfield is not one of them. For me, it's the worst of 2 worlds---has the wide open dead spots where the killer has tons of visibility that ruin survivor matches (especially against a Legion or Huntress) and for killer it has the houses where you can down survivors and have no chance of hooking them unless you waste 1-2 perk slots for Iron Grasp and Agitation. I thought Hawkins was one of the best maps that had elements that were good for both (great potential for good & bad matches as both killer & survivor) but that one's gone.

  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232

    No that's not what I'm doing. I had good & bad matches on the old map as well. The new map is built to make survivors lose & is frustrating for killers too inside houses.

  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2022

    You either don't play survivor or play as part of a SWF team then. What I described is the shittiest form of balanced, where it has stuff that both sides hate rather than playing on things that are fun for both survivor & killer. Having wide open spaces is not fun for me as killer because it's boring and presents no challenge. Michael Myers whose map/realm this is can't even get proper use out of his Vanity or Scratched Mirror add-ons on his own damn map due to those wide open spaces, and even inside the houses his slow speed really kills of any advantage he has with Scratched Mirror once the survivors get outside and his terror radius giving him away for Vanity. Not to mention that it looks less like Haddonfield than the old map did. The only nice touch is the detached laundry room where Annie in the original film gets caught in the window being added, but that addition is just not worth all the cons.

    I'm beyond fed up with the new map and the trend of no-skill lazy bum killers who tunnel and/or camp from the very start of the match to the very end, which is the majority of the killers I face these days (the good skilled ones who don't resort to that are now the exception). Add onto that the fact that they altered the MMR so that if you don't SWF, i.e. you mainly or solely play the solo queue, you're 90% getting teamed up with beginners (yes as a Red I rank that's who I'm getting teamed with for the past month since the change in matchmaking happened), and it's a shitshow. At least if they had the old map as an alternative so that matches in that realm could occur in either one, it would help make it more tolerable. At this rate, every time I get this map, I will just let myself die and get the match over with ASAP because it's gotten to the point where it's disgusting and not fun when either me or a teammate gets tunneled from the start or left to die on 1st or 2nd hook, or worst yet both of the above. I'll do the same with Legion, who was already a pain in the ass before & is now impossible to deal with, especially against a tunneler Legion, but that's another topic.

    As I write this, I just now had a match on the reworked map against a Ghostface who tunneled a fellow teammate while proxy camping and then came after me where I died on 1st hook. Screw this game if this is how things are and players who don't experience this ######### don't want any alternatives. Had this game been like this 5-6 years ago, it would've been long dead. It's already slowly dying now.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    I'm a 90% killer main and only play survivor in Solo queue for tome and dailies.

    I like this map. Sure I lose when my teammates or myself are less skilled than our killer, but I don't feel like it's the map's fault. I don't feel like I lack resources or that I didn't have a chance.

    Maybe it's just me. I'm sorry you aren't enjoying yourself, but the old Haddonfield was truly just awful and unfair beyond redemption.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    There's a difference between killer sided and not as survivor sided. Most of the maps favour the survivor role so a map not favoring survivors as much as the Game, Eyrie, Fractured Cowshed, etc could seem killer sided to people who mainly play just survivor when it's just a more balanced map overall.

    So, no to Old Haddonfield. Let it live on only in the memories of the flashlight bully squads. If BHVR is going to bring back an old map I want a reskinned Hawkins; not the terrible layout of Old Haddonfield.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804
    edited May 2022

    Old Lampkin Lane was a crime against game design, and imo was one extra loop away from being a full blown crime against humanity. the new version has it’s problems but it is beyond fantastic in comparison to the mess that was it’s old incarnation

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Turn old Hawkins into a Haddonfield Hospital for Myers and I'd be down for that

  • Ath4nat0s
    Ath4nat0s Member Posts: 77

    So you can abuse balanced landing with the 4 god houses and the house of pain?


  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    When you've been catered to for so long, equality feels like oppression

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    You honestly want a return of The Great Wall of Haddonfield and the original House of Pain and call that balanced? Well, I suppose if you define "balanced" as "best map for Balanced Landing abuse after the Artist's map" that's true.

    Seriously though, old Haddonfield was an atrocious map and the new one is a well balanced one with strengths and weaknesses for both killers and survivors.

    I find it telling that the examples you gave of unbalanced play involved camping and tunnelling (both legitimate strategies as confirmed by the devs and validated by the MMR rules how only kills matter for the killer) plus MMR matchmaking issues and not the actual map itself.

  • GillyBeannn
    GillyBeannn Member Posts: 554

    Old Haddonfield is visually outdated and unbalanced, As much as I'm kinda missing it myself, no it should not come back.