So when is the Nurse Rework for Addons going to happen?

Most of her addons do more harm than good to help her base kit. I feel that she could use some real love to her addons like what they have done to Legion and Ghostface.
Never : her add-ons are fine.
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I do not think we need to make Nurse stronger.
I hope this is not an unpopular opinion.
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Why do you say that?
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I wasn't necessarily saying that to make her stronger but more fun.
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She doesn't need it
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There are already a few long discussions about this, probably still in the first few pages of the forum.
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All I see is complaints about her Omega Blinks being back.
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Please tell me how so?
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Yeah... Let's not buff strongest killer in game. She should not has any strong add-on.
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Here, I was wondering when we'd see another "nurse's addons are too strong, help, it's not fair!" topic pop up.
Wouldn't it be funny if, every time such a topic appeared, we posted one like "Survivors can't play against the nurse, help, it's not fair!" 😉
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Just 3-Blink and range need to see themselves out. Her other add-ons are fine.
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The three blinks are worthless since it actually hurts her more than helps.
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Not sure if you read my message or other comments. Or I'm just confused about what you said. 🤔
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I never said buff her addons just changed them. Maybe for more wacky game play.
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didn't they change it so 3 blinks gives her "-recharge speed" instead of "can't blink through walls"? if you run "+recharge speed" there's not really any downside
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Yes, but at most the recharge addons will reduce the recharge rate to 30% if combined with the extra blink addon. Plus it will take up to 11 seconds to fully recharge all blinks if used at once.
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If anything they should nerf range, recharge and triple blink
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Basically the only addons that allow her to compete against good teams?
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You mean the only add ons that remove her counterplay? Yes those ones
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What's the counterplay for 4 man swf on coms that are dead set on winning against legion?
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Kavanagh’s Last Breath/Heavy Panting and Torn Bookmark are the only problematic add-ons. Large maps also need a size reduction however, and stuff like survivor spawn locations/tile RNG needs some improvements as well. In general, Nurse by basekit covers overall ground around the same speed as a 115% walking the same distance.
Recharge add-ons are fine and a non-issue.
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Irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Anyway balancing playing with friends/comms is a lot harder then some add on changes
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Then leave the only killer that has a sliver of a chance against them alone. they deserver each other at high mmr. SWF don't deserve diversity in killers if they want to try hard while running on full easy mode.
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Yes a buff, exactly what Nurse needs...
Dont you people realize as long as current Nurse is in the game the Killers will never receive any meaningful base buff? She also deters the appearance of stronger perks.
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Which is why new strong perks have come out that are good or amazing on her, as well as perks like Hex: Retribution getting a significant buff which is even stronger on her. Yep. Also, killers don't really need a universal base buff in the first place beyond maybe base regression not being so useless.
I wish people would actually give evidence instead of saying random nonsensical make-believe statements.
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Retribution is still a weak perk, with the buff is not useless anymore but isnt amazing for Nurse or for anyone also any strong perk released that doesnt deal with pallets and windows is orders of magnitude stronger on Nurse because her basekit is esentially broken, also take on account wathever they released from Cenobite onwards still has to pass the period of grace before they start changing them, they dont change perks until some months have passed unless there is a real problem with them and I believe certain perk combos are going to get tweaked in the near future.
As you said "Killers may need better base regression" not gonna happen in a meaningful way when you have such disparity between Killers, Nurse being the worst offender, you can hope for more stuff like Call of Brine but base strong buffs? forget it, there hasnt be many of those in a very long time, most of what Killers are getting are either individual buffs, some perk reworks and nerfs to things Nurse already ignores like vaults, pallet distribution/density and stuff like that.
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Hmm, what’s that? Oh, that’s the goalposts moving off into the distance. You are completely wrong on Retribution. And I don’t know why we’re going off theoretically with no proof as to future changes when the perks as is are incredibly good. Universal strong buffs aren’t needed for any killer.
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I wouldn't say that. Addons are supposed to power up a killer for the most part. Or change the gameplay a bit. With the more bp the stronger then addon (which ironically never happens) but just because nurses basekit is strong doesn't mean all her addons should be memey or a detriment. That works against the concept of addons. To power up certain parts of a killer.
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Well you are one of the few people on this forum who actually thinks universal buffs are not needed but thats not the majority as we can read new "buff gen regression" "nerf most Survivor perks" and other similar threads which are very well received by a lot of people here almost daily.
About the goalposting, well I talked about giving Nurse more buffs which isnt needed and even counterproductive because the stronger she is the harder it is to balance the game, then you appeared and started talking about Retribution and perks but sure, it was me the one moving goalposts and changing the subject... wathever you say pal...
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Majority thinking something doesn’t mean it’s true. Also you are the one that pulled a nonsensical claim out of nowhere that Nurse holds back balance and perks which is completely false. I also don’t think she needs buffs. But your earlier point is still blatantly a lie. Maybe don’t get upset when you get called out for making baseless statements and then saying that doesn’t count when someone disproves it.
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Im not upset and anything that anyone says here that isnt either a direct citation of BHVR workers or talking about something thats happened on the past its obviusly an opinion, did I literally wrote "this is a fact 100%" before writing my post? why are you insinuating I was stating a fact and not an opinion? Do we have to write "Disclaimer: subjective opinion" before any post?
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Her terrible addons should get reworked but they still shouldn’t have very strong effects. And she still needs some of her good addons nerfed regardless.
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For other killers yes, you are right. For Nurse? No. Her base-kit is already strongest than all killers. If they rework Nurse and change her power, alright. But with current power she can not have strong add-ons.
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I'm sorry, there are so many topics coming from people wanting to nerf the nanny, these days, that I answered completely off the mark...🤔
I'm sorry about that, my apologies! 😥
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more harm lol literally most of her addons make her borderline... borderline? overpowered actually, more than she already is without them. distance should be goners as double recharge aswell those addons shouldnt exist, the creation of the third blink actually surprised me it was like they never learned ANYTHING in 6 years (What a surprise). the counterplay is alrrady minimal, with those addons is directly non existent.
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Having addons to compete with Range or Recharge is a badthing?
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She needs her addons nerfed, and she needs to get reworked.
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Just because most survivors don't make the effort to learn how to counteract the nurse doesn't mean that the nanny "has to be nerfed", right.
Instead of always complaining that the evil nurse is way too strong (when in fact she isn't), come up with ideas to improve/optimize some of her add-ons that aren't really that great 😁
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Most of her addons are fine
Her range addons and 3-blink addon are not
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I get the others but recharge? If anything I'd make double recharge base kit and delete her other stronger add ons.
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Not really removing counterplay but since nurse’s power is so strong missing it should come with a big punishment. Recharge essentially removes the nerf they gave her during the same patch
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It's like giving Survivors a perk to compete with DH.
The issue is that DH is so busted that any perk that even comes close is going to be absolutely insane (launch CoH).
Same thing with Nurse add-ons.
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do u really believe that? because what i say is what everyone says, her distance addons are dumb, and her recharge addons are very strong, the counterplay is make distance with some gimmicks tahty may or may not work, but is impossible even if she messes up when she has distance, because she can cut all that distance cause extra range, so i messed up?= doesnt matter the extra range will clean that mistake and can do it all game A LOT of times, as many as needed unlike dead hard for example, only 1 per chase, not as many till u go down. so why dont you try better?.
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The extra range does nothing of the sort.
If a Nurse manages to get to you using the extra distance of the first blink range, given the time it takes to charge, given how clearly it announces itself, given how much additional precision is required and given you had all that distance to escape her tracking then it's entirely on you. Stop being so predictable and pay attention to her hand. (Or do you expect to win against high skill without doing the bare minimum?)
You could also try to play the Nurse, win a lot of games (soooo easy, right?) and see how actually good survivors are cleaning the floor with you, addon or not.
Strangely only one poster here seem to have followed that advice so far. Probably because it requires quite some work and complaining is easier than getting good.
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I think she should have an addon where if she blinks through the survivor it inflicts damage.
She can still basic attack as normal after a blink as an additional attack or a primary attack if she wiffs the blink.
To balance this, I think she should have her movement speed lowered by 0.2 m/s.
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Nurse does just fine against SWF’s without them anyway. All they do is make bad nurses have a much easier time since it gets rid of her already little counterplay
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I don't understand this train of thought. A legion is probably not going to win against a sweaty 4man therefore nurse should have busted add-ons so the killer can...switch to her mid-match?
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usable addons are only few out of dozens, but thing is unlike many other killers she does work as is.
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SWFs does just fine against fully stacked addon nurse anyway though, what is your problem?
If you gonna think about best of best nurse, opponent should be also best of best SWFs.