Hackers and You don't Care

SwampDaddy Member Posts: 128

I just got out of a match with 4 survivors who were popping around, not being downed or injured. Then they would get injured or downed and then heal in seconds. I would be facing up or away and they would blind me and I would be blinded for a very long time.

One of the survivors had this lit up pathway following them when they ran. I took a couple screenshots, but i couldn't get them to paste when I opened up paint, so I lost my proof.

Post-Match, they were being super toxic and taunting me and calling me names. They were laughing because they KNEW that nothing would happen to them. One of the players, Lyrically, even said in chat "I'm one of the hackers".

Why do game devs want us to keep giving them time and money when they don't even care about the disgusting toxicity that some of these players bring? Everyone just shrugs it off because they know the game devs don't care.

