

Who has the strongest anti-loop?

Member Posts: 30

This poll is only voted based on the anti-loop part of their kit, disregarding any other aspects.

Who has the strongest anti-loop? 79 votes

The Artist
55 votes
The Cenobite
1 vote
The Executioner
11 votes
The Nemesis
5 votes
The Deathslinger
2 votes
The Trickster
The Nightmare
1 vote
The Clown
3 votes
The Pig
The Legion?
1 vote

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  • Member Posts: 517
    The Artist

    I had a tough time deciding between Artist and PH but I do think Artist takes the cake here. If the PH is not good or great (and if you have good reflexes), you can still loop them. If an Artist is halfway decent, there's a 99% chance you are gunna die if you attempt to loop

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    The Artist

    The best anti-looper is actually Nurse, but I guess of the ones in the poll maybe Artist is the best at shutting down a loop? It’s close though, some of the others are quite good at it too.

  • Member Posts: 854
    The Artist

    The Artist by a country mile, as the crow flies.

  • Member Posts: 1,716
    The Executioner

    Executioner's Anti-Loop goes through barriers, and is a lot less clunky than The Artist's Anti Loop.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    Why is Legion on this list but Nurse isn't?

    She is the definition of anti loop, ignoring away everything Survivors have to extend chases. She is, by far, Dead by Daylights best anti loop Killer.

  • Member Posts: 326
    The Artist

    I've never seen a killer I hate more than Artist. My blood boils every time I see one. Loops are absolutely useless against her. Why did I spend 1,700 hours trying to learn to loop and play well, when she just ignores all of it? I really don't like it at all. Anti-Loop is fine, but make it reasonable.

  • Member Posts: 5,247
    The Artist

    Her power is effectively Trapper/Hag levels of loop denial on steroids

    Her cooldown after launching a crow is short enough that she can also land a follow up hit really quickly. Even faster with a yellow addon

  • Member Posts: 2,513
    The Artist

    Trapper, since he shuts down loops better than anyone else.

  • Member Posts: 167
    The Artist

    Usually when I play against artist when playing survivor and I see her placing up those crows while I’m looping her I have to run away to a different loop which will give her a free hit on me 50% of the time, she shuts down loops really good.

    She can be annoying to go against, especially going against a good artist.

  • Member Posts: 142
    The Artist

    As it should be 😌 I love breaking you loopers yall piss me off. Infinite loop I think not lmao get wrecked🤣 she was my favorite main because of this now im on sadako but when I would get a lot of loopers I would go back to the artist and feel better again✨️

  • Member Posts: 326
    The Artist

    "You loopers"? What choice do I have? Die? There's no other way to avoid getting downed. I don't LIKE looping. I don't like getting chased, I like rat plays and stealth, but stealth can only get you so far. If every strong killer is going to be anti-loop, we need an alternative way to defend ourselves that's actually viable.

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    The Nemesis

    A lot of people here are saying the Artist, which is somewhat correct.

    Artist can use her lil birbs to shut down a loop so thoroughly that it forces survivors to move on to the next one.

    However, once this happens - the survivor, more often than not, makes it to the next tile without having to throw a pallet or use their Dead Hard.

    Her anti-loop is incredibly strong, but it also takes time - and is particularly slow to set up.

    If you're at a short wall loop with a pallet between, and you start putting crows down facing either side - the survivor is just going to make a run for it while they see you setting up.

    It's super strong, but it's not particularly effective against educated survivors.

    It keeps them from looping by holding a giant sign that says "Hold W".

    Cenobite, Clown, Nightmare - these people have slowdown that makes the distance game a lot harder for survivors - which is particularly effective, but it can often fail to bear teeth in certain loops, especially when survivors decide to play safe. These killers are less about shutting down tiles as much as punishing survivors for not playing around safe pallets as best they can.

    Trickster, Huntress, Deathslinger, Plague, Executioner have their own projectiles that they can use to harass survivors in shallow loops with low cover - but they often can't compete against survivors who use walls effectively or know how to bait pallets. While these killers can be particularly effective in certain circumstances - especially in the hands of a skilled player - they can have a small bit of guesswork and mind-gaming attached to their power. They are good at what they do, but you're going to have to make some blind guesses at times - and will often struggle to use your anti-chase abilities in tight loops with big walls. Even though the Plague's ability is perhaps the strongest projectile in the game, her Corrupt Purge can be a finite and rare resource that is best used when forcing survivors into dead zones - but is pervasively tricky to pull off in tighter loops, or on maps with full coverage.

    Pig, Demogorgon, Wraith, Hillbilly, Blight, and Power-Up Oni have dashes - which can be particularly strong - but they are often telegraphed dramatically, which allow intelligent survivors to play around them and, again, pallets completely annihilate these killers where they stand. More than pallets though, none of these killers can compete well against safe vaults. While some are certainly stronger than others - there's a bit of a dance one must do to force a talented player to fall into your hands while jousting against them with your powers.

    Trapper, Hag, Doctor, and Spirit are in a special category where positioning and 'trapping' a survivor by knowing where they are and will be is what makes them special in a loop. Survivors that can keep tabs on your location and watch diligently can easily and frequently thwart your efforts though. These killer often suffer the same issues that the Artist has.

    Nurse, Shape, Cannibal, Legion, Ghostface, and Twins are not particularly good in loops. Their specialty is facing survivors in the open and forcing them into dead-zones by eliciting particular advantages with their powers. These are the killers you clench your buttcheeks against and desperately look for a gym that still has a pallet. Cannibal is weak against windows - meaning he's suffering against the basic LT. Ghostface has virtually no power if he doesn't get a mark first, Shape becomes super-M1, but that doesn't make him much better in loops, Legion has the particular advantage of keeping survivors injured - which means loops are going to be a bit shorter, but no easier, Twins are an M1 without Victor - and Victor struggles against windows and pallets more than open fields. Nurse is going to down you if you're in the open. Your only hope is to hide or confuse her in a gym.

    So - who's a killer that exemplifies all of these?

    Who can play around shallow loops, pallets, distance, vaults, and duel in the open - all with an ability that is reliable and can threaten a survivor with a FAST down if they are hit with it?


    Doesn't have to bait pallets. If he misses, he breaks the pallet.

    Survivors have to joust his ability like you're a Huntress or a Demogorgon, but you're still a 115 killer with hardly a second transition back to M1. You have zombies to play with, which can help shutdown loops in particular circumstances. The timing of your whip means that you can cheese line-of-sight loops, which Huntress and Slinger mains can only dream of.

    IMO, Nemesis is the perfect anti-loop killer.

    He ticks all of the boxes and can reliably effectuate hits where even the Artist cannot.

  • Member Posts: 941

    Nurse and blight.

  • Member Posts: 142
    The Artist

    Im talking about those infinite loops man their annoying

  • Member Posts: 288
    The Artist

    If you dont count nurse

  • Member Posts: 326
    The Artist

    There are like 2 infinites in the game left. That's a problem with map design, not survivor looping, yknow?

  • Member Posts: 854
    The Artist

    Nemesis can't do that right out of the box though, he has to whip 2 different survivors to get to Level 2. Also, you can literally just crouch to avoid getting hit by his tentacle whip at low barriers he can whip over.

  • Member Posts: 709
    The Executioner

    I'd say Pyramid Head and Artist are tied. Both can zone through walls, shut down certain loops and leave you in lose/lose scenarios. I only put PH higher because you can ready your power at a pallet for a hit, while Artist can't really do that fast enough for it to matter. The only thing I'd say Artist does better is her projectiles are a lot faster when they're shot, but they need a bit of time to set up. Also infinite range.

  • Member Posts: 854
    The Artist

    The difference is Artist doesn't have to fire hers immediately. With Pyramid Head you have a longer wind up to fire, takes more effort to aim, and has a longer cooldown.

    Artist just has to set them and they stay there, blocking off the direction they are aimed in trapping the survivors, and you can set more than one, absolutely shutting down loops at multiple angles. I love Pyramid Head and I'm playing more and more of the Artist and I'm having a much easier time getting into the groove of hitting people with birds than I did hitting people with Pyramid Heads projectile.

  • Member Posts: 1,360
    The Executioner

    It is extremely close between executioner and artist. Personally I think Pyramid Head still has a better anti-loop, as it down or injure at ANY loop, while Artist is more of a zone and 50/50 killer that could still not get downs on some loops. She is definitely the better killer overall imo, but Pyramid Head has a crazy good anti-loop.

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    The Nemesis

    Tier 2 pallet breaking and Tier 3 (Actual good mode) does take a bit of getting into - but I have had matches where survivors were caught quickly and took hits for one another - allowing me to tier up to 3 before a single gen was done. It happens.

    And as for the crouching thing - survivors without Urban Evasion are only feeding you the pallet at that point. Tentacle out, you're faster than their crouching speed. So if you see them crouching a lot, you can hold it to trick them into letting you loop more efficiently - and slap them when they realize they have to move faster to gain distance. Moreover, your tentacle isn't a point-and-click over walls every time, a lot of it is anticipation. You begin your whip animation before it lands, and it persists for a split second after - which means you can 'pre-fire' around corners and open vaults.

    While you're right that people CAN use crouching against him - it it a far less effective strategy than against the likes of Huntress, Deathslinger, or Trickster. And if you're Artist - people don't even need to crouch and give you distance in the loop, they just run away when they see you putting crows down.

  • Member Posts: 6,030
    The Artist

    Artist Anti-Loop alot of times just forces the survivor to hold w.

  • Member Posts: 1,579
    The Artist

    Tie between Nemesis and Artist.

    The tile would decide which one is better, but both are extremely oppressive nonetheless.

  • Member Posts: 5,623
    The Artist

    Artist, no contest.

    Why is Legion on the list but Demogorgon isn't?

  • Member Posts: 118
    The Artist


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