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I just had the best Trial

TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
edited May 2022 in General Discussions

The setting: The Game

The combatants: 2 very good steve players, 1 astounding Nea (Rusty something.... dunno the full name but respect her fully), and a DC'er no one cares about Vs. The Doctor (Me) with a Mean build!

The Outcome: As things go, the Dc'er, well, DC'd at 5 gens, so I thought this was gonna be an easy game, and if you agree with that sentiment, you have no idea how wrong I was! The remaining 2 Steve players were stellar with their looping, and well timed pallet dropping, and the Nea (Rusty) was on a WHOLE different level! She was focused on the goal, took advantage of her team mates potential, and above all, NEVER left a man on the hook! I was flipping out over her sheer audacity, and by the time the game ended, there was 1 gen left, and only Nea (Rusty) survived by getting the hatch.

Now I know what you're thinking. I obviously didn't play right, well my friend I ended that match with 31k bp, and MAD respect for the MVP of that game. Honestly if the DC'er had just stuck around, I'd likely only get 1 kill that game tbh.

My Build for Doc was Nasty as hell, but also experimental, and I picked the map on purpose because i thought it was pretty broken otherwise, needless to say Nea (Rusty) told me it was nasty to go against in the after game chat, but still persevered to the point that she, and only 2 other teammates, came incredibly close to beating me! For that, they all have my respect, but Nea (Rusty) has my admiration as well.

If you want to know my Doctor Build it's: Calm Carters notes, Calm 2, Call Of Brine, Overcharge, Merciless Storm, Unnerving Presence. The objective of this build is to cause chaos among the survivors skill checks, give you an early warning of when a gen is close to being done, allow you to prevent its completion as well as reduce its progress by a significant amount if they aren't on it, or if they get on it in your TR/get a good skill check, and give you maximum TR coverage for your static blasts or for allowing Unnerving presence to do its job. Yeah... it's nasty, and up until now I thought it was unbeatable... but Nea (Rusty) proved me wrong!

For that I give them MAD Respect and hope they read this and respond, because THAT was the most fun I've had in this game in so long... I honestly can't remember a better match.


  • Basement_Bubba420
    Basement_Bubba420 Member Posts: 397

    i had a similar game where one survivor dced at 5 gens.

    i slugged the other 3 and let them bleed out.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    Glad to hear you had a good match. I don't think your build is that mean. If you play on "The Game" with double Calm, I would recommend Distressing, Corrupt, DMS + (4th perk of your choice). You could also replace distressing with M&A for the Ninja Doc :3

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    I had a really fun game last night where all four survivors were using Distraction, Urban Evasion, Boon Shadowstep, and Flashbang. Three of them burned Dark Mist offerings (Purple) and one burned the Swamp Offering.

    I was doing a daily for Wraith, who I had just prestiged so literally all I had was Rank 1 Bloodhound and no addons.

    I still got them all, but just barely because they all got a bit too aggressive around one hook and no one was doing gens, but I was hooking the second to last of them when the last generator was done, and I chased the last of them off an exit gate before they could open it and was able to down him before he found the hatch.

    I was getting flashbanged all to hell but I loved it.

    They also got unlucky and got the really small Swamp Map with the big storehouse areas so I could zoom back and forth between locations in no time. Any other map, with them spread out a little more, and I wouldn't have stood a chance.

    Probably one of the most fun matches I've had in recent memory.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited May 2022

    that.... that's not at all a similar experience. That's just mean, and didn't even earn you any extra BP or give them a chance to play. Sigh Do I have to break out my rulebook again? Because I will if you force me! Look, I believe you are free to play this game how you will and enjoy it, but you also have to consider everyone else's enjoyment too. Ruthlessly punishing 3 other survivors for 1's "asshatedness" (not really a word but feel it should be in this context) is just being an asshat yourself, even worse, you gain nothing from doing it, so the only conclusion is that you did it out of spite... we are NOT on the same page here.

    I had a Genuinely Good Game wherein the remaining survivors kept me on the ropes the whole match, and I respected them for it, Whereas you were just an asshat against all the remaining survivors because 1 survivor DC'd? BIG Difference between my experience and yours.

    If that's how you play, so be it, but More and More, it's comments like this that make me want to break out my unbiased rules for playing this game, which I hoped I'd never have to do again, but buddy... you are pushing it!

  • Basement_Bubba420
    Basement_Bubba420 Member Posts: 397

    i play to win the game. not gonna risk a hatch when slippery meat, soul guard, unbreakable + ds, etc... exist. three slugs is easier to deny hatch to.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    While I won't condemn your playstyle, I can't condone it either, here's a link to the rules I play by, and Surprise, your playstyle fits with it:

    I updated it when the RE chapter released, and continue to do so, but... while it is basically a summary of "all is fair as long as it's a legal mechanic in the game", I only disagree with your bitter stance of ruining other players fun, especially when you gain nothing from it. If you want to be a Dick, go ahead, but as with rule 9, just know that doing so constantly will only earn you ire from the community, and may eventually earn you a ban from the game. I get wanting to be toxic against those who are being toxic against you, but 2 wrongs don't make a right, no matter the reason. In my games example, everything was fair, and challenging me to my wits end, but in yours, you just come across as someone who wasn't enjoying the game, and just went out of your way to make sure the survivors didn't either, and that felt very petty to me.

    If you have the time, read my rules, maybe follow them or at least comment on them, and above all, try to be a better player others can respect, even if they don't show it.

  • Basement_Bubba420
    Basement_Bubba420 Member Posts: 397

    thank you for the rules. i have book marked them and will read them every morning after i wake up.

    oh i forgot to mention that i was tea bagged by bill after he dropped a pallet on my head. so not only was i trying to win i was roleplaying as well.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited May 2022

    can't tell if you're mocking me or not... and also don't care either way. I've been playing this game since it came out, and "have seen things you people wouldn't believe". So when I came up with that list of rules,... I meant it and abide by it. As for a t-bagging bill after a stun, frustrating as they are, it's nothing to get worked up over, and allowing yourself to get angry over it is what they want anyways (its a form of disrespect/mindgame the survivors play with you) overcoming this is easy, as honestly they just wasted time t-bagging you instead of gaining distance, which for you is a mistake you should take advantage of every time it happens. Ultimately survivors like that are incredibly cocky, and also so entitled that they'll scream profanities at you in the endgame after you kill them, so instead of taking it personally, do what I do, and laugh at them!

    TBH I'm a sadist IRL, and its behavior and messages like that which really "get me off" as it shows how utterly pathetic they are and how badly I bruised their ego(s). Still though I appreciate when a good opponent is courteous and proves themselves against me. Like in my post.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Fun fact, Ninja Doc is one of my favorite builds, as it's the exact opposite of what survivors expect against a Doc player. TBH, Doc has a lot more build potential and versatility than most realize due to his add-on + perk synergies. For that reason, I love the Doc over all of the current killer roster, and am willing to defend that "prognosis" if you will. He can be Loud n' Proud or stealthy, he can acquire hits on you when you least expect them, he can make pallets almost useless, can know everywhere you are even before you know where he's coming from, and that's only 6 of the potential builds I can come up with based upon his current add-on's and how they synergize with perks.

    With a killer this versatile, Is it any question as to why I favor him over the others? Hell even back in the day when he was initially released, (when the devs publicly claimed that he "might break the game") I realized this potential, but imo he had even better synergies at the time (debatable atm, honestly, his most recent buffs and new perk synergies are making him either better or worse... depending).

    TBH, Doc isn't a top tier killer for the average crowd, but for those "in the know", of which there are admittedly very few, he has the potential to REALLY throw survivors off their game, and gain all the advantages. I'm honestly surprised more people don't play him.