I Really Hope Legion Won't Get Any Nerf

I am really worrying BHVR will nerf them, like they did to Wraith before.
Legion was always fun for me. But she was not strong enough (Susie main here). Now frenzy is better but she is still m1 killer. That's okay if they don't nerf her. But if i know BHVR, they will nerf her for no reason.
I hope legion definitely doesn't get a big nerf. I can see why people would want them nerfed though.
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The buff certainly brought back a lot of killers. Which is definetly a great thing. Nerfing Legion could result in far less people willing to play killer.
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I have so much dc and suicide when i play Legion. People are doing this for no reason.
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If they actually nerf Legion for whatever reason (although there isn't any) I'm quitting the game. It would be the final bs.
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Haven't had that problem yet.
They've dc'd when I've slugged them, but that's probably because of the slugging. I'm surprised those 2 Cheryl's didn't dc my last game 🤔
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Legion will get nerfed 100%.
Their kill rate has risen above any other Killer because Survivors keep suiciding against them
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Survivors: I can't bully Legion anymore! Nerf please
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Legion shouldn't get nerfed. He is perfect now in my opinion. Love to play him as killer, and I like to play against him as survivor. Holiding W is still working perfectly fine against him :>
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Idc anymore. In the end they will always do what they want.
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I hope not. But I don't think it's a certainty that they will. Remember when they buffed doc and the forum was filled with rage about how he was OP and unfun to go against and in response they buffed him again and called it a day? The balance team works in mysterious ways
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A nerf I wouldn't mind is:
- You get the ability to down an injured survivor starting at 5 chained hit (no longer down healthy survivors)
- Hitting a healthy survivor with a 5th+ chained hit inflict deep wound and you keep your feral frenzy
It's rare, but it happens sometimes that survivors mend near legion, making it possible to down an healthy survivor that didn't contribute to reaching the 4 chained hits.
Also this bug should be fixed: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/321844/legion-hit-on-hook-bug (the title is misleading, it's about legion hitting a survivor being unhooked while in the unhook animation).
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The entire OG Legion fiasco soured me to be honest.
When Legion came out, I mained them, was and still is my favorite killer. I didnt use moonwalking cheese, have always loved the killers design, theme, etc,... I hate how much people use his mending mechanic as a way to say he needs to be removed from the game.
If they nerf them again, I would honestly probably take another 3 chapter break or something. Finally playing Legion more again and glad for the buffs tbh. Climbed to Iri 1 with them last night
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Yeah I can definitely understand the call for nerfs. The problem is Legion is just incredibly boring to go against. They're just mending simulator: the game. At least the music is nice now. I'll give them props for that.
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A killer is now viable Survivors cry: Plz nerf.
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If anything, they still need buffs lol
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dead hard has been running rampant for 4-5 years now. i'm sure bhvr will find a way to nerf legion for the survivors
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Pray the Data !
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If they do I guess we'll go back to Nurse/Blight games. As always...
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LOL look what happened to Freddy and perks like Ruin what a joke.
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The funny thing about Freddy was they didn't even nerf what was actually annoying about him. My problem with him was the teleport. I never had any major issues with the puddles or the pallets. But now you never see a Freddy because those things got changed lol.
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I don't understand why people are whining over Legion, their gameplay remains completely unchanged. The rework merely gave them a hard to archieve gimmick (the 5th hit being a down during Feral Frenzy), that's pretty much it. They still struggle with securing downs as long as people can make use of looping.
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"People fear what they don't understand"
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it's not a good thing if all the new killers are... well... Legion.
You guys complained that we only had nurses and blight in the game, now there's only legion and somehow we can't complain.
this forum rain complaints about nurses and blights, but now we can't complain about precious and overplayed legion...
it's not about he being OP, is about facing him 3~4 times in a row!!!
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what the point in having all these killers
survivors like facing only Nurse/Blight
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You mean other than being entitled brats?
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"it's not about he being OP, is about facing him 3~4 times in a row!!!"
Maybe if we had more viable killers this wouldn't be a problem.
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In insight, Ruin was making the game very unfriendly for new players while being next to useless against experienced ones.
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This will be solved automatically with each other killer being buffed into usefulness.
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Also I've been facing more than just legion lately so I don't see this being a valid complaint any longer.
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Use "Small Game" new players and learn the spots then maybe after you learn the
easyspots replace it with other perk.0 -
New players don't know many perks and own even less of them.
Imagine what it felt to start the game and be asked to hit these hard skill checks when even basic ones are often missed by beginners. Hunting for the bones was mandatory. Of course they had to know the perk was bound to a totem. Being beginners they didn't even know the predetermined spots either.
When the perk was nerfed I was annoyed but in the spirit of welcoming fresh blood, it was a good move.
(oh, and I wasn't talking about myself. I've been playing the game for years.)
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Well this game isn't Viva Piñata new killers have it just as bad.
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My only issue with Legion is Julie’s Mixtape which is bad design. Nothing else wrong with them and nothing else should get changed.
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this was the same argument used for the wraith to be nerfed
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Whenever a new killer releases, people play them intensely for a couple of days/weeks. This buff isn't any different. People just want to test him out. I've already seen survivors that learned to completely shut down his power.
Give it a couple of weeks and everything goes back to normal.
What's really concerning is, that you don't see GF. He also got a rework and people don't seem to happy with it.
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Did no one account for the rise in popularity of Legion due to getting a rework (or at least a rework that is significant, sorry Ghostface)? I mean from what I've seen any new Killer or reworked Killer is going to be overplayed by most due to new powers, mechanics, add-ons, etc. Hell when Sadako was released I ran into her pretty much all the time and I never saw a complaint about her being overplayed (although who would complain about playing against Sadako multiple times in a row). I give it until the 6th Anniversary when the new Killer is announced and when they eventually drop then Legion won't be overplayed anymore.
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Hey not too fast there ghostface did get a change, he is worse now, LMAO GET DUNKED ON GHOSTFACE!!!!
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I still don't understand this. Doesn't Julie's mixtape only work when your in frenzy?
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Yes and it completely resets the 5th hit streak. You should never be stunning a legion when they have hit 0-2 survivors, but once they get to 3rd and 4th chain it's worth to stun them out of their power. In which case majority of survivors are injured or even deep wounded in which having access to your power doesn't really accomplish much.
Feels like a lot of complaints are from people stunning legion when they just started to frenzy.
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Yes, which removes frenzy counterplay. With that addon you only need to worry about getting pallet stunned in frenzy if it will cause you to lose an opportunity for an instadown. Otherwise you just eat the stun and immediately start frenzy again. It’s unhealthy.
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Couldn't the survivor just not stun them when they're in frenzy?
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They could but then they get hit regardless. And against that addon, that is the correct play at that point unless the legion already has multiple chained hits since stunning them will just get them hit a few seconds later and waste a pallet, but resets the 5 hit streak.
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No it's survivors own fault do that should not count half decent survivors still beat legion most of time. But it just bad survivors are all together and legion can frenzy them and then he has the advantage to win. Good survivors are spreaded so you maybe get two deep wounds with frenzy at best or they just 360s and you don't even hit no-one.
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So like how legion was before the rework. I feel like I'm missing something.
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They still can, that's the funny part.
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I really don't understand what people are upset about.
The entire 5th hit thing is kinda a joke to begin with.
It's good at first, it plays into the Legion's massive early game boost, but it's very inefficient after the halfway point.
Once a single survivor is out of play (Dying, on hook, or dead) this 5th hit is basically impossible against an ACTUAL team of survivors.
Because you need to hit 4 survivors to get this "down" ability, how likely is it that survivors drop to their knees and begin mending as soon as you hit them? So long as they 99% their mend or refuse to for a few seconds, the Legion can't even use this power.
The major problem is that survivors keep doing exactly this:
They drop to their knees the second the Legion hits them and they pay the price.
They continue to spend time healing, not able to adapt after being spoiled from CoH and the new healing meta for the past half year, and they pay the price.
The killer basically hasn't changed. Survivors playing against the Legion were completely unprepared to play against them in increased volume.
If they nerf Legion, they will likely make their power degrade faster on consecutive hits to make attaining 4/5 hits a bit more difficult in the long run. Because this is the easiest and most eloquent change to reduce the Legion's potency, it is a likely change. Although I do not think it's needed, or should happen in the first place, reducing the power's duration by ~1 second per consecutive hit, making the player have 4 seconds less to slash a survivor with a 5th hit, may be a small sacrifice to keep the change around.