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After 4k Hours, I Figured Out How To Handle Toxicity

Give Killers a taunt emote.

Survivors tea bag, killers taunt.

Now the whole game is fair. Balance team can retire.

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  • Member Posts: 1,684

    I mean yeah go ahead and taunt me while I’m running you lol

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Indulging in toxicity is unhealthy for me.

    I know because sometimes I feel the urge to bm the bm'ers back and find myself enjoying those negative emotions and feeling weird about it. Like enjoying it in some kind of twisted righteous way, which just drains me and make me call it a day.

    I feel better when I just play the game normally and ignore it, or use it back on people like that to see if they get tilted and make mistakes. But I can't really control how I feel and when so...

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    While a powerful suggestion

    In truth the best way handle toxicity is to just not engage with it. If some dude is being toxic in the in-game chat to you, just don't engage them and back out, dealing with it in-game is more annoying but if you can't punish the BMer don't sweat it. Its easier said than done because you can nail it down, its far nicer that way

    Plus If there's one thing about the toxicity of DBD that I've learned is that there is ALWAYS a bigger fish, and that bmers will queue into a miserable game one day. Ultimately I just decide never to commit to the cycle of toxicity because its bloody exhausting and its been going on since the game released and it does nothing but perpetuate the worst elements of the game. And honestly the game balance is way more balanced than it was when I was starting out back in 2018

    If I ever feel I'm starting to get toxic, the best strat is just to take a break from the game for however long you need it

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I just stop playing the game and do something else.

  • Member Posts: 576
    edited May 2022

    I always find the whole "toxic behavior" thing interesting. I suppose everyone has different mindsets about such things. We are all allowed to find whatever things toxic we would like. For me the only behaviors I find toxic are ones where someone is intentionally sabotaging the game for myself or others.

    I played against a killer recently that hung a survivor on the complete opposite corner of the swamp from me. The moment after hanging that survivor they were right next to me. For me that was toxic. They were obviously cheating. That prevented everyone else from being able to enjoy the match. On the other hand I played against a killer just a minute ago that nodded and spun circles both times they downed me before picking me up. After hanging me they nodded again and spun circles. They were gloating. So what? They got the best of me. They in no way prevented me from playing the game. If I choose to let that offend me that is on me. Not the killer.

    On the survivor side I played a game a few minutes ago with a survivor that walked up while I was doing a generator. I was in a corner. They stood there completely blocking me from moving. That was toxic. They prevented me from playing the game. On the flip side I played a match just a few minutes ago with 2 survivors that were obviously playing together. They stayed together the whole match. They ignored myself and the other survivor completely. Is it incredibly stupid strategy for 2 survivors to constantly stay together allowing the killer to basically get a 2 for 1 every time he gets near you? Yes it is. Is it counterproductive to completely ignore other survivors that could help you escape? Yes it is. However, I doubt they were intentionally trying to sabotage the game for anyone. They were likely just 2 friends enjoying playing together. I could have chosen to be offended or simply moved on to the next match and realized it wasn't worth the emotional energy to let it bother me.

  • Member Posts: 188

    The real answer is to just use Agitation and Lightborn + any other 2 perks you like.

    You can also use Ghost Face to T-bag them back.

  • Member Posts: 408

    That would favor killers so it will never be added. At least not until survivors have dabs, middle fingers and a dance of some kind.

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