Solo Queue Buffs...please

This is my second post to the DBD forums, hello! As the title suggests, I really think it's about time BHVR implement some solo queue buffs. It's becoming so incredibly painful. I mean, it's always been painful, but I feel like I'm reaching the tipping point 😭
I'm not saying make solo queue OP or anything, but at least bring it up to SWF level. Give solo queue players the information a swf would have so there could be some level of coordination. Or at least an understanding.
-Show us the perks each survivor has in the lobby screen. So I can say "Okay these people have BT, I'll let them go for saves. This person has a boon, I won't cleanse every totem I see." etc. Just have it be a diamond formation above survivor's heads in the lobby. Obviously, swfs can just say what perks they'll be using and communicate with each other.
-I feel like I heard somewhere that the devs were thinking on implementing a system in-game that shows what each survivor is doing. Whether it's totems, a gen, in a locker, etc. I also think a call-out system would be GREAT. "I'll go for the save!" "Commit to the gen!" "The killer is nearby!" "I'm under a pallet!" Of course the good old fashion teabag and point works for a lot of things, but that kind of communication would be SO helpful. The more specific, the better.
-This ties in with the above point, but add an indicator for when every survivor is actively being chased by the killer. When the Obsession is being chased, the entity symbol moves. Add something similar or just have an "In chase" logo of some kind to indicate that. A swf will obviously let their team know whether or not the killer is still chasing them. Or if they broke chase to go to a gen."
I think if solo queue is brought more in line with swf teams, then the devs could balance the gameplay around ALL survivors having the same level of communication. So, we would never have to worry about killers who stomp solos, and the killers who are weaker with swf teams can be buffed without the worry of being pushed too far for solo players who can't communicate as well. Of course there could be other killer buffs to make up for this as well if people think so.
But, I wanna know what other people think about solo queue getting buffed, and what changes y'all would like to see be made. Sorry if this is a long read, but I've been playing DBD since 2020 and this is my first leap into the forums lol.
They always ignored solo survivors. They will keep do this. I lost my all hope on them.
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Just give me Kindred base kit for everyone.
"Oh but new players would find that confusing" - lol what? Nice one.
Just. Do. It. Please.
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The survivor auras? Sure. But the killer aura is a very powerful effect that should not be base kit.
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Kindred base kit without killer aura + chase indicator similar to that of the Obsession for every Survivor would be a great start.
Seeing others' perks before the game would be a decent addition as well, but only if you can see the perks after the game has been set to start. I feel like a lot of tryhards would endlessly dodge lobbies if they saw a teammate running meme builds/adepts/no perks for Power Moves achievement.
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So maybe make the survivor aura reading portion of Kindred base kit, then rework Kindred itself to only show the killer aura? Instead of deleting the perk entirely.
And I'd maybe even change it to "If the Killer is inside the aura reading range, have an increased unhook speed of __%"
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This. There should be a Chase indicator for EVERY Survivor.
Literally ANY SWF can just say "Killer is on me" on comms and get this power. Making it base kit ruins NOTHING.
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You forgot to start out your post with "as a killer main...."
It should read like this:
"As a killer main, I'm not saying make solo queue OP or anything, but at least bring it up to SWF level."
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Then add mechanic to game. So if killer camps, solo survivors should know about it. SWF has all info for free already.
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Whether that info is given for free or not is one thing, but aura reveal is kind of another. I’d rather just have Entity progression slow at a variable rate based on killer proximity, to encourage leaving a hooked survivor to chase and patrol gens. (Cue people mentioning some obscure test years ago that survivors AbUsEd it so it won’t work.)
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Agreed. Decision-making is part of the skill cap of survivor play. There are times when you have to make the save regardless and times when you need to crank gens. And honestly, that change would require the killer to think about what they're doing too. It would take away the ability to brainlessly camp their way to victory unless the survivors were also dumb.
Reward camping in the right situations. Punish camping in the wrong situations. Give all players the information necessary to make informed decisions and counterplays.
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And new Kindred could keep killer aura, but also provide Vigil effects (faster rcovery; especially exhaustion) while the perk user is hooked.
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How about we just cut to the chase and give survivors basekit Deliverance they can unhook themelves 2 times during match and have BT basekit too.
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Exhaustion is resetting when you being hook
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I feel like this post is sarcasm, but I like it. As a surv main I think we should actually stop pushing for a better solo queue experience and start fighting for basekit Deliverance. I will suffer through the horrible solo experience just to unhook myself in front of the killer.
I'm a survivor main. And bringing solo queue to swf level won't make it OP. Because they can then buff the killers because now ALL survivors will be on a more even playing field. There won't be anymore "Ugh this swf squad totally stomped me." "I got stomped cuz I was in an awful solo queue." They'd be more evenly balanced. Give the advantages that swf have to solo queue. Then buff killers accordingly!
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I have always wondered why BHVR won't do that. The biggest balance issue this game has is because of the disparity between solo queue and SWF. If you try to create balance between SWF and killers the solo queue survivor ends up at a huge disadvantage. If you try to balance between killer and solo queue survivor you end up giving SWF a huge advantage. If you try to create a balance between killer and somewhere in the middle of solo and SWF survivors you end up with survivors and killers still at a disadvantage.
It should be easier to create balance between killers and survivors if you don't have one group of survivors competing at a huge advantage over the others.
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Yes! I'm so glad you guys get what I'm saying!
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I believe the idea was for all other survivors, while the Kindred user is hooked.
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New Kindred should help other survivors recover from effects faster while the perk user is hooked.
Dwight is hooked. Meg, Claudette, and Jake recover faster from exhaustion, exposed, et cetra.
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Ever since I started running Kindred and Windows, I haven't had problems with solo queue. Sure, I'm not going to escape every game due to getting matched with awful teammates or ragequits occasionally, but how is that any different than being bad at killer and getting paired with swf sweat squads
a bit more often thanoccasionally? If you consistently play smart you'll escape more often than not, even with bad teammates, you just have to be willing to shrug it off when you get stuck in doomed games, just like killer.Both could certainly use improvements, but I'm not a fan of the "buff solo to swf level, then buff killers!" mindset because, well, this is BHVR. remember the gap between key and mori reworks? the amount of bugs from literal years ago that havent been touched? If you want a staggered upgrade, they'd do one half, wait a year, then say their plans for the other half need to be adjusted for the current balance, then another year, then maybe some changes that don't actually bridge the gap but are made to appease people as if they did.
They need a health chapter to fix bugs, improve performance, and iron out balance. They will never do it, and thus, never give themselves the time and resources they always use as an excuse.
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I wholeheartedly disagree.
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Cool, you're welcome to. I'll keep grinding up like I usually do and getting better with each match instead of begging for the game to get easier for me.
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Woah, chilll. I'm absolutely open to a friendly disagreement. No need to basically call me a noob lmao. I know I need to get gud.
It's not about wanting the game to be easier or wanting survivor to be OP. As I've stated, I want killers to get buffs. I don't mind that. I'm open to whatever killer buffs they wanna do and if anyone has suggestions for base killer changes to go with base solo queue changes I'd be down to hear them!
Read some of the other responses in this thread. Others have made some really good points here!
Bridging the gap between solo players and swf players is only a good thing imo. Because then the devs will be able to balance around that in the future.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you can throw on Kindred and Windows and have great games that feel fun and good. But I've yet to have that kind of luck.
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I didn't call you a noob. I just stated that the solution to your issue is literally just to get better at the game. Same advice would apply to a comp player if their issue was the same. The reason I suggested those two perks is because they give you most of the information an SWF can provide, in terms of info, they literally bridge the gap up to comms tier. As stated, the problem with the "buff one, then the other" argument is that BHVR does not, nor will they ever function that way. They have attempted that style of pairity in the past and it took ages to do what ended up being a fix that would have taken 10 minutes to implement.
I didn't intend to be dismissive with my last comment, but you have to understand that the vast majority of survivor complaints are "why would I get better when I can complain and make the game easier for me?" Of course thats not to say killers dont do the same thing (they do frequently,) but in cases like the solo>killer>swf argument the pairity either needs to be done simultaneously, or it needs to start with killer then work back to solo.
I just have a hard time taking the discussion seriously when kindred and windows were both buffed to the moon for this exact reason yet people refuse to use them and demand more.
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Killers aren’t equipped to beat SWFs unless they run full tryhard builds or the survivors aren’t any good. Buffing solos to that level without core game mechanic adjustments doesn’t make any sense.
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But the thing is, why should a strictly solo player use two perk slots for Kindred and Windows. When a swf team can have that same information without losing potential perk slots. Don't get me wrong I totally get what you mean though. What else do you use in your build besides Windows and Kindred?
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This is true, and when you are solo-q and the killer has Ruin+Tinkerer and you get chased off a gen you can never tell all 3 survivors instantly go loop around for example to the BARN with the Kill Shack Hooks with the hay bails it's 80-90%. or worse case it's 95% and you get chased so long and tunneled by the time you go back it's at 0%. LOL. Happened the last nite. That would NEVER have happened in a SWF to me that GEn would have been popped.
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Generally an exhaustion perk (dead hard or lithe, mainly) and a flex spot. Usually its spine chill, sometimes CoH if i'm salty from a bad game, or whatever perk can help with my currently selected challenge. Yes swf get that information for free, and that has been a problem with swf since the day it was introduced. They will always get unintended information for free through the presence of functioning vocal chords. The thing to keep in mind is that information has a variable impact on different killers, some of whom it can completely nullify their threat.
The game was designed around solo, survivors are supposed to be uncoordinated and constantly valuing selfish vs selfless actions. Thats how it was designed. SWF inherently breaks that design philosophy, and should be the outlier, not the goal. I've seen much better arguments for debuffing swf's based on their number of players vs buffing solo survivors to be able to inherently make killers like ghostface even more powerless than they already are. Killers like pinhead might as well just remove the chain hunt mechanic entirely if everyone has swf tier information at all times, let alone getting it for free without needing to sacrifice even a single perk slot in exchange.
Introducing swf was a case of trying to have cake and eat it too. They've had all these years to try to come up with an answer that would keep everyone satisfied, but like usual, they let it fester for years while building on top of the unstable foundation and the problem becomes harder to correct every 3 months when a new layer gets thrown on top.
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Your irrational fallacy has nothing to do with the healthy solo q suggestions op mentioned. Just say you hate survivors and go lol
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Not OP but, I hate survivors, and now I will leave this thread.
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This is all under the assumption that this would allow the devs to balance the game around SWF. I highly doubt they would actually properly balance around SWF even if we did make these changes to solo queue and even if they hypothetically did, at their rate of progress this would be like a literal 5 year basically not happen.
So yeah, in an ideal world this sounds great on paper. However realistically I have high doubts that it would actually play out the way we're envisioning.
I personally still feel like the power role currently in solo queue. The only way we're losing is because my teammates or I played poorly. I win most solo queue matches with like 2-3 hooks per game. Most solo queue issues are player skill issues, not game balance issues.
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Solo queue is only an issue when someone rage quits cause they get found first or whatever. Otherwise the game is still easy, the devs hold the survivor's hand through the exit gates. 3 and 4 man SWF is the true baby mode
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This is just objectively not true. Tell me you don’t play survivor without telling me you don’t play survivor.
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well its not like there hasn't been killers in the past that weren't strong. just look at old spirit, old billy and freddy. your pretending like dev have never made strong killers. for some of killer, they simply need revert them. I do agree that they would long time to make weak killers that were not strong into strong killer though.
At the same time, I don't think survivors want stronger killers. survivors don't really want to be challenged. 2-3 hooks is most likely good balance. Many team games have ping systems and in-game UI which improves coordination for team-based games. The lack of one for DBD is game-balance for solo-survivor.
for most of lifespan, DBD balance logic is like: let's just have extremely bad matchmaking for soloQ(before MMR), debuff soloQ by making them completely disorganized as much as possible making most killer look like gods. SWF goes completely unchecked. As a result of killer looking like gods, let's just make all killer powers as underwhelming as possible so they auto-lose to strong swf to counter-balance their dominance on soloq. 1000 IQ gameplay logic.
at least with survivor icons, they're starting in a good spot. they got long way to go though for both killer and survivor.
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Solo play does not need any kind of "buff". I think it'd be fine if you got to see what perks your teammates had equipped but that would just result in people constantly leaving lobby's anytime someone strayed from the meta.
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hey i don't really post much anymore but no one seems to get the real issue.
i don't say this to be rude to anyone and feel free to disagree .
it doesnt matter what they do when i play with my friends i take it serious my boy kenny g on the hook you bet ill get him off safe.
me kenny brad 3 man and your in our lobby all you are at that point is a means to a end we wont be worrying about you.
and i am not saying that to be rude but in the end who are you? o no one important to me o well gg.
remember while its a 1v4 they treat it like a 1v1v1v1v1. so i could know the killer is there and unhook you to force you to be tunneled as a distracion. we dont care if you dont have fun once again your not someone i know nor care about .
im not saying its ok but im being real about it all it takes is one person to do this to people its the nature of pugs.
i wont lie i was in a 2 man one time and a random booned and shortly unhooked brad stealing my save so i made a point to break every totem in spite. they cant force me to help you and there is nothing they can do that would make someone see you as anything more then a means to a end. what solo lacks is the willingness to work together and that cant be forced.
no disrespect intended but its the truth while not all games id say most
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Yeah I hope I never get trapped in a lobby with you or ur friends ngl. I'm not getting left on first hook in endgame cuz I had the unfortunate circumstance of getting paired with you, Kenny G and Brad I know you lying 😭😭
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I agree for the most part. However I don’t think old billy, spirit or Freddy needed their nerfs.
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Spirit 100% needed to be butchered I'm afraid. Although I would've just been happy with the Iron Will buff, the rest was just icing on the cake. I'd gotten so freakin tired of Spirit. Every game was Spirit with Stridor and I was losing my mind lmao. I went against 2 Spirts almost back to back yesterday and thought I transported back to the old days.
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they did not. I am just saying that for some killers, they don't even need to put any effort to make them strong/viable. just revert their previous changes and they're probably close to competing against SWF. they were already balanced around SWF arguably.
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I’d say that’s more of an argument for other killer buffs than an issue with Spirit. Spirit is now not even competitive and she barely was before. I know it’s the popular thing to hate on Spirit but we just won’t agree here, I had no problem facing Spirit before.
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I see what you’re saying, I guess I just feel that’s giving them too much credit. I think it was just coincidence. But yeah, just revert to old forms, it won’t happen though unfortunately.
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Devs could buff solo players easily without touching SWFs by simply adding a SWF-flag to players.
If you queue up solo, you get the buffs; if you queue up in a SWF you dont get them, like basekit kindred or bt. This way nobody can complain that SWF got nerfed for "just playing with friends" .