what non-meta perks do you enjoy?



  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Wake up really helps your teammates leave, and if a killer chases you in the end game you know where to go after buying some time. 
  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    @danvain I am pretty much exactly like you! I think I listed some exhaustion perks in my OP, but I only run those if I am having a bad day and need a bit of help. I never run DS or Adrenaline, and I think I have only used Sprint Burst less than 5 times.

    I also run No Mither in most of my builds because I think survivor is just way too easy, and I think that this perk should be part of the base game in some way.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    Once the update hits I'm going to be running Lithe + Dance With Me to lose the killer.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    Remember back when Premonition was meta...
  • Mr_Grumpy
    Mr_Grumpy Member Posts: 76

    Kindred, for a few unhook actions less while the killer counts my nose hairs.

  • SuperRavenSn1per
    SuperRavenSn1per Member Posts: 34
    The most OP perk in the game, Calm Spirit.
  • ComelyStar
    ComelyStar Member Posts: 187

    I use Bond, Iron Will, Stake Out and Urban Evasion. I don't think any of them are actually classed as meta perks, and I really enjoy playing with them.
    Before that I used to use Quick & Quiet and Lightweight instead of Stake Out and UE, that was until I felt like Q&Q became useless because every damn Killer just randomly looks into all the lockers now. RIP all-green setup.

  • YaNestea
    YaNestea Member Posts: 86
    Lithe has always been there for me, so has Alert! I overall love those perks they’re so fun to play with
  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    Bond, lightweight, urban evasion, kindred, quick and quiet, idk why but I enjoy resilience,wgtmi, nlb
  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998
    edited June 2018

    Honestly, I'm really enjoying my current non-meta build.

    Borrowed Time, We're Gonna Live Forever, Unbreakable, and Tenacity

    The strategy is literally to hook rush, be annoying with body blocks, and put yourself into suicidal situations. My favorite use for this is end-game, when the gates are open and the killer camps a hook. I run in with the intent that I'll get downed during the unhook (so even when injured), and the killer will usually greed for two and chase after the person who just got borrowed time. By the time they realize or turn back, I'm already gone with tenacity and revived with unbreakable. Has made some pretty epic basement and NOED saves.

    Not to mention you can get up to +75% BP for a single unhook + body block spam combo. So even if they focus and kill you, you almost doubled your BP which is more than worth the no escape bonus.

  • mistressdiana
    mistressdiana Member Posts: 56

    I run a really off meta build on the survivor side with Ace in the Hole, Detective's Hunch, and Stake Out and then the fourth perk just gets switched out a lot.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    As a suvivor: Bond / Wake Up
    As a killer: Remember Me / Devour Hope

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
  • BaconMuncher9
    BaconMuncher9 Member Posts: 31
    For teamwork: Leader, Street Wise, 
  • EclipseDarkstar
    EclipseDarkstar Member Posts: 47

    All of Quentin's perks, but I also have quite a soft spot for No Mither. I know it really needs a buff, but it's still so much fun. Adds actual tension to survivor play that you can't always get otherwise.

  • BaconMuncher9
    BaconMuncher9 Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2018

    For teamwork: Leader, Street Wise, Vigil, and something like Up The Ante or Open Handed.

    When I'm not being a teammate: perks like Wake Up, Up The Ante, Open Handed, OoO, Sole Survivor, Sabatour, and a bunch of other perks.


    Devour Hope or The Third Seal, and then a mixture of perks like Overcharge, thanatophobia, Hangman's Trick, and a few others.

    I actually don't use any meta perks except sometimes Self Care. 

  • rollerskate
    rollerskate Member Posts: 13

    i like alert & technician a lot, i only play on feng w/ her unique perks but with selfcare

  • OneAngryRooster
    OneAngryRooster Member Posts: 13

    I don't know if it's a meta perk but I absolutely love Premonition.
    It's saved my ass so many times. It pretty much allows me to spot Wraith or Freddy before they spot me. If I know which general direction they're coming from and they don't know that I have the perk, I generally can scurry away or hide until they leave.

  • QsKaa
    QsKaa Member Posts: 56

    No Mither Premenition Spine Chill saboteur epic cumbo

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Kindred when I'm playing in lower Ranks to give the newer and more inexperienced players extra information when I'm on a hook.

    Right now loving Technician so I can polish up my skillchecks and start powering through Ruin better. Has kept me hidden so many times since I started using it.

    Empathy, Botany Knowledge combo is rather nice at times. When I want to play a pure Altruism build they work well together since I solo queue. Add in We'll Make It (that's the one for faster healing on unhooks?) and I can rack up some nice points pretty quickly.

  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    All of Dwight’s perks (yes even prove thyself go ahead and judge me)
  • AjaxGunterson
    AjaxGunterson Member Posts: 40

    Balanced landing, everyone is sleeping on it and I can't figure out why.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    HOPE (whenever I am still alive when the gens are done) Survivor movement feels much smoother. Its a feel good perk rather than one which is just particularly useful.
  • CrtKazz
    CrtKazz Member Posts: 214
    1.) balanced landing (my favorite exhaustion perk and I can actually lose the killer with it or create distance) also with the exhaustion nerfs this will still be viable because it has a passive while you’re on cooldown. 
    2.) pharmacy (so much better than self care in terms of healing speed and I’m a plunderer at heart)
    3.) plunderers instincts (see above but I rarely put these together on a build it seems redundant)
    4.) Streetwise (omg why are people not using this more? If you are working on a gen with someone else your toolbox charge stays up soooo much longer. Also pairs well with 2 and 3)
    5.) lightweight/technician (depends on what type of stealth I want to focus on)
  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Spine Chill and Lightweight are my favorites. Aside from those I usually run Botany and Self Care, though trying to do without SC now. I take Lithe instead, and replace Botany with random stuff: Technician, Plunderer's, Kindred <- real fun for teammates, and the like.

  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    No one left behind and we're gonna live forever are my go to blood point combo if I have to swf, combine with borrowed time and "we'll make it" to really get things going.
    Boil over and DS look like they're gonna be a good combo, struggling will be very powerful for anyone who isn't the obsession.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
         I run Sloppy Butcher on a lot of my Trials as Killer. (I liked it before/after buff). It always made me tense as a Survivor to see a thick trail of Red following me; It’s satisfying when you’re the one following it.
  • nooxet
    nooxet Member Posts: 88

    I like running Monstrous Shrine on my Leatherface build so if I happen to down someone close to basement they get into a very bad situation.

  • Daveo_U_B
    Daveo_U_B Member Posts: 5

    Object of Obsession and Stake Out. I can mind game a killer really well with Object of Obsession.

  • MezzaMind
    MezzaMind Member Posts: 39

    I like to run Bond, Balanced landing, borrowed time (for some reason not many people take BT) and the 4th is just dependent on how I'm feeling really

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    1. Empathy (lets you know where the killer is if anyone is getting chased and lets you know if the killer has lost them
    2. Iron will (my favourite perk)
    3. Calm spirit (the crows not screaming in my ear is really nice plus some killer in my rank try to find me using the moving crows which is actually smart)
    4. No mither (the builds with it makes the game a whole lot scarier)
    5. Technician (you can repair right next to them and they wouldn't hear)
  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    @Poweas I use Empathy, Iron Will and No Mither for the same reasons as you. Neat.
    I used Technician for a while, but never had anything like that. Approximately how close can they be without hearing you? I may test in a kyf.
    I also may start using Calm Spirit when it gets buffed. It would be great if crows actually were a threat to you. You can walk right by them without it and not startle them.

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    Empathy, Balanced Landing, We'll Make It aaand Botany Knowledge.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @RagingCalm said:
    @Poweas I use Empathy, Iron Will and No Mither for the same reasons as you. Neat.
    I used Technician for a while, but never had anything like that. Approximately how close can they be without hearing you? I may test in a kyf.
    I also may start using Calm Spirit when it gets buffed. It would be great if crows actually were a threat to you. You can walk right by them without it and not startle them.

    You can be unheard unless they go 16m next to you (at tier 3). It would be golden in high ranks but in low ranks, the killers just walk up to a gen whether they hear it or not so it's useless in low ranks. If they get within 16 metres of you, they'll hear it. And yh the second they buff calm spirit it's going straight into my Claudette build I'm probably going to replace SB cause I can loop/survive just as well without it. Ima use Calm spirit, Iron will, Self care, and Adrenaline or Lithe or Urban idk.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396
    I really enjoy Pharmacy. P3 Feng, when I’m alone I just farm medkits with Ace in the hole, pharmacy, and plunderers instinct. 
  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    All of Dwight’s perks (yes even prove thyself go ahead and judge me)
    I really like Dwight’s perks. Since I leveled up Feng finally I feel like technician would go great with his 3
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    Sometimes unbreakable if the killer is a slugger but I had to get rid of it because I rarely used it. Bond, lithe, and balanced landing I also like. Would urban evasion be considered a meta perk?
  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    Quick and quiet. Nothing like a killer right behind you and he loses you because he didn't hear the locker
  • JFox
    JFox Member Posts: 41

    Ace in the hole

  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149
    I love iron will so much you can lose the killer so easily
  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    We'll Make It - The heal speed!
    Leader - A ghetto reverse Bond for genrushing.
    Iron Will - I rarely use it now due to WGLF, but it's another great tryhard ninja escape perk.

    Third Seal - True isolation mechanic. Absolute f*cking shame it's tied to a Hex, and Ruin feels so required.
    Make Your Choice - I very rarely see this used, especially to effect, but I love it. Complete game-changer in some matches. Anti-tunnel perk, yay.
    Overcharge - I see it in about 30% of my matches, but Tier 3 is actually quite good for forcing 3 gens with Distressing + Unnerving on any killer.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Blood Warden on Myers. I have no idea why no one sees it coming. It's absolutely beautiful to see three survivors who obviously aren't looking forward running up against the blocked off exit, strafing against the wall.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    Spine Chill is IMO the best perk in the game after Sprint Burst and Self Care. It gives you so much information about the killer it's way and above any other detection perk. I think it's not meta because it's hard to understand how to use it properly.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Shadoureon said:
    Dont know the actual meta perks but I really like Steak Out. When a killer is chasing a survivor and you are repairing near them its one great skill check after another. Bonus Experience and quicker repairs what more do you want.

    We'll make it with WGLF.

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @Immersed_P3_Nea said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Immersed_P3_Nea said:
    Bond. So many different uses for it.

    Bond should get buffed... currently it’s only effect is increasing my chance to vomit in disgust and other survivors incompetence by 99%

    My favorite use being, "Oh hey, teammate in a locker for 2 minutes, I'm gonna open this until you come out"

    That's the most practical use of the perk, lmao

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    Stake Out is probably one of the strongest perks I've ever seen on this game and no one runs it, guaranteed great checks and an indicator if the killer is within eyesight.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    Currently premonition, alert , and technician it’s wonderful
  • NeoVid
    NeoVid Member Posts: 37

    Stake Out and Blood Warden. When either one of them turns out to be a game changer, it's beautiful.