What the Hell, BHVR

I trounced the survivors, last injured dude on hook, 2 gens done. He gets hatch and more blood points. And I take a blood point offering. How? Explain.
Don´t understand.
If he have a white glyph challenge and escapes with it it gives 25.000 BP.
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Bloodpoint offerings are not reflected on the results score.
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No white glyph challenge. Dude was on death hook. Survivors played like trash. I capitalised on every mistake, even went the other side of the map to give them a breather. No totems were done and I was running the perks to activate totems once hooked. A 3K and the last survivor injured AND on death hook. 3000 more bloodpoints than me. I took a BP sacrifice offering. There is no conceivable or logical or digitally mathematical way he could have gotten more BP.
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You only see the base points + glyph points in the score screen at the end (for some reason), to see what you got with your offering and perk bonuses you have to check the first page of the endgame stats which only show your own points and current BP balance.
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This. Never go with numbers based on the last tally screen, it lies like a plate full o' piss...
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What untruths are piss plates spreading? I need answers.
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Tis more about being a very flat lie
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There are so many more idioms that you could've used over "plate full of piss" and I'm now incredibly concerned
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The bloodpoints awarded are not based on result, but on process. If a suvivor playes process-oriented, he will get a lot of bloodpoints. I get more bloodpoints than the killer in a lot of my matches, even if i dont escape. I would have expected him to do totems, though. But unhooking, healing and workin on gens with others gives lots of bp.
Also, its easy to lose bp as killer. A lot of points are in the hooks. So if a survivor dies on first hook (maybe because he suicides because his team is steamrolled) you just lose out on a lot of points. If your chases are short, you dont get much points for that. If you dont need to destroy gens, there you lose points that are not much but add up. Also, you lose bp for camping, for survivors that escape chases, and such.
I cant say anything for your match here, but i can easily see that happening. In fact, killers that just destroy the survivors in a short time often end up with fewer points that killers with no kill in a long game.
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It's not lying, it's just reflecting your actual score.
Why should you get a higher score just because you played a BP offering to inflate it?
IF you wanted to use the scores as a metric for much you did in game, the base scores without the bonuses would be the relevant ones.
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My pleasure to enlighten. I'm off to spread additional viseral joy elsewhere...