Killer 1v1's (Ghostface vs. Shape)

At least Myers can't be revealed from miles away.
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As long as we're ignoring source material, it's Ghostface. He can expose a person way faster than Myers.
If we consider source material, then it's Myers, no question.
Edit: My dumb self accidentally voted for shape when I mean to vote for Ghostface.
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Myers is far better than ghostface. Not even close.
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Ghostface can sneak up on survivors reliably at end game, but is extremely map reliant and is only actually good against baby survivors.
Shape is stronger and tier 3 knocks off health states when you need it most. The vault speed and lunge range increase is a super sweet bonus that makes him edge out GF in most loops, while being more prominent and reliable in sneaking up on survivors and punctuating exchanges with deadly lunges.
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He's way better in stealth and can even hold is own when it comes to snowballing. The only argument I see for Myers is his tombstone addons.
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Tombstone piece Myers is borderline overpowered, especially when paired with PWYF and a faster stalk add-on. Ghostface doesn't have anything even remotely close to the level of strength of a tombstone Myers.