queue time on asian servers
I've played much on these servers to understand the problem
At some time(evening, 18.00 to 2.00 by local time) queue time is extremely long in comparing to other side: when i was searching match with a killer i've never waited longer than minute, while the other side is having queue time ~7-20 minutes. This issue wasn't just mine. All of my friends suffering from that(experienced and newbies), that is the reason why they dropped dbd :/
It happens because entire asian playerbase is sitting on survivors(whole experienced community says that survivors are stronger than killer in normal hands, and i think they don't like to have more chances to lose(i can talk about this a lot basing on their playstyle: "no time to do any funny things in match" style of play - do gens, hide, escape - nothing else. Killer side does that too - knockdown, hook, unhook-tunnel, because these tactics grant winning, seriously they're playing on result no for the fun, i can count on fingers how much times i met group of survivors that aren't using *meta*)), and there is a bunch of killer. Can you make something to force those who sits on survivors to play the other side? Like 2x bloodpoints if you will play lowpicked side or the searching with both sides? It is really frustrating to wait so long.(Also is there possibility to do same thing with perks? Not just by the rift's challenges - force them to choose whole perk collection and not the same 4-6 perks)
fun(?) fact: i still haven't found a match :(
what makes you think this is the issue only on asian servers?
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Always the strongest side played the most.
In DbD its 4 friend in squads, most of players only have time for that at evenings nights.
Before evening the killer role takes ages to get a game, because solo survivor the weakest role barely anyone plays it.
So we could buff killer to be stronger than 4 group but then dbd would die.
So this is how it is
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I haven't played on other servers, and i've asked few people from non-asia srevers(eu): they said that survivor games are searching very quickly for them. So i thought i will describe the issue from my experience
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I know this too, but... it is fact that i can't deny, because of that i did not said to "buff killers" and suggested the method of giving something for playing the opposite side if the scales of matchmaking is unbalanced
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Its like this on the west coast USA as well.
I guess that explains why I see so many south americans and asian players.
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BHvR has talked about doing this months ago.
Knowing how long they take to make the simplest of changes it will be sometime next year and killers will get 100 bonus BP.
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Because certain people try to avoid this truth by saying something like "it varies depends on time and country it's fine".
BHVR included.
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There is a reason why no one want to play killer. You and I both know why :D
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Don't they call it "walking the dog" when being chased by the killer?
Blame bhvr for making survivor easy.
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Survivors have long queues, because no one wants to play killer and your solution is to force people to play that role?
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Hi I'm from SEA, We might have match in the 3 Years I'm playing DBD but yea, Killer Queue times on my end is like less than 30 secs while solo queue Survivors takes Ages.
Also My Friends and me commonly participates in Tournaments, I got to say though, Thailand and Filipinos are the the epitome of the 1% of Survivors here, The only downside in pub matches they're Altruistic af but on competitive settings, Gens will fly fast af. Trials will last 5 Minutes tops if the Killers isn't an A tier or S Tier.
Game is just designed that Survivors are the power role when they're competent. I won Killer tournaments before and I can't even get a 4K on my Allied Survivor Team when we're practicing,
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Devs are busy on bringing LGBTQIA+ into the game.
There is no resource to fix basic game experience issue.
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Good god how do you manage to bring it into EVERYTHING
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Well they are all right in the aspect that bhvr uses monetary resources for other teams than the development team aka they could have less creative personal and more in the development department.
Not that it would necessarily help though.
Edit: But to be fair though we don't even know the ratios between personal numbers of different departments at bhvr.
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And the same split of resources would be put into it if David was gay or straight
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Oh please don't come me with that topic.
I don't care which kind of LGBTQ+ orientation gets represented in media.
The only gripe i personally have with this topic is that bhvr presents it as a revolutionary achievement of them and celebrate it instead of take it as a given (which it should be in these modern times).
The self promoting aspect of "look how cool and liberal and whatnot we are" when it should be "took you long enough to go with the times".
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"Oh please don't come me with that topic.
I don't care which kind of LGBTQ+ orientation gets represented in media."
Wonderful. I wasn't coming at you. I was stating an objective fact that regardless of a character's identity, the same resources would go into it.
Which is the point I responded to initially that you then commented upon. I am stating that LGBT inclusion doesn't suddenly fire the game coders
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Okay sorry, that came across as aggressive but i find this whole topoc way to blown out of proportion. Hence wHy i probably ignored the part in your original post and focused on the development part.
And I think their point is that the creative department that is responsible for lore and cosmetics could do with lower funds and with that they could hire more developers and increase the (subjectively abysmal) efficiency of the development of the game.
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Of course they celebrate it.
These guys love to celebrate inclusion WHEN IT SUITS THEM.
Where was the inclusion for colorblind people?
It took a media frenzy and lots of negative coverage for them to do anything. They then lied about it and said it had been in the works for a while, yet they only had screenshots (WHICH ARE EASILY PHOTOSHOPPED) and it still took them months to implement it.
Never trust BHvR. They've already proven themselves to be liars when it comes to inclusion.
They only care about $$$.
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I know and that's exactly my point.
In this case for example, hetero/bi/gay characters in media should be standard not something to expect glory for when you finally include them years too late.
Yeah, the fact that they finally did is good but the neglegence until then makes it not praiseworthy.
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Because someone managed to bring up how BHVR didn't fix their game because they were including LGBT+ people into the lore of their game, which is objectively false on several levels.
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I just don't get how people think it correlates ππ
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I'm not sure if there is a official lore team in BHVR, but I'm pretty sure there is a catastrophic lack of game design team no matter what it is, members or ideas. Especially BHVR have already get A++ on gender equality promotion but only get D- on game design / player experience. So, in my opinion, BHVR perform a bad resource management, which means they have no resource to fix basic game experience issue. Of course you can have your opinion, I'm not trying to convince you. Have fun in the fog.
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Heh, i understood that i shouldn't use word "force", i didn't meant "making them play killer" but "stimulating them to to play opposite role" if queue isn't balanced by number of players of one side
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What I don't get is that balance has always been questionable, at its high, its low, and since the beginning but now some people are pointing to LGBT+ inclusion as a partial source of it.
It's always been here.
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For that, the killer role would have to be more fun and less stressful.
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I play on a Tokyo server and the survivor queue is really long at night local time.
Also, the time for Gens to POP is as fast as this video for any match.
Killer must take 4 PERKS to do generator delay.
Sorry my english is not good as it is machine translated.