Please nerf flashlights

Why have the devs not addressed this issue. I get that flashlights are part of the game. But flashlights need a cooldown. I’m honestly sick and tired of being blinded several times in a row within seconds. Most of the time I don’t even get a chance to look up or away, leaving me rigged for blinding, which isn’t fair. Survivors know this and they exploit it by blinding a killer in quick succession and it’s honestly frustrating. It can be quite toxic sometimes.
I could agree with a blind cooldown, but either way their easy enough to not be blinded.
A issue is being blinded from the side.
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Buff flashlight add-ons. No nerfs needed.
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use lightborn or dodge
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I just think they should remove chain blinds but flashlights are fine where they are.
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Is this how to say you're new to killer without saying it explicitly?
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I hate chain blinds as well. There's no point to them either, they're there just to taunt the killer. But as much as I hate flashlights, there are many counters to them.
Use Lightborn or Franklin's Demise, look down (For some reason looking down works better than looking up or turning around), or just dodge the lobby all together.
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I would say fix the issue where you flashlight blind the killer and blatantly see them turn around and still get blinded.
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Flashlights don't need a nerf they need to be fixed. Being blind outside your fov was something they fixed years ago and now is broken again.
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Edit: replied to wrong comment, sorry.
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Flashlights should have the following changes:
1.) Increase the base number of charges by 2-4.
2.) Make all flashlight activations consume a minimum of one charge.
3.) Increase the value of Battery add-ons.
4.) Killers that are blinded cannot be blinded for 3 seconds after taking their first blind.
There. Flashlights are fixed.
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All hail our lord and saviour Lightborn 😎
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Asking to need the weakest item in the game 💀
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Literally look down after the first blind and they can't chain blind you fam
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The weakest item in the game is a non-Iri map.
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Add-on less? Sure. Killer-belonging tracking tacked on? Definitely not.
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Face a wall, face a tree, face anything in the environment, look down, look up, turn your camera, and look around before you pick up when you see flashlights in a lobby. Choose any one of those things. That just about covers it.
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Lightborn, our lord and savior, nerfs flashlights more than the developers ever could. It makes flashlights into a positive benefit for you. It literally doesn't get better than that.
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Nah, still worse then Flashlights.
The day a Map can screw a killer out of a hook we'll talk. Until then that ability automatically disqualifies flashlights from being "the weakest item in the game".
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Look up, or down, or turn. Flashlights are fine.
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No, they fixed it then people complained and they reverted it..
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Have you tried looking away?
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Flashlights should have a one time use. High risk high reward.
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Flashlights are fine, if anything quite a few of their addons need buffs.
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Actually i dont have problems with flashlight, in my games they are actually not working on their side, it give me reason to slug and bait, especially baiting is a really good tool because getting that extra hit or second down can be game changing.
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I swear this place is cringe these days all these crybabies on a horror game forum who can't accept when they lose or get outplayed, expecting the devs to hold their hand and make it a easy win so they can feel good about themselves
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You crazy girl...
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Hell, just remove it.
Items interacting with killer's power is arbitrary and not worth item slot.
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I often troll flashlight survs by running Franklins, but bros, I have a new strategy that is working better.
Lately instead of Franklins, I have been runnin Lightborn if I see 2+ flashies in lobby and pretending to look up as if I am dodging the blinds, to make them think I can be blinded. However, this fools them and you can see them easily and hit them.
Last night I had an Adam trying to blind me all match, wasting all game doing nothing. I could not be blinded, yet he tried at least 10 times I guess LOLJust keep looking up or down as if you do not have Lightborn, and play the match. Totally got the 4k.
Lightborn bois, it is OP ;)
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No because you can find gens with it easier.
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One of the first perks that showed up when Nemesis came out for me. Which I gladly used because that was the summer of trapped generators and survivors shitting flashbangs every other second.
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Chain blinds shouldnt work, a blind should fully recover before another can be done.
This would give blind duration addons an actual use too
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Finding a generator, one of those things with reliable spawn locations identified with blinking lights and huge poles, is NOT a more powerful item than something that can literally rob a Killer of a down.
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Flashlights are fine the way they are, though making it slightly harder to blind from the sides wouldn't hurt, but I will forever insist that they should have a minimum charge depletion so we can stop having clickers running around. Especially macro clickers. If one use of a macro click depleted a max battery flashlight the game would instantly be better.
That said even those people are mostly just annoying gnats that usually go down in 15 seconds once you decide to give them that chase they so sorely wanted after running behind you clicking for the past 5 minutes instead of doing gens :D
It's always better to go for the dedicated gen jockeys in games with flashlight users after all.
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Flashlights are fine. As you'll know, killers can avoid a chain flash blind by looking down/up. The drawbacks to going for a chain blind is that you generally make less distance in order to be in range for the chain blind. If the killer looks down/up (as they should) to avoid it, the survivor could be in a bad (or worse) position and be hit easily.
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You can counter flashlight saves by just looking the other way before picking up or checking the area before picking up. Stop crying and learn to get good.
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This is Why Lightborn is my best Friend when i See more than 1 Flashlights in the Lobby :)
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I didn't catch the revert. Was it in 2020?
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Pls bring lightborn so I know to stay on gens instead of going for saves!!! 🙏
You keeping da homies fed with escapes, thank you for using lightborn. 😍💕
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Last night I literally recorded a match of an Adam like you being fooled by me pretending to not have Lightborn all match.
No one escaped, adam tried blinding me over and over until the end of the match, you guys NEVER figure out we have it. If you do, you already on the ground.
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I mean I will know something is up if I see the killer not be blinded if I end up trying to blind them at a pallet. At that point I will do gens, however that Adam was definitely greedy for saves
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Honestly, the only thing that needs fixing is certain flashlight angles. Getting blinded by someone who isn't even within your FOV is kinda silly and probably shouldn't be a thing.
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Another brother has found the glory of our lord and saviour. Amen
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look down or up. quite simple
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or use your ears, or look away, or face a wall when you pick up, or...
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No thanks I've been flashlight blinded in the ear too many times
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Yeah let’s turn playing survivor into nothing but a hold m1 sim with zero teamwork and skill
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ah, well your problem was using your ears as eyes.
Echolocation has its place, but not while there are clicking survivors in close proximity.
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Someone doesn't know lightborn exists
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I've always been curious, what is considered "killer belongings" because I always thought it was just for trappers traps and hags trap, can it give more value?