Dead Hard

It's probably the number one complaint from the Killer side and rightfully so. There is no downside to this perk. It turns every chase into a 3 hit down. Hitting a skilled Survivor three times in a reasonable amount of time requires meta gaming on the Killer side or GG.
It needs a sublte nerf, I've been thinking about "Broken" status until you go down. At least this way if the Killer does give up chase, you will remain injured for the rest of the match essentially. If the Killer later picks up chase on you again, he won't have to three hit you again, only two.
It adds a slight negative effect which is better than nothing.
You press Dead Hard, if the Killer didn't hit you within 0.5 sec aka you didn't dodge your hit, you get exhausted and no distance dash.
If you press Dead Hard and killer would otherwise hit you within that 0.5 sec window you will avoid the hit and Dash.
How about that?
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I could see a good change giving you broken for like 60 seconds or something but the entire match? That's crazy, playing the whole match injured is a huge punishment for just using a perk.
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That's not that good of a nerf because it'll still remove any kind of threat Survivors should have while injured.
The Perk needs a rework
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Not really the entire match, until the Killer downs you, could be the entire match if he doesnt chase you again.
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This is what will happen.
Chase, hit #1, injured, speed boost, chase, Dead Hard to avoid hit #2, Broken, chase extended, chase, down.
Survivor gets hooked.
Survivor gets unhooked.
Now Survivor is off the hook, still Injured, with a Broken status effect that doesn't matter because he is injured, and his Dead Hard is reloaded and ready to go AGAIN.
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Correct but, no more option to heal and regain a three hit scenario.
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Doesn't really matter. He's still in prime position to Dead Hard again and run the Killer on another chase with his Get Out of Jail Free card.
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Dead hard doesn't give the distance of getting hit though so, the two hit scenario is not as bad as the healthy three hit scenario. And unless the timing on a loop pallet or window is correct or even possible, many times Survivors will Dead Hard to nothing with you directly behind them for the next swing.
Adding a broken status would slightly nerf this perk without defeating it altogether. As it stands right now, it's OP and a headache for Killers.
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Probably DH has to stop survivors from moving unless killer hits him, as long as there is i-frame and can move while that time, they can still safely loop palette one more time.
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Remember that if they are broken now, all they really have is that Dead Hard. Yes, they get it once but have to deal with exhaustion. The Dead Hard will not always time well for the Survivor or give them the same kind of distance as being hit.
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Oh yes broken might be fairly good for risk-reward balancing, two hit chase is pretty normal.
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Just bait it out, i don't have any problem with it, the devs will never nerf it because is the only good counter to god nurses
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"Bait it out 4head"
When will this die out? It's straight up false. Waiting Dead Hard for distance out is impossible
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Some people can't tell the difference between high level survivors and.. uh.. chill? survivors
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I think Dead Hard complaints are as overblown as Dead Hard usefulness. Rarely do I have a survivor use it to its fullest potential and most people bring it because they're being told to or they just think its better than any alternative for them.
So many people have it only to use it before I even swing at all, fall for a fake swing, or just use it out in the open to go forward and just delay getting hit by a second.
So many other better perks to bring that could be more useful on a team basis than Dead Hard if that's the best you can do.
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You're going against bad Survivors.
Dead Hard's usefulness takes a deep dive when Survivors don't know how to use it, but is the best Perk in the game if Survivors know how to use it, which isn't hard, just press a button when out of reach of a Pallet or Window
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Yes, that was my point. Most people take without actually thinking about it because of its "supposed" greatness. But its not going to be the best choice for everyone.
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He has a point here. I've noticed even the most potatohead survivors these days are all running dead hard. I'm talking survivors that run past a god loop to go to a z wall on the edge of the map
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I'd just limit it to 1 use per match.
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You dont three hit a survivor with DH. Its still a two hit. And its downside is to be injured.
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So its downside is to play the game? And you have complete control of when to use it vs other exhaustion perks? Before you say instant downs. Preferably the chainsaw characters:good survivors can force a m1 using windows and pallets. Same with looping ghostface and myers till the mark/exposed wears off. They are still m1 after all.
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Careful, you’ve just triggered all the baby killers.
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What should be the downside if not playing the game? Having to go to the toilet once used? Do you also complain about hits missed due to Sprint Burst? Or due to Balanced? Or due to being 360ed?
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I needs to have an entirely different effect. If it stays as a sudo endurance stance it will always be stupidly broken
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Learn to love Blood Echo
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DH only for gaining distance would be much more fair.
Removes jail card around mind games in tiles.
Removes iFrame use where you can DH (without movement) into window/pallet which will result in dodge and safe vault.
Still allows to dodge ranged m2 via strafe DH.
Survivors will have split opinion at choosing next exhaust perk. Killers will get more downs and be happier.
BHVR will be upset due to over performance in general. So they will find another solution to f*ck it up somewhere else
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"It's the biggest killer complaint"
Yeah, because you're running out of stuff to complain about. Soon you will have to play against bots lol
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Maybe just learn to be patient and bait it. Approaching every survivor with the mindset that they have DH helps a lot.
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Thats not the issue with dh. The issue is when it's used for distance which is uncounterable vs most killers.
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The perk is fine as it is. Just get used to it, a lot of killers make the perk useless just by skill
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JuSt BaiT iT oUt 4head.
People really like to expose their killer mmr and how little they play it on these forums. That or they are just trying to protect their precious.
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DH is crap.
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There is a brief period where after the Dead Hard animation is finished where the survivor is slowed down and has to go through the running animation to get back to full speed. And the distance you get from Dead Hard is only really useful if the killer is quite close behind you, which at that point is basically dodging a hit because they are in your lunge range.
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Wait is this serious? Do people really think that there aren't ways killers can trick people into Dead Harding?
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Would make it useless on console and on pc still you would able to dodge hits which actually did hit you.
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Clearly you havent seen a dh for distance. DH used as the dev's intended is 100% counterable, for distance its legit not.
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Bigger fish to fry. We need less DH posts right now, and a LOT more cheating killer bot threads to escalate a sh!tstorm coming. It’s going to be really bad once more ppl start using these things.
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DH and cheaters are the biggest fish to fry. They can work on both at once as there's one team for anti-cheat and one team for perk balancing.
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Its an interesting idea.
Its also a bit of a misconception that DH provides a third health state it doesn't really it just resets a mistake. The problematic element of that is one mistake in chase as killer can be game ending with the split up on gens meta. So when survivors can turn a mistake into a win basically every chase its a little unbalanced.
The error margin is so much more narrow for killer than survivor, so having 4x free error correct across the team is remarkably powerful.
It's other problem is the cheese distance to a pallet or vault for free again at least once every chase. Maybe DH should deactivate like DS or UB. I saves your butt once and then its up to your team to help you as it should be.
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In the real world, the devs have confirmed a change is coming for it.
No idea why people keep repeating the mantra "IT IS FINE, IT IS FINE" when it's been publicly announced that it's slated for a change
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"the perk is fine" hmm yes the perk that single handily makes m1 killers a nightmare to play as is "fine". Just bait out the E key for distance 4head.
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However, we sadly have no idea when that change is coming. Given that it took them three years to fix the worst of Nurse's bugs, I'm not holding my breath.
At least can they please fix the unintended "eating power" bug that they've publicly acknowledged? DH is problematic enough without it being overpowered even further.
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No. Survivor perks shouldn’t not be nerfed until tunneling and camping is addressed
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DH needs to apply hindered for like 5-10 seconds after successfully doing it. That way a survivor can still use DH to extend the chase to the loop that they reached, but now they cannot simply hold W until they reach another set of loops. They’ll surely get caught at the spot that they reached to stall a little bit more. Probably being forced to use any pallets right away to prevent the downs. Not around the pallets because they now have a speed penalty.
The problem with DH is being able to extend a chase that would’ve ended. Say Point A is where you got the 1st hit, and Point B is the second hit (Down). With DH survivors can avoid the would be down. Then go as far as a point C, D, and E depending on the map. Every single time exhaustion goes away, and there’s nothing killers can do to stop it. You see this at Lery’s all the time.
Hindered would put an end to that.
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Acknowledged after I asked about it here ~21 times and finally sent in a ticket....the results of which I posted <_<;;
It shouldn't be like pulling teeth to report a cheater or get an answer on something literally EVERYONE that was playing the game could experience on a normal basis (Dead Hard Validation vs Powers).
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What is this serious? your survivors let you get into a position where you are humping their backside? That's some low tier stuff right there.
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Bait it out guys. everyone using deadhard because it is clearly not op
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Nerf the right ones and people will feel less obligated to do both.
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This is less Dead Hard and more Otz’s MMR, a meme Pinhead build for going after the box, and no add ons.
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The idea is deadhard is being used commonly for a reason.