Dead Hard
how about you cant throw a pallet or vault a window within a certain time frame of using the perk. fixed.
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The closest thing to an uncounterable killer perk is Deadlock. But you can just do another gen.
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Deadlock literally saves progress on the most completed gen for later unless paired with another perk that can cause regression through it.
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Funny how everyone just calls other ignorant when they disagree without still giving any valid argument. But that's the way crying baby's are, just complain and get angry if you don't think the same. No point wasting more time with that kind of people.
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I know. The person i responded to said there were heaps of uncounterable killer perks, and that's the closest thing i could thin of, because they can't stop that gen being blocked.
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Yeah and in some cases it ends up doing them a favor. The leave find another gen and then by the time it’s over you’ve got that one probably nearly finished and even better progress on others to manage.
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You're right no point in wasting time with people that can't see how unbalanced a single perk can be.
Just please tell me how to "chase better" when someone uses dead hard for distance. If I mind game them they can just E to the pallet or window.
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And can't leave trial by hatch or exit gate. Because I have more then dozens situation when person that must be downed because he almost in range for hit, but he press E and THEN teabagging on the edge of exit area...
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And what can survs do against bloodlust or windows blocked after 3 vaults?
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pretty sure its easy to break LoS considering how many safe loops and pallet is in the game.
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Just saying if I saw something other than this every game I would play a killer other than nurse. I'm just tired of the perk. so much so I run monitor fearmonger almost every game. it works really well to counter dh with nurse. DH is the texty perk.
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Not the only video btw.
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Bloodlust 3 takes 45 seconds, that's over half a Generator for a single Health State. If the Killer uses Bloodlust 3 to get both hits, that is a 90 second chase, which should be more than enough to get 3 Generators done.
You can chain multiple Windows together to nullify the Entity Window Blockage.
Survivors aren't meant to 1v1 the Killer, and it's the reason Dead Hard is the most overpowered Perk in the game, it allows Survivors to 1v1 the Killer (3 times for every Hook State) and can be brought by every Survivor
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It’ll get nerfed. Then everyone will complain about Sprint Burst next.
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You've already done it.
If you've run a killer until Bloodlust 3 and have run out of vaults because of the entity blocking them, then you've won the chase by default because the killer is too inexperienced to know when to quit a chase and you've managed to waste an incredible amount of time.
Being chased by the killer should ideally be about how long can you delay the inevitable, and while I would argue that the inevitable should take less time to happen than it currently does, you should still be able to run a killer for longer than they should ideally want a chase to go on.
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It just shows that all this dumb survivor only players never tried killer out at all.
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love this.
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Keep the perk to dodge the hit showing the animation of it being used but completely remove the distance boost.
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I’ll probably annoy some people by saying this but it doesn’t bother me.
I just wait until I’m close enough and they’ll always press it, then I can hit them. As for people that say using it for distance is bad, I rarely see survivors do, probably more seasoned players like streamers etc, but maybe my mmr isn’t high enough or something
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Hold W to another tile after you counted 3 window vaults? And counting how long it would take a killer to get blood lust and then dropping a pallet to break the killer out of it. Either way if you managed to make a killer bloodlust you both hits then you spent enough time for multiple gens to get completed which is part of your objective.
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You're both obviously playing very different games, if you catch my drift.