General Discussions

General Discussions

Burn Dead Hard to the ground. Thanks.

As an exhaustion perk, remove iframe of course.

Isolate iframe as a new perk.

As for the distance, devs can keep it or make it longer with the limitation that can't vault / drop pallets for 3 seconds after using DH.

This change forces survivors to use their brains to think instead of "oh my god there is a window / pallet just suck my Dead Hard killers", or just use sprint burst.

That will be great.

Thank you.

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  • Member Posts: 397

    but but but sprint burst is more op

  • Member Posts: 1,684
  • Member Posts: 35

    Yes. Ideally, it wouldn't even exist.

    Imagine a world without Dead Hard. M1 Killers actually feel sonewhat viable, as they only have to run Survs for 1-2 loops instead of 3-4. And Survivors get more perk variety, because instead of feeling obligated to run DH every game because it's OP, everyone gets to run their own little favorite Exhaustion perk. Instead of 4 DH's per game, you'd see Sprint Burst, Lithe, Overcome, Balanced, hell maybe even Smash Hit! Thus making the game more fun and unpredictable for everybody.

  • Member Posts: 1,333

    Agreed, if they add 3 difficult skill check to any regression perk, so killers need to use their brains to use them

  • Member Posts: 35

    I dislike Nurse as much as the next guy, and wouldn't mind seeing her getting knocked down a few pegs. But what you don't realize is that there are 25 other Killers in the game, and most of them get absolutely crushed by DH.

    I'm not a fan of the idea that we should keep this perk in the game to slightly counter 1 Killer (who is already the strongest in the game either way) and let the rest of Killers get absolutely shitted on.

    Bottom line is, remove Dead Hard AND nerf Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 435

    I just want it gone. Make it do something else entirely; so long as it's a free 3rd health state on command it will be broken af

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Nurse isn't an excuse for a busted perk.

    Nerf dead hard AND nerf nurse.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    However, consider all the tears.

    Because kill rates, that are above the goal the devs said for game balance anyway, would rise, leading to nerfs to all the killers. (as it should be, since there is a stated balance goal).

    I, while a survivor main, play both sides anyway (but almost never run dh), so usually i win and lose equally on balance changes, and so dont mind.

  • Member Posts: 177

    DH should only work if a survivor has completed a gen. Kind of like Coup De Grace...

  • Member Posts: 35

    I feel like NOED boosts kill rates by quite a bit, since it's DH for Killers. That's definitely a perk that should be trashed alongside DH.

    Also, do devs really pay that much attention to kill rates? Because it seems like a very arbitrary metric to balance the game around. After all, AFAIK Pig has one of the highest kill rates, yet we all know she's bottom of the barrel.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    Uh.. so what would be the actual use case for it? That sounds like the most useless perk of all time.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    It is at least their stated balance goal, so i would think they pay attention. However, i do think kills or escapes alone are not a good metric for balance in this game at all, but its the one they use so far.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Dead hard is only problem on pc on console it's much weaker and can be used only for distance and sometimes that does not even work but if you wait that killer start to hit. You get downed everytime. In pc however you can use it even killer has legit hit you sometimes you can even hear the scream when survivor gets downed. So those hacker dead hards needs to go but other than that it's fine. Other exhaustion perks need buffs so survivors would use them more like it's very easy to hit throught balanced landing and that perk isn't useful in many maps.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    You may want to alert the developers, as Dead Hard has been slated for a change.

    Perhaps you could help them understand why they shouldn't nerf Dead Hard and counter their reasoning.

  • Member Posts: 15

    I personally have about 560 hours in the game, mostly killer. Recently I have played a ton of survivor trying to get grade 1.

    I used to hate dead hard as a killer, and I still do, but it is basically required if you want to consistently do well. If you want to run a fun build and goof off most of the time, then run anything you prefer. But if you are consistently trying to do well, I feel dead hard and borrowed time are almost required to give your team any chance of success in the tunnel meta.

    And as a killer, I understand the tunnel meta. It is also one of the only ways to consistently win.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I have been saying remove the I frames and leave it for distance since using it to dodge a hit so to say is unreliable and easily countered.

    As for the 3 seconds can't vault or throw down pallet I think that would be too much

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