Billy Mains are Great and so Chill
I swear i never met with any sweaty or toxic Billy. All of them are playing for fun (I am talking for my exp). Trying weird chainsaw hits, flying, running all map with chainsaw etc.
Billy is just great killer and his mains know how to have fun. So sad i am so bad with him.
I agree. I tried main him for while and he was very hard to play. I am truly respect Billy mains.
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Demogorgons are better
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As much as this is true it makes them really easy to beat, they will keep trying for that chainsaw hit on loops where you as a survivor can fully deny any posible chainsaw hit, but looping them is fun af if you are good since you can last a very oong time in chase and it does not get boring.
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I am never greeding against Billy but that's me ofcourse. He is my fav killer to face. And he is so rare... So i am trying have fun with Billy while i can.
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Demo boy is good but he is not Billy. Billy is better and more unique.
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You dont need to greed, if you have played billy before and know the hitboxes you should force him to m1 in about 80% of the loops that exist, the thing is billy players like flashy hits and therefore they will throw the match to get em, thats when you take advantage and loop him for a long time, yet he is special in the sense that looping him is fun so you are having fun in chase and at the same time winning the match, I think thats why billy is so fun to go against.
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Billy is and always will be the #1 bae
I mained him startingin 2016, and I do play more than just him now, but nothing captures that feeling when you snipe a dude from halfway across the map!
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There is nothing, absolutely nothing better in this game than loading into the map, hearing chainsaw noises as you do your first gen, wondering where the killer is, and then finding a Billy on top of a roof somewhere, revving in victory.
But yeah, Billies are some of the fairest and most skilled players I've seen around. I'm always impressed when I see someone who goes for and lands ambitious saws, because I'm absolutely awful with him and the level of precision it takes to curve or flick him accurately around corners or through obstacles is way beyond my grasp.
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He'll get some love soon, I know he will
I'm still upset they left him out of the new DBD poster thing they made. They put hag instead :(
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Go against the top 13th best billy play. They're a little toxic.
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Billy is such a good boy. It's criminal how badly they butchered him.
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from personal experience, the amount of time you need to put into billy to learn him is also the amount of time you need to put into this game to stop caring about the outcome of the game
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I'm convinced Billy mains are the only killer mains in DBD that aren't absolutely toxic and awful. They never go out of their way to make you feel terrible, and the chases are always fun. They're just zoomy chainsaw boys and I appreciate that.