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Thrill of the Hunt is Not Worth Running

Killer perks can be divided neatly into two categorizes, those with effects visible to the killer and those with effects invisible to the killer.

For example, Nurse's calling is a visible perk because you see the aura. Meanwhile, Thatophobia is invisible because while their is a slow-down, you never get to directly see it.

As a role of thumb, visible perks are better than invisible perks. It is easier to plan around using a perk if you can actually see its effects. That being said, perks like thatophiobia aren't bad especially on killers like plague or legion, but Nurse's Calling is more useful for most killers because you can plan around what you get from the perk.

This leads us to the mother of all invisible perks, Thrill of the Hunt. The effect of the perk is simple. For every totem still in the map, you get 10% more hunter points (can't go over 8000) and survivors take 10% longer to break/bless totems.

This effect is not bad when you first read it, but there are a couple of catches that complicates matter. For starters, this effect can be undone by doing the perk's totem, like all hex perks. However, it can also be weakened by doing any other totem. But this ignores the main flaw with this perk.

You will never see this perk do anything. The only thing is good at is keeping track of the amount of totems left in the match that can spawn NOED.

Back in the day, it used to have a notication that made it good for protecting hex perks, but they got rid of it just it times for boons to show up.

Nowadays, I can't think of a single normal build that uses Thrill of the Hunt that could not have it be replaced with something more effective. A Pure hex build is better off with Retribution as that can let you sneak up survivors during totems and get free aura reading while this perk makes the break/bless last an extra 14 seconds or Pentimento serving as a nasty late game surprise. The effect is not nothing, but most survivors will wait until you are away before messing with your bones. This all assuming that Thrill of the Hunt lasts the entire game, which it most likely won't.

It is the ultimate invisible perk. It may have effects and they may be useful, but you have no way of telling as a killer. In a game of RNG, adding yet another dice to roll is waste of a perk slot.

If you have any idea for a build with Thrill of the Hunt, please tell me because I can't think of one.


  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 963

    I will just say this:

    Devs, BUFF BACK Thrill of the Hunt! Nobody liked the nerf and a counter to boons would be healthy for the game.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I find it works pretty well if you use it with Undying to protect your main hex like Devour. It at least makes booning very very time consuming.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Thrill of the Hunt, Retribution, Undying and Haunted Grounds on Doctor to annoy people with boons. Other than a meme specific build, however, Thrill of the Hunt is very under powered.

  • Ath4nat0s
    Ath4nat0s Member Posts: 77

    Thrill with Haunted Grounds+Retribution+Undying

    Usually when survivors see that ToTH is active they think there is a cheeky Devour Hope in game.

    And this is reinforced with Undying


    And this build also makes survivors unable to boon a totem cuz it would take sooo long (56s)

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    The point of Thrill nowadays is to discourage boons, particularly booning hex totems. I have one killer with whom I run it with Pentimento and Plaything, but that's more out of a lack of other perks than any real desire to run Thrill. The main issue is that Thrill is a hex and won't keep performing its function for very long, and unlike its previous iteration, it doesn't give you any extra ability to stop it from being cleansed. Current Thrill isn't worthy of being a hex, imo.

    Old Thrill was much better, serving as a true hex defense perk, but I'm convinced they stealth nerfed it because Artist would have made it impossible for all but the most coordinated SWFs to cleanse hexes.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Thrill is extremely useful for Pentimento builds. It, Pentimento, and Plaything forces survivors to do totems unique to them that they'll want to break even if they have a boon perk, because blessing over their Plaything would take nearly a full minute with Thrill still up.

    In general, it's also just most useful as a counter to boon totems. It makes blessing take long enough that survivors will be more inclined to break at least the one bone that has Thrill on it, and they'll want to break any hex instead of blessing over it unless they want to spend a very long time doing so.

    All in all, Thrill's 'nerf' ended up being a lateral move; it's not a totem defence perk anymore, but it's a moderately good totem slowdown perk alongside being a pretty decent boon counter. People want the notification back, but imo that's a bad idea- rather, I want to see it no longer be a hex, so survivors have to break totems to lessen its impact.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    I think it's a sidegrade or slightly better, but still not quite good enough imo. The old thrill would be a problem now on artist so in a way it's good that it was changed. I think the slowdown just shouldn't be token based and should be a flat number as long as the totem is up, so it's not getting weaker even before it gets destroyed.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I think Hex Thrill of the Hunt is something which should be an effect that isn’t literally a Hex. As in it provides slow down but the effect is tied tied to how many total totems are on the map. So cleansing totems effectively weakens the perk, but it’s not entirely cancelled.

    Also it could be interesting if Thrill counted all totems, including Boons. That way placing a Boon has no effect on Thrill one way or another, you actually have to cleanse totems to weaken Thrill’s effect. It makes it into a choice for Boon players - place Boons and never cleanse or spend some time cleansing to make future Boons faster to place.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    It already does, for that last part- Thrill doesn't lose tokens when a totem is blessed, so the only way to diminish or remove it is to break totems, not bless them.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    Iirc the description still says dull and hex totems, but it actually does include boon totems as well. Blessing a totem will not make it any weaker.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,851

    it used to be a pretty solid totem protection perk, but it got an unnecessary nerf when boons were introduced because they needed to sell Mikaela and her boons

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    I had 3 people hooked and couldn't find the last person. I finally hear a boon and noticed she wasn't saving her teammates because she was booning my thrill of the hunt. Totally worth it.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,441

    Thats if survivors care about oblivious which can be ignored by using your eyes really, altho its my favourite status effect for some reason.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,967
    edited May 2022

    I've only used it twice since the notification nerf

    I see zero reason to use it besides not wanting your totems to be booned

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    The loud noise notification was the only good part of it.