How to nerf Nurse?

I think everyone agrees that Nurse is the strongest Killer in the game and needs to a big nerf. But what would be the best way to do so without crippling her or completely changing her identity?
Nerfing her add-ons is the most common suggestion, but one I never see mentioned is that I think her blink attacks should count as special attacks. That way, she can no longer use Starstruck, Devour, NOED... after all, there is no reason that such a mobile Killer should be able to instadown you, especially since she can already get extremely quick downs.
First of all, something being the strongest doesn’t mean it needs a nerf. That makes zero sense. There will always be a strongest because that is only ever a relative term.
Second of all, she only has 3 problematic add-ons (Kavanagh’s Last Breath, Heavy Panting, Torn Bookmark). The others are a non-issue or meme-tier.
Third of all, Nurse’s blink attacks being special attacks make no sense gameplay-wise. She cannot attack with her power the way someone like Blight does. She can only move with her power, and then do a regular M1 after.
Fourth of all, Nurse using Exposed perks isn’t problematic in the first place, and killing perk diversity when there’s no balance issue is absurd.
Fifth of all, Nurse doesn’t need a rework or a nerf (other than to the aforementioned three add-ons). She performs balanced when against players of even skill on an even map. Matchmaking putting better players against worse players is not a balance problem. By that logic, every single killer and survivor is OP because good players will win most matches.
If you want to make the claim that Nurse consistently overperforms against players of even skill on an even map, please include actual conclusive evidence of such. Otherwise, there’s no reason to listen to arbitrary opinions on performance when nothing backs it up.
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The best way to make her stand out less compared to other killers is TO [Excessive Swearing] BUFF THE OTHER WEAK KILLERS. Hows that so hard to understand? I mean most of the community even supports that very concept on the survivors side, even tho theres no mechanical difference between good and bad survivors, just skill issue and cheat with friends, they're even brainstorming stuff for "the GAP" that'd not close it but a flat buff to all survivors (HUD Icons etc) !!!!! Is it that hard to apply it to killers too?
Always that hypocrisy "strong survivor stuff is okay, buff solo btw" and then turn around "Nerf top killer, then next top killer, then next".
So, rant over, excuse me, back on topic: She attacks with her saw, so why shouldnt it apply those effects? If anything it should apply all attacks made with their melee weapon on all killers. Arent those 3 problematic addons her like only 3 good addons? I'm not too informed on the math behind it, but gutting her best addons because they're the best and the rest sucks is kinda petty to demand.
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The one thing I do kinda agree with is making blink attacks special attacks.
This is true for Blight, so why not Nurse?
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You want to see a Nurse running a full Exposed build or 4 slowdown Perks
Turning her Blink Attacks into Special Attacks would a buff for Nurse, as she'd have literally no reason to run anything other than 4 slowdowns, unless she wants to troll a bit with Shadowborn, Lightborn, Deerstalker and Coulrophobia
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Shadowborn is the best perk in the game! No meme-ry here.
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Monstrous Shrine is better
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Then you see in tournaments, she's doing just fine, not overpowered, not underpowered.
Also play Nurse, and you'll know she has counterplays called walls, rocks, trees, and even sometimes pallets.
She's perfectly fine. Her only problems lie in her range add-ons, and the iri one that gives an extra blink. But her basekit is fine.
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Because Blight attacks with his power, and Nurse can’t. Blight’s power is movement and attacking with the movement itself. Nurse’s power is only movement. Then she attacks separately after.
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But Nurse can literally attack instantly upon blinking, you don't have to blink, stop, then attack, you can, but that's not optimal. You attack AS you blink.
Blight works in exactly the same way. You can attack AS you dash, or you can dash, then attack. The former is treated as a special attack, why not for Nurse?
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Because there is a difference with moving, and attacking, and attacking USING the moving. The parallel would be if Blight could attack after a Slam but before starting another Rush. Or if Nurse could attack by blinking through the survivor (as in the flying Nurse itself is an attack). Also attacking instantly like that isn’t even the best decision always for Nurse, cause any sort of mindgame will make it a whiff instead. You cannot do a regular attack as Blight after using a Rush until you completely fatigue and go back to normal. The two are not comparable. You cannot attack with Nurse's power. You can attack with Blight's power.
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She is undeniably the strongest, however I'm unsure if she needs a 'nerf'
If we tweak her numbers to pull her down, she will be basically useless.
Her balance is highly precise.
If you want her to be a bit fairer to go against at higher ranks - and fairer to play as in average games - then she'd need a complete rework.
Nerfing her as-is won't do anyone any good.