Why is the term "gen rushing" a thing

So i play both killer and survivor probably equally leaning a little more towards survivor when my friends play and alot of killers always say "wow nice gen rush" and i don't get why. Survivors have one main goal and it's to finish the gens but killers complain when we do it too fast. There's plenty of perks that can help them counter "gen rushing" yet they run none of them but still complain. I know some might not have the perks but still.
Best Answers
Gen rushing was originally a term used to describe the broken Brand New Part, playstyle.
After that was fixed, it became the general term to describe the unbalanced speed at which a coordinated team of survivors can complete generators.There are a lot of bad players that quickly throw around the term, so you can be sure that you're more often called a gen-rusher than you are actually rushing gens. Neither is rushing gens anything inherently bad; it's what you should be doing.
They indirectly ask you to play as if a certain balance patch was in place. Just don't give in to that.13 -
To me it's just a description of how fast some games go with the current time it takes to complete generators. Games are incredibly short. Survivors only have one objective and some teams do it VERY well. It makes things extremely stressful on the killer. It's not something the survivors are doing wrong though, to me it's a problem with the game. There needs to be another objective or gens need to take longer, or skill checks need to be replaced with something else or made harder or something.
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I don't think that anyone blames survivors for doing generators. What we are complaining about is BHVR not doing anything about stupidly short matches, downright encouraging it with the new PTS.
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Gen Rushing means doing gens.
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Is kill rushing a thing?5
@AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
Gen rushing was originally a term used to describe the broken Brand New Part, playstyle.
After that was fixed, it became the general term to describe the unbalanced speed at which a coordinated team of survivors can complete generators.There are a lot of bad players that quickly throw around the term, so you can be sure that you're more often called a gen-rusher than you are actually rushing gens. Neither is rushing gens anything inherently bad; it's what you should be doing.
They indirectly ask you to play as if a certain balance patch was in place. Just don't give in to that.that's pretty much how i see it i was just curious on other peoples points of views because i've faced plenty of killers that can pressure the map well enough that the game takes a little bit longer. Btw nice name lol.
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I mean survivors complain a lot when killers camp to secure a kill at the end of the game, both sides complain equally as much as the other. Survivors have objectives correct but killers have them too, which is to kill people but when they do it in an effective way we get hate thrown right at us.
I don't tunnel unless it's coming towards end game and I don't camp unless all gens are done, but there are perks to somewhat counter camping such as Borrowed time. Tunneling can't be countered and it's pretty crap when it happens to you.
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@BrendanLeeT said:
I mean survivors complain a lot when killers camp to secure a kill at the end of the game, both sides complain equally as much as the other. Survivors have objectives correct but killers have them too, which is to kill people but when they do it in an effective way we get hate thrown right at us.I don't tunnel unless it's coming towards end game and I don't camp unless all gens are done, but there are perks to somewhat counter camping such as Borrowed time. Tunneling can't be countered and it's pretty crap when it happens to you.
i agree on the camping when all gens are done because there's no point in leaving. Tunneling does suck lol. Only killer that can face camp and borrowed time can't save you with is leather face since he'll just down the borrowed time user which kinda sucks but he's a bad killer in general so once i rank back up i typically don't see him.
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Actually, the correct term for gen rush lately is when people set up 4 or 5 generators on 99% then do them all at once.
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@AetherBytes said:
Actually, the correct term for gen rush lately is when people set up 4 or 5 generators on 99% then do them all at once.I've only had that happen when I play the pig but even then her traps aren't much of a threat
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Why is "camping" a thing?
Or "tunneling"?
Why not call those "defending the hook" or "lowest denominator" ?
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@scorpio said:
To me it's just a description of how fast some games go with the current time it takes to complete generators. Games are incredibly short. Survivors only have one objective and some teams do it VERY well. It makes things extremely stressful on the killer. It's not something the survivors are doing wrong though, to me it's a problem with the game. There needs to be another objective or gens need to take longer, or skill checks need to be replaced with something else or made harder or something.I agree on the addition of another objective as of right now it's just cleansing totems and saving people from hooks but that's not that time consuming. With the recent changes to healing that's a step in the right direction in terms of making the matches take a little longer but it's not a whole lot
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@Attackfrog said:
Why is "camping" a thing?Or "tunneling"?
Why not call those "defending the hook" or "lowest denominator" ?
well camping is kind of toxic and shows a lack of skill generally a method used by leather face and wraith but not always. It's okay if all gens are done because that's a little different. Tunneling is justified if a survivor is toxic. But it's a game and everyone has their own play styles so to each his own i guess.
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Same happens to face camping. Everything is face camping now.
Btw, if all gens get done in 5 minutes or less, then that's a gen rush.3 -
@Tsulan said:
Same happens to face camping. Everything is face camping now.Btw, if all gens get done in 5 minutes or less, then that's a gen rush.
It's also being effective in doing the objective of the game. Why is 'gen rushing' said so often as if it's a bad thing? Yes, it's annoying when you're playing as killer and all the gens keep popping, it happens to me as well, I don't come to the forums to cry about it though, it's down to the fact you (not you specifically of course) didn't do good enough. Suck it up and move on like myself and all the other people who aren't entitled to 4Ks every match do.
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Sel said:
@Tsulan said:
Same happens to face camping. Everything is face camping now.Btw, if all gens get done in 5 minutes or less, then that's a gen rush.
It's also being effective in doing the objective of the game. Why is 'gen rushing' said so often as if it's a bad thing? Yes, it's annoying when you're playing as killer and all the gens keep popping, it happens to me as well, I don't come to the forums to cry about it though, it's down to the fact you (not you specifically of course) didn't do good enough. Suck it up and move on like myself and all the other people who aren't entitled to 4Ks every match do.
There is no getting gud. Since no one can defend 4 gens at the same time.
A survivor team that wants to complete gens asap, will complete them.1 -
If survivors are good and want to just do gens and get out there is literally no possible way for any killer besides nurse to stop that.
Is it survivors fault? No, its devs fault that they make maps as big as red forest and so on.0 -
@Laakeri said:
If survivors are good and want to just do gens and get out there is literally no possible way for any killer besides nurse to stop that.Is it survivors fault? No, its devs fault that they make maps as big as red forest and so on.
but if maps were smaller it'd be so easy for killers to 3 gen and patrol them constantly and hold the game hostage. Also killers like the doctor would be busted or anyone that runs distressing with other terror radius perks. It'd be too strong. BBQ and Chili helps you save time and tells you where to go as long as survivors aren't hiding so it can help you keep up the pressure and keep them busy and off of gens saving people.
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iTacoman said:
@Laakeri said:
If survivors are good and want to just do gens and get out there is literally no possible way for any killer besides nurse to stop that.Is it survivors fault? No, its devs fault that they make maps as big as red forest and so on.
but if maps were smaller it'd be so easy for killers to 3 gen and patrol them constantly and hold the game hostage. Also killers like the doctor would be busted or anyone that runs distressing with other terror radius perks. It'd be too strong. BBQ and Chili helps you save time and tells you where to go as long as survivors aren't hiding so it can help you keep up the pressure and keep them busy and off of gens saving people.
If they had DS, he wouldn't even have gotten a single kill. Even still, under current Emblem rules, he would have only saftey pipped.0 -
iTacoman said:
@Laakeri said:
If survivors are good and want to just do gens and get out there is literally no possible way for any killer besides nurse to stop that.Is it survivors fault? No, its devs fault that they make maps as big as red forest and so on.
but if maps were smaller it'd be so easy for killers to 3 gen and patrol them constantly and hold the game hostage. Also killers like the doctor would be busted or anyone that runs distressing with other terror radius perks. It'd be too strong. BBQ and Chili helps you save time and tells you where to go as long as survivors aren't hiding so it can help you keep up the pressure and keep them busy and off of gens saving people.
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Genrush is also often used to descripe the difference in time needed to complete generators compared to getting a single sacrifice.
In the time it mechanically takes to completely kill 1 survivor, up to 3 completely fresh generators can be finished.
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@Raptorrotas said:
Genrush is also often used to descripe the difference in time needed to complete generators compared to getting a single sacrifice.In the time it mechanically takes to completely kill 1 survivor, up to 3 completely fresh generators can be finished.
Basically this.
A decent not even good SWF team can run gens to completion within 2-3 chases.
If the person you're chasing also has DS this can delay a hook by around 30 seconds or more if they are using instamed.
Even if you dribble you're still wasting 15 seconds to get them to the hook.
These people also complain about NoED as if they don't know why more killers are running it now.
It's not "Crutch perking" it's being smart enough to run a perk that's a gamble to whether it even gets activated and it paying off.
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Gen rushing is a thing, if that were not, there wouldn't be so many people using ruin and/or NOED.
@iTacoman said:
@Attackfrog said:
Why is "camping" a thing?Or "tunneling"?
Why not call those "defending the hook" or "lowest denominator" ?
well camping is kind of toxic and shows a lack of skill generally a method used by leather face and wraith but not always. It's okay if all gens are done because that's a little different. Tunneling is justified if a survivor is toxic. But it's a game and everyone has their own play styles so to each his own i guess.
Tunneling is also justified if the killer is using Dying light.
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@iTacoman said:
So i play both killer and survivor probably equally leaning a little more towards survivor when my friends play and alot of killers always say "wow nice gen rush" and i don't get why. Survivors have one main goal and it's to finish the gens but killers complain when we do it too fast. There's plenty of perks that can help them counter "gen rushing" yet they run none of them but still complain. I know some might not have the perks but still.Why is the turn tunneling a thing?
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@IamFran said:
Gen rushing is a thing, if that were not, there wouldn't be so many people using ruin and/or NOED.@iTacoman said:
@Attackfrog said:
Why is "camping" a thing?Or "tunneling"?
Why not call those "defending the hook" or "lowest denominator" ?
well camping is kind of toxic and shows a lack of skill generally a method used by leather face and wraith but not always. It's okay if all gens are done because that's a little different. Tunneling is justified if a survivor is toxic. But it's a game and everyone has their own play styles so to each his own i guess.
Tunneling is justified
/10 char
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Gen rushing is basically the point where survivors do gens so fast the killer doesn't have time to do much to stop them. It's thoroughly unfun for the killer unless they run an end game build, and severely limits what they can do, and how much they can score.
It also often leads to camping.
There's not a whole lot of perks killers can run to effectively stop a gen rush outside of Ruin, which can end up destroyed almost instantly which is largely up to RNG, how well survivors memorize totem locations, and/or run small game/detective's hunch.
Everything else requires time, and in the span of a chase, determined survivors can hit up 2 to 3, or even 4 gens which means to stop a gen rush, you need to slow them down immediately.
It only takes 80 seconds to do a gen with nothing speeding them up, and most times survivors spawn within seconds of getting to one.0 -
Genrushing is a thing.
What's wrong in the picture is that Survivors get the verbal blame for it mostly.
Survivors need to repair, what they do isn't bad at all.
What's bad is the rate at which it can be done. (Plus a lot of anti-progression Perks on Killers just suck. (I said a lot, not all.))0 -
@weirdkid5 said:
iTacoman said:@Laakeri said:
If survivors are good and want to just do gens and get out there is literally no possible way for any killer besides nurse to stop that.
Is it survivors fault? No, its devs fault that they make maps as big as red forest and so on.
but if maps were smaller it'd be so easy for killers to 3 gen and patrol them constantly and hold the game hostage. Also killers like the doctor would be busted or anyone that runs distressing with other terror radius perks. It'd be too strong. BBQ and Chili helps you save time and tells you where to go as long as survivors aren't hiding so it can help you keep up the pressure and keep them busy and off of gens saving people.
This advice is lovely. It's almost like everyone thinks they're a better Killer than ScottJund despite the fact he barely pipped against a genrush squad that wasnt even using Perks.
If they had DS, he wouldn't even have gotten a single kill. Even still, under current Emblem rules, he would have only saftey pipped.
never said i was a good killer i usually stay between rank 5-10. Yes i understand these things happen from time to time but majority of the time i don't face this issue. Also the purpose of this thread is for your personal take on it not a content creators.
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It's not about the survivors not being supposed to do gens as fast as they can, that's their objective. By "gen rush" people mean that the survivors shouldn't be able to do the gens as fast as they currently can. The gens currently go way faster than they should. The killer doesn't have enough time for their objective bar the survivors making many mistakes or intentionally going slow.