Would you rather

Would you rather 69 votes
Why is it a package deal?
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More fair for both sides
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I only see one as a problem
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And just to see if people would be willing to make that sacrifice
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Others would beg to differ
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By that logic survivors and killers would be nerfed one to one. The game is subjectively not balanced right now, how would that make it more balanced?
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It would be less about balance and more about taking care of annoying/crutch perks
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While I agree there is some validity in that train of thought nerfing because something is "annoying" could do more harm than good in the long term. In my opinion you have to look at how things actually impact the game at the highest levels of play and see how certain perks skew win rates one way or the other then buff or nerf accordingly.
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I think dh on a fundamental level is worse than noed, and that noed isn't as bad as other people say. Ive thought it out and thats just how it is
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noed gets nerfed with every survivor totem perk (including boons since they overtake NOED because it isnt a dull totem anymore)
not to mention you dont need any perks whatsoever to just deactivate the damn thing
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NOED is already a bad perk so nerfing it in exchange for nerfing Dead Hard is a no-brainer lmao.
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Trade a niche, scummy, and 'meh' killer perk for literally the most powerful survivor perk in the game bar NONE?
Sounds like an unfair trade IMO.
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I would trade NOED for a Dead Hard nerf any day.
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Noed only nerf
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Nerf Dead Hard.
Make it a one time use.
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You got a better idea for a trade?
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This is a false equivalence, whether one is overpowered or not has nothing to do with whether the other is overpowered or not. There’s zero reason to tie them together, if Dead Hard is too powerful it should be nerfed and if it isn’t it shouldn’t independently of what does or doesn’t happen with NOED.
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Again, one has nothing to do with the other.
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I don't want to write a 10 page essay on how both of these perks are bad and un-healthy for the game. people have already done that. i just want to unite the community on a common goal, but yeah sure just ignore all that and stay stubborn
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Thank you for not wasting all our collective time on that essay, I appreciate it. It also would have nothing to do with what I said.
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Corrupt Intervention comes to mind.
It's free and powerful - requires 0 skill for killers - and is super annoying to play against.
That's a far more fair trade than NOED.
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Leave noed alone let us killers have our fun
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Sorry but noed is my fav and if you cant handle it oh well man like I hate dead hard but thats yall survivor mains fav and not a survivor fan and its not unhealthy its just a really good perk to use
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Nerf none.
Not sure how they're going to do DH without doing it Dirty. NOED isn't that great with people using boons and rightfully so. I don't see how nerfing these will make anyone happy tho.
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Lets be real even if we got rid of both people would just move on to the next and then the next, the complaining never stops.
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Nerf Dead Hard and leave NOED as it is, please.
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for DH i was thinking a 1-2s interaction(windows/pallets) cool down and maybe removing the injured requirement or less exhaustion. to make the perk more about skillful dodging and not just free distance. as for noed I've already made a rework post about and you could just make it to where it applys to boons as well as dull totems
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Honestly, I would kind of love for NOED to be deleted just so BHVR could have their precious stats be more accurate, then make changes accordingly. Kill rates would probably drop to the ball park of 35-45% for the majority of killers, then they could buff killers in general as needed
Dead hard getting nerfed into the ground would be a win win for everyone. Killers don't have as miserable a time, survivors can have queues shorter than 10 minutes
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Unfair trade.
NOED is inconsistent and usually a meh Perk.
Dead Hard is the strongest Perk in the game with no reliable counters other than playing Nurse
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I'll sacrifice NOED to make DH fair any day
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100%. I have no respect for anyone who runs either of those.