I think I just played against a cheating legacy Dwight who disconnected me from the game

As soon as I tried to hook him, I got disconnected from host. Which was suspicious. But also, he had legacy, which was very obviously hacked in. Now I'm forced to sit in a penalty for something out of my control. His blinds seemed almost instant too. I didn't even bother reporting him because I knew BhVR would do nothing. Please, fix your anticheat BhVR.
sadge dbd gaming moment indeed
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I probably should've lobby dodged it, but I thought it would be a nice challenge. Boy I was wrong.
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Another thing I'm noticing is that it's always on haddonfield. Just had it happen with a Mikaela, this game has so many issues man
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Steam went down for a few minutes around the time you posted that. I got DCed as well.
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I play on PlayStation though.
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Ah idk then, I haven't heard of any hacks that DC you besides DDoS but it wouldn't surprise me if they existed
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BHVR might not have any "gaming standards" sorry.