Streamers that main Specific Survivors

So what are some streamers/content creators that main a specific survivor that they're kinda known for that survivor?
This is all just for fun and nothing more, also don't bad mouth any streamer as it's not the purpose of this!
For example: Yerv is really known for Quentin, JRM for Claudette, and Detective Tapp for SwarmVII. I guess Demi counts for Yoichi because he's playing him alot considering yoichi resembles him xD. Any Cheryl, Jill, Leon, or Zarina mains out there?
Also, does anyone know that ash main streamer that mostly runs an anti slug build? I for the life of me can't remember his name lol.
Zubatlel likes Zarina the most but he also plays other survs.
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Jane Romero maining- well, Jane Romero.
JRM maining Claudette.
Edit: I don’t know about the streamer who mains Ash with an anti-slug build, but I remember Yerv having a video of him running a similar build with the same character.
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back before elden ring swallowed him up, ScottJund and his bike helmet, panda shirtwearing, compression pants dwight.
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Didn't he name his cat Zarina
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I play Steve?
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Otz plays a lot of cheryl and jill when he plays survivor. Some others that I know of;
Meg - Cahlaflour
Claudette - JRM
Jake - Demi before they started playing Yoichi a lot
Nea - Ayrun
Laurie - Anna Chess
Ace- Truetalent
Feng - Dowsey
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You stream? 😳
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Zubatel has also played Claire too😏
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It was his Dog
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On occasion when I don't feel like #########
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Oh nice, I’ll have to check it out. 🙂
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Half tempted to put some of these answers in a list for this post lol
Kinda neat seeing who mains what
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he hasn't done stuff in awhile but noob3 for nea
He'll always be the definitive nea main