BHVR, why not just have conditions for cheating?

I think the best possible way to get counter cheaters is just program a system where abnormal mechanics are being met?
If a Survivor/Killer is above a height Coordinate for longer than 10 secs, then Cancel the trial and Cheater detected.
If Someone is moving above 4.0 m/s (if a Survivor) or above 6.0 m/s (exceptions are Mobility Killers) as Killer for 1 Minute straight or a player's coordinate is moving too fast rapidly, then Cancel the Trial and Cheater detected.
If the server is encountering abnormal performance ie. (Hackers triggering infinite Scream to crash your client) then Cancel the Trial and Cheater detected.
If there's an End Game Collapsed and it didn't move all players to the post (Hostage taking Hackers) then Cancel the Trial and Cheater detected.
I can see these being able to code these conditions on Unreal Engine 4. This shouldn't be too hard if something like Valorant's Anti cheat or VAC can do.
The Speed one would be really hard to do.
Speed Modifiers Stack.
Breakout, Hope, Boon: Dark Theory, Adrenaline, Lithe, Smash hit, Balanced Landing, Sprint Burst, Blood Pact, Guardian, and Clowns Piss bottle
A lot of these can make a speed way faster than 4.0.
especially if combined
So the Speed cap would have to account for these
Then there is teleporting
they don't walk or run at all.
and rubber banding may or may not trigger it as well.
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The problem is that the game regularly has bugs, some of which would trip those conditions (getting stuck above the map, permanent sprint burst, etc.). It'd be way too easy for there to be false positives that would have to be resolved.
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I think they can just code this if the Coordinated changed by a big margin in under a set number of seconds.
If Player Coordinate X and Y moved 500+ in under 3 Secs, then Teleportation or Speed Hacks detected.
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I suppose.
Im just worried about console palyers, or people with less then great pcs. getting banned for "teleporting" cause of rubber banding
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Speed hacking detection would have to be more complicated than that.
It is perfectly feasible that, for example, a survivor can be moving faster than 4.0m/s for longer than a minute, because Hope exists and lasts for 2 minutes.
Not saying it's a bad idea, but it wouldn't be as simple as "are they moving faster than their default speed for x length of time."
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This game is being held together by duct tapes and children's prayers. BHVR is not willing to spend the money and time it would take to make the game run well enough to have an anticheat that wouldn't be constantly tripping on itself.
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As good as an idea this would be... you're expecting too much from a company that built this game on spaghetti code.
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Spaghetti code my guy
If they do that they will killswitch Twins trust me
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It'd be easy to build a net that captures blatant cheating (the kind where survivors hook and unhook themselves 15 times per second and fly around the map spamming animations, or the killer is a flying Ghostface with machine gun hatchets), but subtle cheating is much harder to catch because it falls within the parameters of what can already happen normally in DBD. You'd need to run an extensive list of if/elseifs every second to make sure that player speed matches perks and powers, buffs and cooldowns are lasting as long as they should and no more or less, and that nobody is affected by perks that aren't supposed to be in play, and that kind of overhead would slow down the game - not necessarily a great idea when it's already so strapped for performance.
It'd be much simpler if you could run a check to make sure all the values and conditions look okay only when an effect activates, but cheaters can alter the base values as well as inappropriately apply buffs to themselves, and that necessitates the costly constant checks. That said, they really should enforce that timers and cooldowns have very specific possible values and can never fall outside default/addon configurations, because that one should be way easier to detect without having to constantly spam checks - if the killer is stunned for a minute after a Head On, or the survivor's Jigsaw box takes 10 minutes to search, someone is cheating and that should be visible to the system immediately.
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One of the most common bugs in this game is super flight, it comes up on a regular basis and has for years. Someone mentioned how speed modifiers stack, and DBD tends to be a crash heavy game with weird server hickups. It's part of reason why it can be hard to catch a lot of things. That said, it isn't easy to craft anti-cheat software from scratch which is why it is usually provided by companies who specialize in it hence Easy Anti-Cheat.
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If it was that easy, why hasn't it been done? Do all the sanity checks you want but it's still not this magic bullet.
Riot's Anti cheat was designed with the game from the ground up, and certain decisions were made when making the game that help make cheating harder. You can read the posts they have made regarding the implementation of a fog of war system and the issues they encountered doing so.
With VAC it scans only for cheats reported by the developer, and even then, still has issues with cheaters.
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This has been suggested several times.
It shouldn't be too difficulty to keep track of everybody's state, gen speed and EGC duration.
Maybe they are doing it silently to get a list of cheaters and only banning after a while, as is customary.
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They need to change the Haste modifiers and make a monitor that validates the sources. All it needs to do is check the equipped perks, verify that perks in use are only 4, then ensure that marked "Shared" perks that grant movements speed to allies (Guardian, Dark Theory, etc.) have a shared, associated effect that doesn't stack. By making it that Haste does NOT stack, but favors the highest source, it would also make validating sources simple. If someone doesn't have Sprint Burst, but they are given 50% Haste sourced from Sprint Burst, Hacker. If they are moving 15% faster sourced from Guardian, Hacker. It would take a little doing, but it's 100% doable, especially with validated times. If a survivor enjoys over 50% movement speed for longer than 5 seconds, Hacker. If the Haste status exceeds all sources in the game, Hacker. If movement is higher than the base amount with an unverified source, Hacker.
Making Teleportation for killers marked for specifics isn't too hard, it could be done with a simple If/Then loop.
If: Killer using ability | Then: Ignore speed limitation . . . If: Killer uses ability at unreasonable frequency | Then: Flag for hacker.
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despite i HATE cheaters with a burning passion, you risk also to hit the normal players in that way cause mybe possible bugs will modify your ms (i saw a bug once where a trapper was stucked in his trap in a certain spot of the swamp, once he freed himself he was fast like a cloacked wraith)
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So, if a survivor stays exhausted for 4 minutes, the game detects a hack and aborts? Not quite that easy, actually. There are several timers depending on action or inaction, and those could still be messed with.
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While I agree the Anti-Cheat sucks, having condition that detect cheating is probably not gonna work since I have been myself (and have seen it happen to others) become the victim of cheaters in my lobby e.g. insta wiggle free and/or insta heal. How would you make sure this system won't falsely ban people cause a cheater gives everyone in the lobby cheats against their will?
I think just getting Battle Eye instead of Easy Anti-Cheat would already be an improvement at this point.
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Why cancel game just kick him of game
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This makes no sense as such things could also be caused by bugs, making games nearly unplayable just for being unlucky with a bug. Also devs arent really responsible for cheaters not being detected, cause nearly every company uses third party software thats not being handled by themselfs.
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Yes and no. If a survivor recovers from exhaustion in two seconds, the game can detect a hack easy. Four minutes - as you say, it's possible they were running or working on gens with Fearmonger or whatever. But in the latter case, it's not about looking at how long the effect takes to expire, it's about looking at how quickly the timer decays when it's not paused.
I would expect that there's a numeric timer that shows how long the effect is supposed to last, as well as charges and the rate of charges per second that survivors progress when actively working on them. Both of these things should be able to detect when the expected value isn't lining up with any possible outcome (say a survivor is healing at 0.01 charges per second, or doing gens at 20 charges per second, or any value that exceeds any possible combo of perks and addons.)
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It makes me sad this has happened to DBD.
Imbalance issues, grind, mmr, none of that makes me not want to play, but knowing theres subtle survivors cheating in a portion of matches (I have caught some in recorded matches) is the only thing that makes me want to walk away for a bit, and I don't want to.
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While that's true, you don't have to nuke a match for discovering something wrong. The way I'd do it, having the server discover an irregularity would flag the match for BHVR to look at and record some data about the discovered anomaly (whether it's for the bug team or the team that handles reports and suspicious activity, it's useful to have this directly sent to them) and would allow players to disconnect from the match without any penalty. That way, people can play if they want to or if everything seems aboveground, but if someone's cheating, nobody is forced to play with them for the sake of their DC timeouts.
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I mean, they can't even fix minor bugs for 6 years. Do you really think they would successfully implement something like this?
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To this date, i had more killer hackers than survivors, just saying. However, since i mostly play survivor, i dont have perfect knowledge of what is going on, and only can identify hackers that do it obviously (like running faster than me the whole time, or instahealing) AND do it in front of me, while a hacking killer usually becomes an issue in every game, sooner or later. So that is not representative.
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For taking game hostage they just need to have the server time decreased from 2 hours. Have it be 30 minutes - a regular match shouldn't go on that long anyway. It's a rare occurrence a legit match is going on that long and at that point just have it be a draw and have the players move onto a new match.
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I havent personally encountered a killer hacker but this is not a "us vs them" or surv vs killer issue.
This issue is really hurting the game, both sides. Neither side should want cheaters to this magnitude.
I personally have encountered (with video proof) things like endless sabo survivors who can sabo hook in 1 second and has no cooldown can run to next hook before you get there and sabo that one too, had it done to me on video. Won't link my vid but its on YT, I can only mention what I have encountered, have not had killer bot yet.
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Well, i have seen survivors that instaheal themself and others, and instarepair gens, as well as flying around, even if downed.
I have seen killers that down the whole team in under 2 minutes (even from across the map with no auraperk triggering), and each player is sacrificed instantly on the first hook. And they can fly, too, and hit you through walls.
I never meant it to be an us vs them issue, especially since i play both sides anyway (although i am a survivor main).
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You can code it that it takes into IF the Killer/Survivor has this perk then make the cap THIS amount.
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Knowing them this would probably start randomly banning people,then they would hit you with the ,,sorry but the anticheat detected it and we can't do anything about it lmao''