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Iridescent Shards are Hard to Get

Member Posts: 17

Is it just me that thinks iridescent shards are somewhat difficult to get? I started at the end of March 2022 and the gameplay felt really slow while I was trying to play the game to get my first 9000 shards, after I got my first 9000 shards I used them and it took forever to get another 9000. I know all you have to do is play the game and level up for shards but it takes to long to level up because you only get 300-500 XP per match and when you do level up it’s only 200-300 shards, double XP events are nice though.

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  • Member Posts: 2,649

    Agreed it takes a while to obtain them, but when you think about it, the fact that you can earn enough of them in game to completely buy chapters for free, I think the grind is fair

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Would be nice to be a little faster or have more double XP events. Daily rituals could award XP too!

  • Member Posts: 517

    I really wish they were earned based on performance rather than purely based on time. Doing AFK Wraith earns you as much progress towards iri shards as a 12 hook game

  • Member Posts: 1,451

    They take forever to accumulate if you spend them regularly on like the Shrine and small cosmetic pieces.

    I'd save them over time to buy the two community outfits that cost 21500 shards. From Feng and Clown if you don't have them already.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Yeah it takes forever to gain them once you reach around level 30 or so. There needs to be better ways of obtaining shards.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    I think it's generally a lot easier to get them when you play Killer. This is because your player level is based on two things: time in game and emblems.

    Time in game is kind of obvious. Even if you lose, you're still in the game for the entire game. You can't get tunneled out because you're the killer. The max for in game time is 10 minutes and most games will last 10 minutes.

    Emblems are also generally easier because you get emblems by just playing the game as you're supposed to as killer. As survivor, you're competing with other survivors for emblem points and sometimes you have to make non-optimal plays just to get more benevolent or objectives. As an example, if you get chased the entire game, you might not get the emblem for objectives.

    But yea they're sort of supposed to be hard to get. They've started doing them as some login rewards and the anniversary last year had them as login rewards so you'll definitely get a lot from that.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    Yes, they are.

  • Member Posts: 575

    No. I have 61k of them sitting here and I'm a relatively new player who owns all killers.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2022

    They're supposed to be hard to get, that's entirely the point. It directly prevents them from getting money the more you're able to buy with shards.

    I could see maybe a change to increase or decrease the amount based on performance, but I'm generally okay with the amount they give. It's a small incentive to play and gets me lots of free stuff if I do play a lot.

    For how hard on BHVR I tend to be a lot, I think they are extremely generous when it comes to free stuff. Iridescents don't even have to exist at all, but they chose to give us some freebies. I've bought every single non licensed killer and survivors since the games release nearly 6 years ago with shards..and I've still got nearly 160,000 shards I'm sitting on + a lot of shards I've spent on cosmetics for free. That is very, very generous on their part as that is a lot of money I would have had to spend.

    Now I know I'm an outlier in game time but my point here is to illustrate how much extra I still have left over after spending that many shards. I'm illustrating that the amount they give is quite generous.

    Of all the areas to be critical of BHVR I don't think this is one of them. This is one of the areas they do a pretty good job.

  • Member Posts: 159

    I was saving my shards and then I realized I can't buy Pyramid Head ☺️

    but yeah, shards and perks, take a long time to get in this game. even when you buy a chapter you don't get a gift: bloodpoints or shards as a thank you.

  • Member Posts: 1,495

    They're time consuming (not 'hard') to get, because:

    A) You earn them by literally just playing the game as you normally would, with no effort required on your part in going out of your way to earn them.

    B) They're a substitute for premium currency that is only obtained with *real money*. Wouldn't be much incentive to purchase Auric Cells if Iridescent Shards were both free and easy to obtain.

  • Member Posts: 17

    I suppose you are right on this, i'm still a relatively new player to dbd so maybe that's the reason they were "hard to get" or as you corrected me they are actually time consuming, HOWEVER the problem with shards being so time consuming to get them casual players who play 1-3 hours a day only level up like 1 or 2 times a day (depending on how long their matches even last) and it would take like weeks to build up enough shards for just 1 killer or survivor that has 3 unique perks and a power if you but a killer. I guess BHVR cant make everything easy to get or no one would buy AC or DLCs but at least most things in dbd are still free if you grind on a daily basis.

  • Member Posts: 734

    Even though some people have brought up that they have plenty of extra iridescent shards after buying all original killers and survivors, I still think they could give some in the rift as rewards. The free rift is pretty barren for casual players, so having periodic 50 iri shards awards would just be a nice little treat. I agree that they should take time to get because they're basically free money, but I also think having a small reward in the rift wouldn't hurt the overall economy. It basically just rewards people who play the game, and with the content only growing, it would be more encouraging to newer players who just see a bunch of locked characters that seem "unattainable" with their current gain rate.

  • Member Posts: 17

    Maybe that's why i thought that... all the locked characters look like they would take ages to get and probably look threatening to a new player like me but i am slowly getting characters :)

  • Member Posts: 734

    Yeah, when you've played the game for awhile, I think you can sort of forget how intimidating the game looks to a brand new player. There's so much content on both survivor and killer, learning the perks and add-ons can be daunting, especially when half the content (maybe even more) is never run because it's just bad.

    I've had the game for about 2 years, and probably have actively played for about 1.5 years. (I got really busy with school so I had 2 three month hiatuses.) I'm almost around 1,300 hours in the game, and I think I play rather efficiently. I'm only missing 2 killers and have bought the rest of the killers and survivors with iri shards. It's definitely possible to get all the content for "free" but just takes time. I will say that they will have periodic iri shard sales on characters and usually during december they give out enough shards for a free character. Sticking around is definitely worth it if you enjoy the game and want to get content. The community can be rough, but there's plenty of nice people among the bots and trolls.

  • Member Posts: 288

    Dailys should give small amount of shards too

  • Member Posts: 14

    the 6th Anniversary is around the corner, maybe you can get some more shards there

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    If your living shard to shard then of course its going to seem slow earning them.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    That's the point. They want you to BUY these characters with real money.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I just buy the chapters with $. Shards are just to get cosmetics. Bought three outfits from the Spring Collection.

  • Member Posts: 17

    The only chapters i have bought so far are the Liscensed characters with 1 killer and 1 survivor when they were 50% off

  • Member Posts: 508

    I still think that Iridescent shards should be rewarded in the rift like auric cells. So many useless charms that no one ever will use in there. But I understand that BHVR gotta make money somehow.

  • Member Posts: 17

    Yeah BHVR gets most of their money from skins and people buying chapters

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