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How to nerf the Nurse.

SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527
edited May 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Imagine you are a DBD map designer. You carefully craft the map. The distances between playgrounds. The possible pallet locations. The location of the main building. Killer shack. The distances between each of these and how they affect gameplay. Is this loop too strong? Etc..

Then someone picks Nurse and takes a giant dump all over your map by simply flying through every wall, and completely ignoring the need to use stairs and flying from 1st floor to 2nd floor and vice versa, at will.

Here is one nerf to the Nurse, that I think is viable

  • Nurse can only use her teleport ability IF she is aiming at a wall/rock/pallet/ basically any obstacle that you normally cannot walk through.

If Nurse is out in the open, she cannot use blink to simply gain ground in open space.

This creates a viable weakness for nurse, and keeps her intended design. If survivors can juke her in a building, and get out into an open area, Nurse has to run after you, and cannot blink until there's a wall or rock between you and her.

P.S. Also Nurse should not be able to ignore floors and simply go from 1st to 2nd whenever she wants. She should have to use the stairs like everone else.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Here is how you do it:

    Her addons should be like Artist addons, aka buffing very little her main power (0,5s faster birds, 0,5s shorter cooldown, etc.) and just give some status effects or unique effects.

    Nerf / Delete her range addons with recharge and charge speed. BAM! You have still the strongest killer in the game but she is no longer OP.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    So what would prevent me then as a survivor from just staying in an open area when I’m faster than her? As long as that area is big enough that I don’t get cornered.

    She needs a nerf, but this is not the solution, at all.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,287

    If you can't loop a Nurse, stealth is an option. I use it reasonably well.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    I'm gonna use that strat.

    I didn't get blood lodge or mother's dwelling now what do I do?

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Can confirm. Had to turn my gamma up for claudetites. it was getting absolutely bonkers how many people just crouch in a bush or corn if I'm Nurse. And what's worse, it was working. That fatigue makes it so easy to immerse.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,287

    Yup, and sneakily using LoS blockers helps a lot. Add Lithe into the mix and I can waste some time, though I’m bad so not much. I just make sure to run her across the map as far as possible from my teammates.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,881

    There's plenty of maps where you can hold w and have a nurse have anything to go behind to blink.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831

    So basically a slow Blight that can bounce only once?

    Yeah, no.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    "How to completely cripple nurse"

    Keep her slow at 96% and make her blinks only possible through objects.

    First of all i can't for the life of me imagine that this won't bring a whole hell of a lot of coding problems and terrains registration bugs.

    Second, the now ludicrously strong counterplay again every nurse would be either don't lose line of sight or double back immediately after losing it so she ports through the Los blocker and gets fatigued.

    Also this 😂:

    Imagine you are a DBD map designer. You carefully craft the map. The distances between playgrounds. The possible pallet locations. The location of the main building. Killer shack. The distances between each of these and how they affect gameplay. Is this loop too strong? Etc..

    I would prefer to imagine a competent team supervisor that would come, take a look and say "Okay cool, now redo all of that because nearly every survivor player uses dead hard and you made it too easy to chain all those structures." 😂

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360

    yea she can be frustrating sure, but so are a lot of survivor things. If you are consistently vsing a nurse you should look inwards at how you are playing the game, you directly affect people wanting to play this killer.

    That being said. that nerf sounds awful. maybe tone back addons a bit, I don't think the base kit needs touched. some maps not having range feels pretty awful, the recharge addons are great.

    I would like to see some purple addon changes. bad mans etc. I don't think 3 blink has a down side for how powerful it is in conjunction with range addons.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited May 2022

    Someone once suggested that Nurse only be allowed to Blink to what she can see, meaning she still has (most) of her anti loop ability, but can't change floors or jump through walls... naturally, even SURVIVOR mains thought that was a stupid idea, mainly because that would change all nurse players from being predictive or reactive, to simply reactive, and most survivors would rather face a bad predictive Nurse any day over a good reactive one.

    OP's Idea sounds similar, but in an opposite way. Restricting her map pressure unless there's an object she can blink through? You might as well also add that she can only use it during chase, and still moves at 3.68 m/s regardless! Now one of the least played and lowest scoring killers on the chart will FINALLY be so frustrating to use, that no one will want to put in the effort to learn how to use her! Bravo!

  • _AdamFrancis_
    _AdamFrancis_ Member Posts: 698

    I would ONLY be fine with this if you made her 4.5 in open areas.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542
    edited May 2022

    The nurse isn't overpowered, she is an excellently designed killer. She is far more powerful then any other killer, and its not hard to see why. The devs have even mentioned before that they have no plans on making a killer like her again, because she is so far above any other killer, its impossible to balance around.

    Where I think your understanding of overpowered comes from is more based off the survivors. In a typical match of DBD (say against Blight). Unless you are SWF, the devs try to pair people on the same skill level, although they have admitted that they prioritize wait times, and connection stability over balance. The result is survivors skill range can be quite broad. With sometimes their being one survivor far above, or below the others. Generally this is fine, because good survivors can make up for their teammates weakness. However the nurse is different. Because she has such a fast downing speed she will have the opportunity to quickly swap between every survivor, you need 4 good survivors to beat her. (This assumes she is skilled with her, fair and does not tunnel or camp). SO technically 4 good survivors, with good perks, can beat a skilled nurse, at least 50% of the time.

    All in all, I love playing, and versing her and hope they never change her.

  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456

    well, it's been 3 months now with the Range addons glitched, giving more blink speed for her.

  • KYLEisaGOD75
    KYLEisaGOD75 Member Posts: 15

    Yes please for the love of god nerf the nurse. I believe it is most necessary for pc because of the ability to more accurately maneuver a mouse than a thumbstick. I just played two nurse games back to back at bronze rank 4 and there was nothing stopping her from finishing us all off. Even on one of the largest maps she cleared most of it in 2 blinks. She is grossly overpowered and I honestly wouldnt care if they removed her from the game entirely. When she blinks she hits before she even appears like there is no good counter to her. Your ideas for how to go about nerfing the nurse make sense so I'm totally with you.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,469
    edited May 2022

    How about this instead, nurse has up to 2 blinks, can charge up a blink to blink up to 20 meters and can charge up a chain blink to blink up to 12 meters, and blinks recharge in 3 seconds, but you no longer need walls next to you to blink I think then it would be just fine