

Would you rather: Nerf Meta Perks

Member Posts: 163

Would you rather: Nerf Meta Perks 80 votes

Nerf DH
71 votes
Nerf BT
3 votes
Nerf DS
4 votes
Nerf Iron Will
2 votes

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  • Member Posts: 517
    Nerf DH

    I hate DH so much that I'd almost be in favor of small buffs to all 3 other perks listed here if it meant nerfing DH

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    Nerf DH

    Dead Hard is the most powerful of the perks on that list. I don't have any problems with Borrowed Time or Decisive Strike personally. Iron Will I think could stand to be at 90% sound reduction instead of 100% because of how its formula works but that's a minor thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    Nerf DH

    No contest. This will make the game a lot healthier.

  • Member Posts: 6,030
    Nerf DH

    I want them to remove I Frames from dead hard.

    The other perks are fine.

    2 out of the 4 can be ignored if you don't tunnel.

    And one just removes Injured noises when i can hear footsteps, See blood and scratchmarks

  • Member Posts: 6,825
    Nerf DH

    BT and DS are easily avoidable if you don’t tunnel, IW can be annoying but as a plague main it doesn’t bother me cause I can still track survivors when they’re coughing/vomiting.

    DH for distance should be removed.

  • Member Posts: 795
    Nerf DH

    Nerf DH make it so there's no interaction with vaults and pallets for 3 seconds after dead harding.

  • Member Posts: 1,327
    edited May 2022
    Nerf DH

    DH is the only problematic perk here for the most part. I'll go through them and address DH last.

    BT can be very frustrating if they just force the BT hit when you're trying to avoid tunnelling, but that could easily be fixed in numerous ways while still maintaining the core of what BT does (i.e. grants temporary protection to players after they've been unhooked). So overall, it's fine.

    DS is entirely for anti-tunnel now. If you're getting hit with DS all the time as Killer then I'm sorry but that's on you. Only interaction I can think of where the Killer may not have tunnelled and still be DS'd is if the Survivor refused to do any objectives and hit you with DS sometime before the timer ends. However, if that happens, that can very easily be viewed as beneficial for the Killer. Bear in mind that they didn't do anything that whole time to keep their DS AND now that they've used it, you actually could tunnel them mercilessly later if you want/need to. At the end of the day, DS is entirely fair and fine imo.

    Iron Will is very annoying to deal with as Killer sometimes. Indeed, when used well or when paired with certain builds, you can actually lose the killer mid-chase which is definitely very powerful. To be honest though, I've never had much of a problem with the perk. It can be very annoying but it's not even really in the same ball park as the other meta perks.

    To be honest I'm kind of surprised you didn't include COH. Even after it's nerfs, COH is still insanely strong to the point of probably still being overpowered. Oh well.

    DH, well what can I say really that hasn't been said before? For much of the killer cast, it's uncounterable when used right, guarantees a huge amount of extra gen time and is supremely frustrating to deal with. I'm honestly baffled that a perk like this still exists in the game in 2022. It should've been gutted years ago, but I guess that'd drastically increase the kill rates because of all the people who crutched on it to do well. Not much we can do about it at the end of the day I guess.

  • Member Posts: 357
    Nerf DH

    A third health state should be earned through doing something risky. And It is a perk survivors abuse A LOT.

  • Member Posts: 496
    Nerf DH

    Contrary to the popular belief, other perks listed here are actually fine.

    Just rewert the Iron Will buff so Stridor has effect on it again and there are ok perks.

    It's just DH that is unhealthy at the moment. Literally having third health state with no downsides is STUPID. Compare it to Mettle of Man.

  • Member Posts: 208

    i'm curious to know why everyone hates dead hard now. it's been around since the beginning. i heard killers just say "bait it out" it's no problem for me. and now i only hear how frustrated they are....what has changed? you can still bait it out why is everyone on the hate train?

  • Member Posts: 1,327
    Nerf DH

    Dead hard has always been insanely strong but there was also the risk of being exhausted on the ground. As a result, Sprint burst or lithe were usually more consistent so Dead hard wasn't as common. When dead hard validation happened, the perk's main drawback was gone and it instantly became far more consistent. After that, people began to realise just how crazy it is and it quickly rose in popularity soon after that. Also, the "just bait it out" argument only works when the Survivor is in a deadzone (i.e. they're gonna go down anyways). If they're in a loop, or near enough to a loop that dead harding would save them, then "baiting it out" isn't going to help.

  • Member Posts: 541
    Nerf DH

    When I play Bubba I happily basement all dead hard users. I don't care if the other 3 escape. I want to make that jerk regret that they brought dead hard.

  • Member Posts: 2,513
    Nerf DH

    This poll was never going to be remotely close and we all knew it.

  • Member Posts: 464
    Nerf DH

    DH should not even exist

  • Member Posts: 1,814
    Nerf DH

    It's incredibly stupid that Borrowed Time, the second most used survivor perk in the game, got SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER in an initiative that was supposed to shake up typical perk loadouts.

    That being said, Dead Hard needs to go. The revised version retains nearly as much power as the current version and it will not, in any way, discourage 3 out of every 4 survivors from running it. And the idea that any game has an option with a 75% pick-rate is one of the most embarrassing instances of game imbalance that I've ever heard of.

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