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So you don't like slug for 4k but then u act like that?

Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

So survivor don't like when the killers slugs to get the 4k because in the end it's a coin flip who finds hatch and thats oke and I understand that. I don't do it because I already killed three people and I'm fine with that but then you have survs like the guy I got today.

I play a normal game not to sweaty not to easy and I hang the third guy who is dead on hook so I start roaming around for a bit don't see the hatch and decide to don't search for it and just wait. I got up was in the bath came back and wondered why the game hadn't ended jet.

Turns out after roaming around for two minutes I find that Bill sitting on the hatch in the distance and I was like oke I take my phone and a cigarette and scroll the forum. that guy was sitting there for good 10min waiting for me to aproche so he can jump in and then I got a gg ez noob.

I really don't know what to say about that. This guy single handedly made me thinking about don't giving hatch anymore and to start slugging for 4k it's just wild


  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279


  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Don't let one bag egg tilt you.

    This game is full of bad gamers like all PVP.

    The funny thing is if you flipped this scenario on its head and bled that guy out you probably would have gotten a post game tirade about how you are toxic and trash etc etc.

    Bad gamers be bad gamers win or lose and yeah it sucks when our sense of personal justice gets deflated due a lack of consequence for people's bad behavior. The internet is largely consequence free environment so that's just the nature of it.

    Slug for the 4k or give hatch its up to you but do it because its what you wanted to at the time not what some jackass on the other side expected of you.

    Its silly that people get so worked up over a game, it boggles my mind.

    Although once or twice I have indulged someone doing that just to see how long they might stand there BM'ing for, it can go for a really long time, people really get off on it.

    I often play dbd with movie playing in the background, I got through the whole opening chase scene of 28 days later once while some guy just BM'ed on top of the hatch (and noise spammed a vault that was next to it), that's like 15-20mins.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    On the flip side at least twice I’ve managed to close a hatch on a survivor doing something stupid like that. The most recent one was I was Doctor and hit them with a Shock before they could jump down. In chat they said they didn’t realize Shock could keep them from using hatch. 😀

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    Oh man this reminds me of that one time I hooked the last guy who glitched and somehow didn't die on his last hook. And so it turned into a 45 minute plus game of chicken to see who would DC first. I won 😎

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I never understood why people stand on the hatch. There are no bonus points for waiting.


  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436
    edited May 2022

    I find it funny because it's so obvious they left yet people who to do that try to act as if they won somehow. As an example, a survivor who escaped through the hatch was trying ggez on me. I just wrote 'You escaped through the hatch on death hook with three gens left. On the Game. There's no way to spin that into a victory.' Silence after.

    At least they're not the entire player base. On the Game as well, one survivor in a different game who got hatch sat first watching Jigsaw TV just chilling with Bubba. It was pretty cool.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,136

    I don't get that crap. Any killer who doesn't slug for the 4k is being nice and giving you a chance at the hatch if not outright letting you escape. Just like any killer without a one-hit-down who doesn't face camp a hook during the EGC is being super nice. There's just no reason to taunt a killer in those situations unless you want them to camp and slug all the fun out of your game in the future.

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    I drop survivors on the hatch and immediately close it. They never react fast enough.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I see this constantly. Killer is playing fair and doesn´t camp/tunnel/slug/whatever and the survivors don´t appreciate it in the afterchat and go full toxic.

    Instead of cultivating a nice comunity, where people treat each other as decent human beings. We get toxic behavior, which breeds toxic killers, which breeds toxic survivors, and so on.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    If I started a discussion every time I gifted the hatch to a survivor and then got insulted anyway, the mods here probably would have banned me 😂

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I literally don't have the patience to slug for the 4k I usually just look for hatch after the 3rd person dies and either I find it and force egc or I don't and I force them through the hatch. But yeah I never gift hatch either I don't get why you would when most people act the way they do. Literally just giving up BP so someone can be rude to you post-game.

  • Ula
    Ula Member Posts: 276

    I honestly think survivors doing this would have no shame slugging for 4k, or even slugging for any reason

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    You don´t have to be a nice killer. But preventing the game from becoming more toxic, isn´t exactly a bad thing.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Yeah, but even without feeling to be entitled to recognition for it, it gets quite tiring and exhausting trying to be nice without any appreciation.

    The large majority just says during end game chat:

    - either nothing (console or not), especially when you as the killer "win" aka kill ANY number of survivors

    - or give you GG, but that also mostly after a heavy loss on your side, which then often feels condescending when it only happens in such conditions

    A few are still the same toxic sludge, even when you obviously gift them the 4e and an also small or even smaller portion show appreciation for going not full throttle on them. Aka i still play like normal but go out of my way to avoid the usual "tactics" and depending on how the trial went push them out or kill them.

    But in the end it doesn't feel any rewarding to be nice outside of just personally being that way when the majority of the time you still get taunted at every opportunity and the like (that's still in a majority of games, the stuff above is only for after game chat).

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Yes, it sadly is like this.

    Sometimes i wonder, if those people realize, that they are driving the "good" killers away. Which leaves more toxic killers behind. Ruining the game for everyone.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    What are the chances he was running left behind as well to find it as soon as possible so he can have as much bragging rights as he can, lol