Have Any of You Ever Been in A Youtube Video?

I've always wondered how it would feel to have your matches posted by someone. What was it like when you saw it? Were you a survivor or killer, and how did the match turn out/feel to play?
closest i've ever gotten was getting ohtofu as a survivor as nemesis while he was live
it wasn't a great match :(
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I've appeared on livestreams 2 days ago I got tokki in a lobby When she was live
Another streamer forgot a few weeks ago her name but she had a 100+ viewer count
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Not on YouTube, but I've been on a popular DBD creators stream twice. Both were fun matches.
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Yeah a couple times I've played against Otzdarva, Ohtofu, Matthew Santora, Dlive, EntoanThePack, and I think that's all I can think of. I've also made a cameo appearance on 4Gamers channel in one clip.
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No, but I played against Jakkage earlier.
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I forgot Matthew santoro became a dbd streamer
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I searched my name on youtube and found a video from 2016 of me getting facecamped by a Wraith who was hitting me over and over on the hook :)
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Yes, Against Tatariu - Trapper
Me -(Lisa) and My sister - (James) where farming autodidact stacks, With his Trap
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No, I morid spooknjukes on trapper but that was abt it
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i played against Rts coconut as sadako
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I was in Zubatlels clown rework ptb video where a totem was trapped inside a hook on the reworked map (I was the clown)
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Ya I was the Huntress in one of "The Kings" videos.
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There's a yerv vid where a doctor is swinging and missing like a dozen times at the pig chute in the game. I watched it and was like oh yeah, I remember that. I was real real drunk.
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I've seen a couple people here encounter Otzdarva, like with his Twins game on RPD.
I myself am a ghost, you'll never see me in the wild
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Against he, who should not be named, in my very first Pig match and in another match as true's teammate.
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Youtube videos? No idea. I end up on lots of twitch streams every time I play DBD and its always fun interacting with the streamer after the match and talking about all the shenanigans we just had. ๐
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I ended up in an OchiDO compilation once. I was playing Billy on Hawkins. One of the survivors was recording and he dropped from the upstairs hole directly into my chainsaw. That's all I can remember about that match because it scared the crap out of me.
I've also played against Hexy twice and Cope around five times, though I'm not sure if either of them were live or if they posted those matches on YouTube. Most of my games with Cope had him as Ghostface and we had some tense chases from what I remember. One of the times with Hexy though I was being a rat for a hatch challenge against his Nurse. Felt embarrassed about my gameplay when I realized who I was playing against.
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no need to be embarrassed. survival by any means is the way this game works.
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I don't know if I've been on a YouTube video, but I have versed Twitch streamers (really nice people), tho they weren't very big
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No, never.
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I only know that "someone" on this forum ended up on a popular DBD YouTubers Thumbnail not too long ago.
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Not that I know of. Played against a few bigger streamers though. Elix, Monto, Tea Scholar, Angrypug, and several other smaller twitchies.
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Iโm in one of Zubats compilations. I was being tunneled by a Freddy on Hawkins.
Otherwise, for the most well known, I have won and lost many matches against CoconutRTS and OhToFu. Not sure if that made it to YouTube. Iโve lost every match I can think of against Scott Jund.
There was an up and coming streamer who mained Blight before they fixed his FOV. Ascension? Idk if he still plays but everytime he saw me he brought really strong add ons.
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Oh yeah, I made it on one of the bigger survivor main channels as I was just doing a killer daily on my switch. It was like my second ever match and on the switch controller it's very difficult(switched to PC). They had a good old time spamming their flashlights and doing all their techs and everything, and refusing to open the door after the gens were done. They had at the time lik 5k hours to my like 20 hours. They also didn't show my 1 perk loadout to their full meta loadout or talk about how I was clearly new.
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I was in a Monto video years ago. I was the opposing hag. Not a killer I play a lot of and iirc was just doing a challenge or daily. So kinda of a ######### match to get shown off.
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I dont know if i have been in youtube videos but i have been in twitch streams. I remember playing against Lilithomen and some other streamers
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Only big one i ever noticed was Graenz which is funny since he and Otz are also the only ones i watch.
I dont really pay much attention to names tho.
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You cant believe how much I disappointed when seeing him in a Spooky's vid. Im used to watch Mat's vids everyday back to 2014-2016 or something
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Not to my knowledge.
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Was in an Otz video. Was in a match where he lost his Myers win streak at 35 wins. I wasn't happy with how I played though.
Played against a lesser known streamer called Paralyze in my swf. This game was a joy to watch because he was having fun while we were messing around with sabo builds.
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Iโm the Tapp from the very last clip. He let me go afterward.
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Yes, Space Coconut got me long ago lol in addition when I lived in California, I was on some popular DBD streamers lobby regularly like Angrypug and am in quite a few videos.
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Me and my friend were in Zet0r's video, but thankfully he didn't show the game, cuz it was TERRIBLE xD He was just having a laugh at our names
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Only video I'm aware of was a twitch stream dump to youtube by Vin3ntVega. It was one of his play who you verse streams. He was playing Billy. I gave him enough of a run he picked me as his survivor for the next game, but refused to wear the cosmetics I had because I had the Tofu Shirt for Dwight on.
Other than that I solo queued and got Tofu once when the twins released.
I've been playing against a lot of smaller streamers lately since the tweaks to matchmaking.
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As far I know only my own videos.
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I showed up in the chat of an Otz game that got uploaded about a month ago. (It was the baba yaga skin match.)
I was also the ghostie in this clipped bit of a stream: https://clips.twitch.tv/DeterminedSuperBubbleteaPartyTime-UY5C-woKbJy1srcb
Felt great.
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Have you ever seen one of those amazing survivor juking videos? I play the killer.
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You mean "nice exploit" in endgame chat thumbnail?
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Yeah, in some videos of tru3, mostly as teammate, sometimes against him when he was playing Killer. I had him only one time in my Killer Lobby, but the match got cancelled in the Loading Screen for some reason.
Also appeared in Streams of Otz, Dowsey and other content creators.
I dont really feel anything, it just happens. BUT it became really rare since Dedicated Servers went live, since so many Russians are now in the same Matchmaking Pool, it is very rare to go against players from the UK or my country, let alone Streamers or Content Creators.
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Bingo, but i don't want to be "calling names" ๐
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Only one YouTube video that I know of. Got matched with Ayrun as survivors on Hawkins shortly after the Trickster was released.
Been more than a few live streams but I doubt any of them made it to YT.
Twice against Coconut (once as Huntress and once as Doctor), both with and against Dyllon KG, and, uh, not a streamer ig, but I went against the Dev that should not be named a while back. It was a weird match.
A friend of mine also got matched with Matthew Santoro about a month ago.
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I have been in quiete a few videos or live streams. I am in 3 truetalent videos as him playing survivor. In a few otz videos, I meet especially often his girlfriend for some reason. Hens was really toxic towards me cuz he disliked that I camped to secure a second hook stage :)
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I was, stabbing some streamer as Myers on The Game.
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Agree, I also rarely watch streams cuz I prefer to play myself and most of the ppl are just weird. I do enjoy watching highlights of streamers I like for example Lilith and Rabid.
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Not in DBD, but I got destroyed in Brawlhalla once by a pretty big Youtuber of that game
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which do you watch?
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Once, played survivor against Tru3 using Oni. I 99 the exit gate and went back to save a hooked teammate and a slugged one, which failed and we all died. Watched the game later on youtube where Tru said we were a SWF team..only I always play solo. But it is what it is ๐
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I've been om 4Gamers twice but that's it I think lol
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Well, I played in BoTB and had an awful game in front of 10k viewers. So that sucked.