DBD Mobile Cosmetic coming to base game


As a Plague/Yui Main i love the cosmetics they showed off for DBD Mobile and would love to be able to get them in the base game, especially as I see most of the plagues cosmetics being a bit lackluster and samey.

I only really see her cosmetics "The Maidengaurd" "Servent of the Serum" and "Maiden of Vanity" to be the only super interesting ones, but this one from the mobile is so unique and different.

i don't know if it's hard to implement them into the base game cause difference in how it has to be made but i'm sure everyone wouldn't mind paying auric for them or if we got the choice of cross-progression between mobile and base so you're way to get them is to play a bit of DBD mobile.

It also does make me wonder if maybe this is a bit of a testing ground for some more out there skins for characters so if they don't get too much hate and the people want the designs they will bring to to the base game without upsetting the community, as you know the DBD community can be pretty hostile towards the devs sometimes for small things, but i feel that for this the whole community would love to see them in the base game.

if you don't know what skins this is a Reddit link to go see them: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/tqknl9/what_is_this_bullshit_these_new_dbd_skins_are_so/
