Pig's basekit.

With all the spiral promotion and the saw tome, I thought pig would get more changes besides an add-on pass, as now would've been the perfect time to buff her basekit.
Does this mean the pig's kit will most likely never be touched?
Also, if pig's basekit was changed, what would you like to see?
She can't get buffed thanks to the useless stats the devs use to balance Killers. She has the highest kill rate (or among the highest) thanks to bad Survivors not knowing how to deal with her so in the devs eyes, she's fine
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Good point.... it's unfortunate the devs look at only stats for their decisions, it makes sense but, there's so many things that can drastically change stats, one example being like you said new players not knowing how to deal with her.
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If you want to make pig stronger then first you need to make her traps more consistent.
You shouldn’t have 3 traps coming off first try, but you also shouldn’t have 3 traps requiring 4 box searches. And you especially shouldn’t have someone running out of time on RPD before they can even search all boxes because they got unlucky on a big map.
As it stands now, her real power is just RNG, and you can’t buff other aspects of her as long as RBTs work the way they do.
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The possibility to recharge the traps? Maybe?
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Pig is the only killer who can easily get a 4K without even moving. Her traps get her free kills so if she gets any buffs they need to be nerfed big. There's a reason her killrate is so high and it isn't all "bad survivors", it's mostly pig players being carried by trap kills and winning with Noed
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Buff Pig ?????? Hell no
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I want to play her because I kinda like her ambush being slightly different to Wraith even if it is weak or whatever, don't care. Reverse Bear Traps however are an awful design and honestly in playing her, I had more DC's against me then ever because I planted one of them on their heads. I kinda get it and if I play Pig now I don't use them.
I mean sure RNG being her 'thing' is thematically appropriate but surely there's something else it could do that would make her better in general and less of a 'new player' basher.
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So the killer is carried by her power? You know why it's called a power because it is supposed to be powerful.
But hey let's better make every power like sadako power so it has nearly zero impact and can be controlled by the survs
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No, it pretty much is mostly just "bad Survivors."
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It is just "bad survivors". Good survivors will 99 a gen so the traps dont activate and survs who have them on have time to get it off, alot of high mmr pigs only get 1 headpop every 2-3 hours of playing, and when they do get one it's usually cause they ran crate of gears + tampered timer.
not to mention the basekit trap gives plenty of time to search all boxes even if it is activated.
And also, you can always search boxes before gens pop, her power has plenty of counterplay.
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That's actually a good way to put it: The Pig's power from front to back has a very high amount of counterplay.
- Pre-drop the pallet
- Leave the loop while they try to bait
- Hold W
- 99 gens
- Search only one box before doing gens
- If you're feeling even a little gutsy, don't search boxes until the timer starts