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General Discussions

Shrine of Secrets

Member Posts: 4
I think that the Shrine of Secrets should get a rework.Instead of having 4 random perks in an week,It should be a kind of store with every perk.The reason is because a new player need to wait weeks or months,depending on their luck,to get a single perk that they want.And It would be really useful to people that can't buy a new dlc fast when It launch,so they can atleast buy the new perks to test them.

Do you guys agree or disagree?And why?

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  • Member Posts: 29

    I agree and disagree on this one tbh. I think it would be a fun and new way to get perks but, at the same time it means all these new survivors wouldn’t have to go through as big as a grind we had to go through to earn perks, I think it might be a little too easy. Overall though it does sound pretty cool.

  • Member Posts: 405

    I think with the amount of perks we have something needs to change with the shrine. Three perks for each side every week would be my suggestion because the grind wouldn't really be killed by it.

  • Member Posts: 2,051

    From the sound of the dev stream, it looks like it is getting reworked.

  • Member Posts: 4

    I agree and disagree on this one tbh. I think it would be a fun and new way to get perks but, at the same time it means all these new survivors wouldn’t have to go through as big as a grind we had to go through to earn perks, I think it might be a little too easy. Overall though it does sound pretty cool.

    I understand that It could be "too easy",I just don't think that having to wait weeks or months to get a single perk is cool.And considering that the next patch will remove Iridescent Shard cap,maybe increasing the price of an teachable would resolve the problem of It being "too easy"?
  • Member Posts: 1,010
    edited May 2018
    I wouldn’t mind this personally because there are so many perks and only 4 slots it takes a long time for every perk to go through the shrine especially since some perks get in there much more than others. For example OoO and DH is in the shrine now and that means they have been in 2 of the last 5 
  • Member Posts: 338

    I agree, i mean the shrine is there to somehow prevent the game from being a P2W can get all perks through it. Or at least increase the number of perks each week...maybe 7-8 perks or so.

  • Member Posts: 86

    I agree. I've been waiting for Ruin to appear on the shrine for almost a month now... I can't buy the Hag DLC

  • Member Posts: 81

    @BrenoC said:
    Shazzabam10 said:

    I agree and disagree on this one tbh. I think it would be a fun and new way to get perks but, at the same time it means all these new survivors wouldn’t have to go through as big as a grind we had to go through to earn perks, I think it might be a little too easy. Overall though it does sound pretty cool.

    I understand that It could be "too easy",I just don't think that having to wait weeks or months to get a single perk is cool.And considering that the next patch will remove Iridescent Shard cap,maybe increasing the price of an teachable would resolve the problem of It being "too easy"?

    You think you could just level up the survivor/killer (while using the new Shard system to unlock the survivors/killers you don't own) by the time the teachables come in the shrine rotation, right?

  • Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2018

    @BrenoC said:
    Shazzabam10 said:

    I agree and disagree on this one tbh. I think it would be a fun and new way to get perks but, at the same time it means all these new survivors wouldn’t have to go through as big as a grind we had to go through to earn perks, I think it might be a little too easy. Overall though it does sound pretty cool.

    I understand that It could be "too easy",I just don't think that having to wait weeks or months to get a single perk is cool.And considering that the next patch will remove Iridescent Shard cap,maybe increasing the price of an teachable would resolve the problem of It being "too easy"?

    You think you could just level up the survivor/killer (while using the new Shard system to unlock the survivors/killers you don't own) by the time the teachables come in the shrine rotation, right?

    Considering that it will take 20-30 hours acording to the devs to get a single character,a survivor or a killer,and It might not include licensed ones (and It takes ~1 Million bloodpoints to get to level 40 with a character),It would be a really time consuming + insane grind to not only get the teachable,but get it to your main character

  • Member Posts: 36

    I disagree slightly. I think the shrine should still be random.. but that it should be personal. So every week you get your own shrine, and perhaps make it so that perks you don't have are more likely to appear. That'd be nice.

  • Member Posts: 259
    edited May 2018
    I disagree.
    Just for that feeling when the perk you wanted so bad is in there.
  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    While on one hand I'm all for it, on the other hand, I feel like that makes it too easy to get only the best perks-- and more importantly-- all the DLC perks. Say you only play survivor and you want all the new teachables. Bing bang boom, 2,250 shards later, you're done. You have all of the new survivor's perks and you have no reason to get that new survivor. You'd actually be better off that way because then you could very easily get those perks on an already maxed out character and knock 'em all out in 9 bloodwebs.

    I think there should still be some reason to go out and actually buy the DLC. Gotta' pay the bills somehow, after all.

    But what I could get behind is a reroll option. Don't want any of the perks this week? Spend 450 shards to reroll them into four different perks. That way your can increase your chances of getting the ones you want, but it'll cost you more if you're impatient.

  • Member Posts: 94

    @Peanits said:
    While on one hand I'm all for it, on the other hand, I feel like that makes it too easy to get only the best perks-- and more importantly-- all the DLC perks. Say you only play survivor and you want all the new teachables. Bing bang boom, 2,250 shards later, you're done. You have all of the new survivor's perks and you have no reason to get that new survivor. You'd actually be better off that way because then you could very easily get those perks on an already maxed out character and knock 'em all out in 9 bloodwebs.

    I think there should still be some reason to go out and actually buy the DLC. Gotta' pay the bills somehow, after all.

    But what I could get behind is a reroll option. Don't want any of the perks this week? Spend 450 shards to reroll them into four different perks. That way your can increase your chances of getting the ones you want, but it'll cost you more if you're impatient.

    ^ I like the reroll option here. I dont think that more perks should appear in the shrine. It should be coded that there is 2 survivor and 2 killer perks each week. But other than that, I think the shrine is fine as is. Its not supposed to be quick or easy to get all the perks or all the best perks.

  • Member Posts: 4
    Peanits said:

    I think there should still be some reason to go out and actually buy the DLC. Gotta' pay the bills somehow, after all.

    Yeah,I understand that.I was thinking that with the shop + microtransations could help in this,wich could make the game a little more new players friendly.

    Peanits said:

    But what I could get behind is a reroll option. Don't want any of the perks this week? Spend 450 shards to reroll them into four different perks. That way your can increase your chances of getting the ones you want, but it'll cost you more if you're impatient.

    I actually think this is a good idea and could help,would love to see that added.

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