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Definitive Dead Hard Rant



  • Member Posts: 246

    Get rid of that gosh darn perk!

    Since David is gay now change the perk to "Sashay Away" and have the survivor sashay towards the killer temporary stunning them for 3 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Not gonna lie, that might actually frustrate me less. Especially if it can count towards Spirit Fury.

  • Member Posts: 136

    This video is a masterpiece. I wish Dead Hard to be removed so hard

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    You don't understand. The survivors are nice enough to nerf themselves and use an inferior perk out of the kindness in their hearts

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    Sorry, at fair Loops the better player wins. This can be the Survivor or the Killer.

    If you can only win at fair (aka unsafe) Loops with Bloodlust, you were not the better player and got it undeserved. You actually got outplayed and get the hit handed for a bit of time investment.

    This is actually "being rewarded for mistakes".

  • Member Posts: 1,333

    Well, killers say if devs improve them they would camp and tunnel less. So good hearts too

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    What is a "fair loop" and what is this magical term you've literally just made up? What is the criterion for a "fair loop"? Is a pallet between two flaming barrels each 1m wide a fair loop? How about the old Haddonfield fence with a vault in the center?

    How about a loop that is 1m tall but the Killer is a Ghostface? Is that a 'fair loop"? How about the same tile, but now it is a Trickster? Is that a "fair loop"?

    Bloodlust is designed to end the chases in the Killer's favor after X amount of time. That is why it is still in the game after the removal of infinites. They did no bloodlust weekends and saw no reason to remove it.

    "Bloodlust is undeserved" is nothing more than the attitude of Survivor Mains that think "my skill should be able to carry me forever and if it can't, it isn't fair!".

    The problem with that mentality is it is operating under the impression the contest is one on one and it's NOT. This is a four on one and as long as this is an assymettrical game you can't have "fair chases" by your vague concepts of "fair".

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    "a bit of a time investment"

    Not really. Bloodlust 1 barely does anything, so I'll be taking BL2 as an example.

    BL2, which takes 30 seconds, which depends, but is usually around 60 seconds worth of Generator time.

    That's 75% across 2 different Generators, or if the team is efficient, across 3 different Generators.

    2 single chase that lasts that long can lose 3-4 Generators, 3 and you lost all of them. "a bit of time invested" is a big understatement

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Good killers know that the problem is not Dead hard. Dead hard contributes to the already-low skill requirement in this game. I have probably more time (many thousands of hours and several tournaments, a streamer too, you can ask for my stream profile in a DM if you want) on killer than any of the posters in this thread, and I can speak for killers who actually know what they are talking about when I say that the issue is not dead hard.

    The issue is gen times (especially when doing a gen with a fellow survivor), the fact that the killer can't know for sure if they are facing solo survivors or SWF, the irritably terrible randomness of maps (sometimes you get a map where it is impossible to lose as killer, sometimes it is impossible to win...why is there not a standard yet....?). I know it is mentioned in the video, but sprint burst is truly just as aggrivating to deal with as dead hard. If dead hard is nerfed then all the people in this thread bemoaning Dead hard will be shocked at how little changes if Dead hard is the only thing that changes.

    Sorry, but if you listen to this video you are truly missing the forest for the trees.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    "I represent the top 0.01% of players. I somehow think this flex makes me qualified to talk about how NORMAL PEOPLE play this game. Due to my extreme big brain experience, I can safely say there is nothing wrong with this at my level, therefore it is fine."

  • Member Posts: 605

    "I represent normal people, I'm the voice and the authority of 99% of the playerbase. I hereby declare, based on my much more limited experienced compared to you, somebody with triple my experience, that the real issue this game has is Deadhard"

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    Isn't it the narrative of this forum that the issues of this game stem from the fact that the devs balance toward mediocre players instead of the top ones? Or is that point valid only when it fits the agenda?

  • Member Posts: 1,911
    edited May 2022
  • Member Posts: 16,662

    A fair Loop is a unsafe Loop. Which I actually wrote. But thanks for ignoring it. :^)

    A Jungle Gym is not unsafe. You cannot Bloodlust it, unless you want to go into Bloodlust 3 and still spend quite a lot of time.

    Buf if we look at the Car/Rubbish-Loop in front of the school in Badham (next to the Fence-Window, you will probably know which one I mean), this is a good example for a fair Loop. Both the Killer AND the Survivor can outplay each other here. But, once the Killer gets Bloodlust, the Survivor will get hit.

    And IMO, the game should be balanced around Loops like that - a shitload of Pallets, almost all of them unsafe and only very, very few safe Pallets. But for this, Bloodlust would need to go.

    When Bloodlust was disabled during a weekend, I played a lot of M1-Killers (and still got a 3K average..) unlike other Killers who chickened out instead of testing. And it actually felt nice to get outplayed at an unsafe Loop, because the Survivor was actually better than me. With Bloodlust, I would have just get a cheap Speedboost and won the chase.

    And yep, undeserved. Sorry, if you fail to get Hits on unsafe Loops, this is a skill-issue.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    Bloodlust 1 is enough to get a Hit at unsafe Loops. You dont need Bloodlust 2 or even 3, unless you are super-dumb and want to bloodlust a Longwall or Jungle Gym.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    That's, at best, 45 seconds worth of Generator time.

    If the Killer wasted 45 seconds worth of Generator time for both health states, that's 90 seconds worth of Generator time, which is longer than a normal Generator

  • Member Posts: 707

    Dead Hard is as much if not more of a mental thing then a balance thing. Listen to how many people call this video cathartic, this is more then just 'it's too strong nerf', it is a legitimate pain relief. I do think from a balance perspective Dead Hard is the biggest contributor to the games imbalance. It is not the only one, simple math tells you that however I think merely from a frustration/mental standpoint alone Dead Hard should be made utterly unrecognisable. As argued Sprint is mentally easier to deal with because its at the start of a chase not the end. Balance wise it changes very little but I don't think that's the goal here even if people would deny it, even to themselves.

    I personally accept that the game should be somewhat biased to the survivors because more people have to play them. You do NOT want a 1vs4 game where more people want to play the 1 side. I've seen games like this and they die very fast.

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I feel like I can only justify dead hard against huntress, because it makes sense in her case. you could even just make it only work on ranged projectiles possibly.

  • Member Posts: 1,327

    True, but nobody actually checks the media section and the OP clearly wanted this to be seen so as to have a discussion. The mods have yet to move this so they think it's fine. The video was the focal point of the post and yet the person I had responded to ignored it and made a silly comment that would've been immediately disproved had they simply watched the video.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    Because by the time killer builds bloodlust there already losing the game. If a chase extends to trigger bloodlust you have taken a bad chase. A survivor can break bloodlust by forcing a pallet break. Stunning the killer, Breaking line of sight. Meanwhile dead hard counter is waiting out dead hard and ........ nothing else apprently thats the only counter.

    Some try the head nod with killer but that dosent even work against smart survivors who can read a hand movement from a head movement. Also survivors have 4 breakable walls god loop locations and start the game separated often spawning next to gens. Your turn?

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited May 2022

    I'm so glad you wrote this post. fair loops are unsafe loops.

    I think jungle gyms, i.e safe pallets are extremely problematic in current DBD. Dead hard exaggerates these problematic pallets further because it insures you can greed pallets that have no mindgames through distance gain.

    I don't think bloodlust 3 makes jungle gym pallets unsafe. a skilled survivor can just camp the pallet and slide at the correct times. for all intensive purposes, jungle gym pallets are god pallets at higher-level of survivor game. that's why the dead hard for distance is as problematic as it is.

    Bloodlust is not overpowered mechanic. Its more that mechanic drains the skill of winning proper mindgames on fair pallet loops with killer while failing to address problematic pallet loops.

    you could argue that bloodlust helps killer deal with certain window loops, but 3 window entity blocker already fixes this problem. If there is a problematic window that automatically forces 3 window entity blocker when used, than that window is most likely problematic and hinges on the 2016 infinity window loop problems. i.e remove window or add breakable wall to fix the window.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    Bloodlust is removed and these terribad killers get minimal hits/zero hooks.

    "Killer was terrible - I just did gens and got no points. He kept chasing that one guy. I couldn't heal anyone or unhook. Stupid tunneling killers, ruining my grade progression. What a boring game."

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    The only difference I see is your word choice because we can just as easily switch the word abuse into your statement about bloodlust or switch the word rely into your statement about survivors using something to win a chase. Either use the same adjective for both (because using a perk that's in the game isn't "abuse" or just don't run that argument at all because it makes no sense

  • Member Posts: 118
    edited May 2022

    'undeserved hits', it's funny cause DH literally takes away deserved downs of the killer.

    Post edited by Trickstom on
  • Member Posts: 1,586

    It’s no mystery why it’s still in the game. Most survivors rely on it and can’t win without its. Yea, I said “most” - it’s regularly used by more than 50% of survivors, especially at higher levels. If it gets nerfed, a lot of survivors will leave the game and BHVR knows this.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Sprint Burst rips track suit off while on the bench, and grins as it walks to the scorer’s table…

    Phone rings: Overcome is focused & warming up in the bullpen…

    Lithe pumped, grabs helmet off bench and straps up…


  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Now even Otz has added to this video. Come on, man. Exactly how many people have to point out how busted this is before this perk gets the assassination it so desperately deserves? Boil Over was killed faster than this.

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