General Discussions

General Discussions

Fix Saboteur

Cooldown is unnecessarily high and when you cancel an ongoing sabotage and get interrupted it still enters the cooldown.

+The hook aura reading should activate as a survivor gets downed, not carried.

+The cooldown should match the hook regeneration time at most.

+The cooldown only should start when you complete a sabotage, not when starting to sabotage.

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  • Member Posts: 4,900

    Yeah, I'd like these changes. The perk would feel a lot better to use. A 30 second cooldown could potentially be a bit much, I don't know, but the other two changes certainly.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Yeah sabo got nerfed too hard, hope we get a buff someday (the sooner the better!)

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    I agree with everything but the hook regeneration time matching the cooldown. That’s not fair to the killer. Besides, a coordinated 4 man SWF could (and would) abuse a simultaneous 3 hook sabo in close proximity of survivor getting picked up.

    The sabo nerf was too strong IMO. I especially dislike trying to heal a survivor I unhooked with Saboteur equipped, because it makes me go for the sabo before the heal (due to heal action delay when unhooked- which is needed btw). As a result it goes on a long cooldown. Very stupid. Needs to be upon completion.

    Definitely need to see the hooks ahead of time (when survivor is downed). Saboteur is pretty bad when you have it as a solo player. It’s just a meme build on SWF’s at this point.

  • Member Posts: 509

    Both Hangman's Trick and Saboteur feel like a joke

  • Member Posts: 737

    saboteur aura reveal should show which are scourge hooks and which are regular hooks imo, that alone would make it worth running

  • Member Posts: 968

    "when you cancel an ongoing sabotage and get interrupted it still enters the cooldown" idk why thats a thing in the first place BHVR pls fix

  • Member Posts: 47

    Yeah you're right it shouldn't match the cooldown maybe but should be around 45 seconds, 60 seconds is just too much (or feels like too much because of how the cooldown triggers currently). It's ok if they keep the cooldown the same as long as they add the other two changes imo

  • Member Posts: 7,229
    edited May 2022

    I think taking a hit while sabotaging should still be punished, but not as hard as it is now. I would make it have a 10s cooldown after an unsuccessful sabotage, this way it also makes it so accidentally triggering the perk (eg. while trying to heal under hook) isn’t a big issue.

    60s is fine after a successful sabotage. I don’t think the perk is as bad as people say it is.

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