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General Discussions

What Killers Need Changes The Most In YOUR OPINION?

Member Posts: 822
edited May 2022 in General Discussions

In Order for Me.Lower Number the More Priority they should get

I am 1000 hour Killer Main that plays Survivor more often.Note this your Opinion & we have different opinions because we all have different matches








Revisits(Changes in Aspects of Power & or Add Changes)











Can Wait(Add-On Chages & Minor Power Changes)












Post edited by DarkMagik on

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  • Member Posts: 357

    Hag just needs it where she cant place traps near hooks or basement and shes fine

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    I'd like some explanations, especially for Hag and Clown.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Pig. She's been long overdue for a buff/rework and she needs some love. Second place would go to Twins since they've been garbage since release and have been severely nerfed to the point where their power feels clunky, slow, and unfun to use.

  • Member Posts: 822


    -One of the Oldest Killers in the game who hasnt gotten any changes for a very long time

    -Her Kit counterplay is not something that is not that skillfull & relies more on luck(EX: Urban Evasion or bringing/Finding a Flashlight).

    -From the few times i played against her it was normally an unfun experience because Looping(the skillful thing for survivor in my opinion) doesnt happen that much when you play against a Hag who knows how to play her.


    -His Kit is purely based on Chasing but has a very lack luster chase power.His Speed Bottle is very situational & slow downs are easily counterwd by droping pallets early & he has nothing to help against.My experience playing as & against the is not enjoyable

    I had an idea for Clown rework & so far people seem to like,if you want o check it heres the link

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Fully agree Hag needs changed the most👍👍👍

    Otherwise I think Freddy is most in need of changes right now. His add-ons are too poor and so is his basekit. Myers and Twins need massive changes to their basekit.

    To me a lot of the lower tier killers such as Pig, Trapper and Clown can't really get any proper changes. These sort of killers need imo a traversel mechanic. In my head this would be like 4 glyths, 1 for each corner of the map.

  • Member Posts: 2,074

    Nemesis needs a complete overhaul.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Biggest priority for needing improvements, no particularly order:

    1. Pig
    2. Trapper
    3. Clown
    4. Ghostface
    5. Freddy
    6. Sadako
    7. Myers

    We could narrow it down to a tighter list but all of those need a lot of help. I mean much more than some miner tweaks or QoL, like significant improvements.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I honestly think most killers are relatively ok. There are some some things here and there I wouldn't mind but nothing major at this point.

    Some minor things I can think of

    Pig - Survivors should be able to use the Jigsaw boxes from the sides to prevent the afk Pig blocking them exploit. Also a slight speed boost while crouched wouldn't be bad. And maybe if her Ambush didn't make noise until right as it actually started it would make it slightly better.

    Clown - Make his yellow and pink bottle have independent inventories, so using a yellow bottle doesn't use up a pink one.

    Nightmare(Freddy) - Make fake pallets part of his base ability, and allow him to switch between fake pallets and snares by tapping the Ability button (similar to how Clown switches between yellow and pink bottles). Then also tweak all the add-ons that grant fake pallets to instead boost the fake pallets somehow. This would give him a good amount of extra flexibility in putting down obstacles around the map, doing pallets out of chase and snares in chase for example.

    Deathslinger - His turning speed feels very slow while aiming, like walking through mud. I think he's the only ranged attacker whose turning speed goes to a crawl while aiming. Allow him to turn normally while aiming just like all the other ranged killers.

    Ghost Face - His buff is still new so hard to say, but it's possible they may need to very slightly slow down how quickly survivors break him out of stealth

    Doctor - Maybe replace those green add-ons that change the shape of his Shock to something else. Does anybody ever actually use those add-ons and enjoy it?

    Cannibal - I know the devs have said they've been experimenting with ways to steer killers away from face camping, if that ever goes through that's probably the main change Bubba would need. (Not that I think face camping is a good strategy normally, but that perception, right or wrong, that people have that it's a good strategy on Bubba is problematic.)

    Hillbilly - I've never liked Hillbilly much. He's like if you took Blight and Bubba but made them each slightly worse and mashed them into a single character. Hitting with his chainsaw just feels really awkward, and steering with his chainsaw can be slightly dicey sometimes too. I'm not sure what change I'd want on him specifically, but something to make him feel a little more fluid to play would be good.

    Artist - She probably should have a range limit on doing damage with the crows of, say, 40 meters, mainly to mitigate her somewhat problematic combo with Dead Man's Switch. She'd still be a formidable anti-loop killer with long range tracking ability even if she couldn't directly damage someone beyond 40 meters.

    Trickster - He's one of the few ranged killers I think could really benefit from having a tiny dot as a crosshair.

    Nemesis - His zombie pathing could use some tuning

    Trapper - Make him start with all his traps in hand at the beginning of the match, much like that purple add-on he has. Then replace that purple add-on with something else. (You could even make that purple add-on base kit and it would be a nice improvement for him in the early game.)

    Sadako - I actually think she's not too bad, on par with Wraith. But if statistically she needs a slight boost one thing that would help would be making any survivor who is currently cursed passively gain stacks over time regardless of whether or not they have a video tape.

    Nurse - I hate playing Nurse, staring at the ground 1/2 the match is the most annoying killer mechanic in the game. If they tweaked it so she kept her head up during blink stun I'd consider playing her again. (And if that somehow was too powerful just slow down her blink refresh very slightly to compensate)

    Plague - Lower the volume on the voices in her head when she's powered up

    Cenobite - Maybe let him see the aura of the person who opened the box for three seconds after he teleports to them. It would make opening the box even riskier than it is currently.

    Spirit - Not so much a Spirit change, but I do think Iron Will should probably be a 90% sound reduction instead of 100%

  • Member Posts: 673

    I might be the only one who thinks this, but Nemisis definitely needs a rework, if not just straight up buffs. He is way to swingy, dependent on his zombies.

    Using his whip is already a third health state and not even good until level 2, the only reason he's better than Myers in tier 1 is he's a full m1 killer from the start

    The face that he gets no special condition from contamination and all his slowdowns aspect is based on zombies that basically don't work without an add on in the first place makes him super reliant on getting whip hits, but those hits are way more limited due to short range and no special abilities to circumvent/deal with obstacles (like going through walls or being able to move a survivor out of position, ala deathslinger)

    His level 3 is a legit threat, but nowhere near as threatening as, say, the artists birds are all game, or PH's damned pools, or huntresses cross map/long range damage ability, or etc.

    I also have come to find Sadako as one of the absolute worst killers in game (in the sense that she absolutely has to be considering her kit and what it truly offers.)

    Is Onryo the master of slowdown? Her mechanic is non existent compared to someone like Pig, Freddy, Pinhead, or even Nemisis (you cannot straight up ignore a zombie in your presence at least.)

    Is she a master of map presence?H

    er TP is the most amazing part of her kit, and while I won't say it's worse than Freddy's TP because his takes time and won't catch survivors off gaurd, neither will her TV as it gives about 3 different warnings about how much danger you are in. At least Freddy can pull DMS value for free with a fake-out. Onryö's tv mechanic at least always stay up instead of going away at end game, so Onryo gets that benefit, but considering the slowdown Freddy can get, along with better perk Synergy (I argue Onryo has some of the worst perk Synergy in game) he can make effective plays, and he is also pretty much as stealthy as Sadako, with an in-built oblivious and anti-loop he doesn't have to actively apply. I'd say they are probably neck and neck.

    Is she at least a stealth queen?

    Without add-ons, her stealth is worse than GF who you can actually see regardless of state. Sadako gives too many sound cues when she is around or arriving and that is something I don't believe will ever change. I think the sounds are subtle enough to catch someone rushing a gen in your face (if you don't actually use your power and TP) but it's not an anti-loop and is worse in some ways to Wraiths power at loops. Unless you keep two add ONS that make manifestation invisibility and intermittent invisibility while demanifested actually ok, there's no point in trying to use it at loops.

    I've gotten better stealth play results with huntress and wooden fox than I get in the average Onryö game lately.

  • Member Posts: 797
    edited May 2022

    Michael, he is disrespectfully weak considering he is literally Michael Myers.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    It's a tie between Nurse and Freddy for me. One is incredibly broken and the other is just boring.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Actually there is skillful Hag counterplay

    It's called disrupting her web of traps/not giving her a chance to set up. No traps = No easy downs

    No easy downs = No hooks to camp.

  • Member Posts: 1,370

    I just want quality of life improvements for twins man.

    Like let Victor drag survivors to hook and let him be able to hook them but he moves at 75% speed. We dont want to slug people

    Speed up the time it takes to switch between Victor and Charlotte

    Make blood splatters on ground more consistent

    Rework the damn addons

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Id love it if there was a thing that happens when a survivor boops

  • Member Posts: 2,336
    edited May 2022

    I agree with this except on the top 6 I'd put Hag at the lowest priority of that section in the order you have them. I feel like Twins needs major overhauls to feel less clunky and The Shape needs an update to be more in line with modern DBD. For the most part I agree with the entirety of your list.

    edit - Almost forgot Onyro - Honestly she should be in the top 2-3 who needs an overhaul. I genuinely forgot she was in the game until I saw Hex_Ignored's post lol.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited May 2022

    Most of the killer named on list were on petition for changes and did not receive a significant improvement, some were made worse.

    Pig: Received a change on 5.3.0 to her add-ons, Overall nerfed Tamperer timer from 30->20, Crate of gears 33%-.25% and removed extra boxes add-ons, Basically nerfed all her game-slowdown which was only aspect that relevant in her kit while her chase is among the least effective of the killer cast even with strange collection of chase add-on.

    Trapper: Received changes on 5.3.0. He got improved but it didn't solve many of his issues such as inability to use traps in chase(like artist or freddy), so no anti-loop/chase potential, SWF countering his ability like... calling out every single trap and the fact that he can't globally apply map pressure with traps because of ability for survivor save each other from traps..... just some of his many problems all of which force him to be camp heavy.

    Freddy: Received negative changes in around may-june of 2021. honestly need revert but survivors hate him.

    Clown: Received changes on 4.5.0, Added yellow bottle. the issue still remains for him that gas delay from yellow bottle disrupts his ability to time speed boosts when he wants them. weakened pinky finger after buffing it in 2018(?).

    Myers: Receives changes on 5.3.0. He's still going to be Mori-bot with J.Myers+Purple tombstone similar to tamper timer pig without any other purpose.

    Ghostface: Received recent changes, went about as good as you can expect. no real improvements.

    Sadako: is seems to be only killer in which they're willing to improve significantly, still needs many more improvements to just about every element of her kit.

    So every killer you listed, dev reviewed and decides no improvements are necessary. These are the very best versions your going get of these killers.

  • Member Posts: 7,161
    edited May 2022

    I'd like to see my boy Mikey get some love.

  • Member Posts: 605
    edited May 2022
    1. Nurse - About time she has any downside
    2. Blight - Mostly the exploits
    3. Pig - She hasn't been touched since release
    4. Clown - Very lackluster
    5. Sadako - She needs some minor adjustments
    6. Twins - Just the whole concept needs to be thrown in the trash bin and completely remade
  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Twins, which is nice since they're up next.

    After them, though... I'd say probably Myers. He's not the weakest killer in the game, that isn't what I'm basing this on, but rather he could desperately do with a little modernising to help him be less clunky and outdated. I'd also like to see a proper overhaul for Freddy, not a ground-up rework but something to shift his focus and give him a bit more of a unique identity.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Bubba’s ability to use chainsaw near hooked survivors has to be the first thing to go. Give him something else in chase, whatever, but remove this stupid gameplay ability. Then yes, a Hag rework, Shape buffs/tier I rework (along with reworks of Tombstone Piece and Judith’s Tombstone), and revert Freddy to his original kit with some tweaks. Then Twins need some QoL changes for both sides. Those would be my priorities, in that order.

  • Member Posts: 1,814

    Executioner has a shockwave that is so slow it can only ever be used in fixed-animation spots and a torment trail so throttled by limitations that it is 100% in the control of the survivors to never step in it (and therefore be immune to cages for the entire match).

    But he's also the MOST over-hyped killer in the game, with loads of people jumping to talk about how they heard it from a VERY reliable source that he's totally S-tier, totally, for sure, and that's why you see him ALL the time in queue and tournaments.

    Eye roll.

    But if you want something everyone CAN agree on, it's that he has the worst, most useless, most unimaginative, least impactful addons of any killer in the game. The +range on the shockwave are the ONLY ones that anybody uses to any effect and even still, they're basically useless. Despite his perks getting reworked and his power being nerfed over and over again, his addons have never been touched. He DESPERATELY needs a addon overhaul.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    1. Hag is mostly fine. She needs a bugfix, and some of her crappy addons improved, or combined.
    2. Twins need an overhaul.
    3. Yes.
    4. Yes.
    5. Maybe.
    6. Yes.

    Ghostface needs buffs - his rework came out to a net nerf on an already struggling killer. As does Trapper.

    Pyramid Head, Nightmare and a few others just need addon passes.

    She'd need a buff. At a certain level, especially when you factor in CoH, she loses a battle of attrition and thus needs to try and snowball via proxy camping.

    I play a lot of Hag, and I try to keep traps away from hooks for the most part. Good survivors tend to just play to outlast me, trigger traps through walls etc. She's not a bad killer, but her time in the sun is long gone thanks to the healing meta.

  • Member Posts: 628

    I don't play Hag so I can't comment too much, but some of the middle tier are in a decent spot rn. Doctor especially is solid. If you make any significant changes he will either become too strong (i.e. can damage using special after x amount of shocks) or too weak if you mess with his add ons.

    Some interesting passes are okay (i.e. madness level 2 causes Hemorrhage when injured). Having an add on double as a perk like Sloppy could be interesting

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    To be honest the only way to fix that without changing the base game is making his power (if it stays as is) only work in chase and only let him buildup chainsaw tokens by participating in chases. If he stays idle (Even not near hooks) slowly his chainsaw charges deplete. Although I feel buffs in other ways should address how this would nerf him otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    I happen to agree with this 100%

  • Member Posts: 761

    What needs to be looked at first? Pyramid Head's entire Add-on list. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL!

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Would make a mediocre killer useless. Hag is fine as she is.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I don’t disagree with any of that. That’s the problem. Every time they “fix” a killer it’s for the worse. A whole bunch of unnecessary nerfs and like 90% of the “buffs” they’ve done to killers like clown, pig, trapper ect we’re all so insignificant to where they were almost a complete waste of time. All of them could barely even be called buffs and many of them even came with nerfs. They need to go back to all those killers and actually buff them.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Deathslinger needs grenades or some other kind of contraption.

    Billy needs reverting back to his original self, same for Spirit.

    Myers needs a total rework

    Pig could use a rework, perhaps add a penalty for picking the wrong box such as having hands trapped in it thus requiring survivors to come save them.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    They need to go back to all those killers and actually buff them.

    my point is that they already reviewed every killer listed and nothing changed. According to hackers/leaks, apparently, during the main day, there is like 20:1 ratio between survivor and killer and on off-hours, the ratio is 50:1. Pair that with the steam-chart statistics where the player-base has been decreasing from lack of killer players(long queues times).

    Clearly the survivor acquiring base-kit borrow time seems like high priority than fixing the 20:1 survivor-killer ratio. geez I wonder how we could get these 20:1 survivor mains into playing killer. ~shrug~

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    The Cenobite and the Twins need urgent QoL updates.

    The Cenobite has a really RNG-dependent chase ability. You need a lot of skill to hit it consistently, but even if you do so, you have no control on wheter or not you will get any value or reward for landing it. A survivor may be bound for over two seconds... or just break free instantly, making it useless. It doesn't help that Cenobite can accidentally break his own chains. That's one of the most frustrating parts of his power. At the same time, his passive ability is so oppressive on less skilled survivors he has the highest kill rate in the game. Meanwhile, organized survivors can get rid of it quite easily.

    Playing The Twins can be either really fun or really stressful. They only got nerfs after their release and Viktor is a little too clunky right now with that huge 5 seconds fatigue after downing a survivor. They are also not that fun to play against, and the least played killer. I still don't think they need a full rework, but a QoL change is definitively needed.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Well yeah that gets down to the root of the problem which that they "think" the game is balanced. As long as they try to balance around their kill rate statistics (lol) we'll never be balanced as they're using a flawed metric. They can't fix anything properly until they actually realize there is a problem to begin with.

  • Member Posts: 450

    No, no she doesn't her entire mechanic is to camp areas in her web. Shes a trap base killer and she'll trap what she wants to protect. If you go down to a hag and she bombs the area with traps time to crouch and save, use flashlights to get rid of the traps, set them off when she is taking someone to another hook. If she facecamps do gens.

  • Member Posts: 737

    Fully agree with Hag, the disparity between solo and SWF for her is more so than any other killer as her counter play is pretty much dependent on SWF, making her crushing against solo but not that great against SWF and really bad against a more competent team.

  • Member Posts: 854

    Nemesis needs a total add on rework. Most of his range from bad to useless.

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