thoughts on the status of netflix and dead by daylight?

Ronin Member Posts: 10

so i have watched a few videos about whats happening with netflix, do you guys think stranger things could return to dead by daylight? Netflix has lost around 200,000 subscribers which is a ######### ton of money lost, and well bringing stranger things back to dead by daylight is easy quick money, and its pretty simple to do just get the liscense and make the stuff purchasable again. Plus, stranger things was a true game changer for dead by daylight, so i doubt the devs would not want it back, i mean who does not love dem dems? the map i personally dont really care much for but still, they could even add some more outfits like a legendary robin skin for nancy, im no genius but i do think they would make a lot of money through that, and lots of people did not buy all of there cosmetics or any of there cosmetics, hell some people have not even boughten the characters. I see some cdkeys things but they are like €15-30 which is much more expensive then how they are in game or dlc. Now im not saying its going to return at all, im just asking the community what are your thoughts of it returning, even for a short bit, chances of it returning, and maybe if it does what are some hopes to see? (sorry if there are grammatical errors, english is my second language!)


  • Ronin
    Ronin Member Posts: 10

    i also forgot to mention it would be good money for dead by daylight to!

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I think Netflix bringing back ST to dbd would be admitting that they frigged up, so I honestly dont see it.

    They'll make NEW ST deals but I dont rhing theyll come crawling back.

    Which is a shame because ST was Dbd s best and most polished DLC. And I've never seen the show

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    idk, do you think BHVR would really want to partner with them again after they put them in the difficult spot of having to tell their community:

    "Hey you know this content? We're sorry but we have to remove it."

    Thankfully people who bought it could still keep it but It sucks to say I can't see BHVR wanting to work with Netflix again after that. Who knows tho, money talks. There's clearly a demand for it.

    I'd love to see it happen bc Stranger Things became part of DBD in a weird way. The game feels like it's missing apart of itself as stupid as that sounds.

  • JonahsTablet
    JonahsTablet Member Posts: 762

    A legacy demo skin would be fire, but they probably won't come back.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    The removal of Stranger Things always struck me as a weird choice on Netflix's part (I'm assuming it was most likely some action from them that ultimately resulted in the licensing agreement ending). Having the characters in DbD provided them an extra avenue for marketing and generating a little extra revenue, so I don't know why they'd want to cut that off.

    That said, I think DbD would be better served by releasing an original killer who uses the same power as Demogorgon so that newer players (or anyone who missed out on Demo) could still enjoy its gameplay experience. IMO Demo could pretty easily be translated into being the "werewolf" character that people have been wanting for a while now.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Netflix and DBD sounds like a good time tbh