Survivors barely get BPs

Okay I think I officially have had the worst game in my life.

I’ve done 2 saves, and tried to focus on generators because my team kept getting chase or hooked. Of course they got unhooked pretty safely too (sometimes when the killer was camping + tunneling)

I’m bothered that I did at least 2 saves and 4 gens while one of my teammates disconnected, one got tunneled to death, (so did I) by a Myers, and not only that this person escaped by hatch.

I end up only getting 15k while the person who escaped gets 18k which is understanding I’m not complaining about that but I had an escape cake while the other person didn’t?

I literally had 157% generator repairs. (4 gens done by myself I was literally the only person doing gens) I had iridescent for this.

50% survival time silver in trial apparently when I literally was alive for the majority of the game. I’m guessing it’s cause I got hooked twice.

My altruism was gold and very close to iridescent.

My evader was silver too. I was pretty stealthy with 40% which is below average but still.

I guess I’m just ranting here but I find it super unsatisfying to only get 15k when I’ve done so much?

The killer ended up getting 22k. I think survivors need more BPs at least around the same as killers do because it’s just unfair when we die early because of tunneling, or camping, or just having bad teammates overall when it isn’t even our faults? (As playing solo)

I know many people are gonna say just move on your next game but it’s so frustrating to get less than 20k a game as a survivor while killers get 23-30k or slightly more.


  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    I think that it would be a good idea to make some perks give more bloodpoints. They did that with prove thyself, I hope they add more options for other categories.

    For example We'll make it --> 100% ingame bloodpoints bonus for alturism or healing (as far as I know, in game means that you reach the cap quicker)

    Another good idea would be to raise the caps for each category. Killers can do all of the categories because it is literally their job but a survivor can't complete 5 generators, perform 6 unhooks, chased by the killer for 3-4 minutes and then escape the match. If they do, there is really a problem with that match. 16k for each category would be good, without changing the total cap so that you wouldn't get 64k.

  • G3tLoop3d21
    G3tLoop3d21 Member Posts: 4

    Your cake is applied outside of your earned match BP total. So you should've gotten 30k total. Just wont see it on the scoreboard.... And if you want more BP, do more. Destroy totems, open boxes, loop killer, save others, do gens, heal others, and survive. You'd have gotten 20k for your match if you'd just lived. Your BP earned is spilt into 4 categories that max at 8k each. If you want more BP, you gotta do more than just focus one category. Living isn't the goal, it's earning as much BP as possible. As a survivor main, living is just like giving the finger to the killer. Sure you get 5k for it, but you're not gonna cash in on BP unless you do more throughout the match.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I bring up a number of these issues in this thread:

    Take a minute to read if you don't mind.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    Your cake is applied outside of your earned match BP total. So you should've gotten 30k total. Just wont see it on the scoreboard.... And if you want more BP, do more. Destroy totems, open boxes, loop killer, save others, do gens, heal others, and survive. You'd have gotten 20k for your match if you'd just lived. Your BP earned is spilt into 4 categories that max at 8k each. If you want more BP, you gotta do more than just focus one category. Living isn't the goal, it's earning as much BP as possible. As a survivor main, living is just like giving the finger to the killer. Sure you get 5k for it, but you're not gonna cash in on BP unless you do more throughout the match.

    The thing is I always try to do a bit of everything in the majority of my matches including searching for chests and cleansing totems. However if I just do EVERYTHING at once it wastes a lot of time on generators and while I play solo 99% of the time it’s really risky. I understand where you’re coming from however.
  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    I play both survivor and killer. Though I enjoy survivor more I play killer often for the easy 26,000 BP + at the end. Survivors have the luxury of bringing items in and keeping them if they survive and can find items with add-ons should they have such perks. That is BP they save within every game they play potentially. Though I do understand where you are coming from. If I escape as survivor with 18,000 BP + I say I did very well lol. Survivors have to share BP gains within a trial. Killer gets all the BP to itself which is the big factor in killers being BP machines.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    @TrAiNwReCk said:
    I play both survivor and killer. Though I enjoy survivor more I play killer often for the easy 26,000 BP + at the end. Survivors have the luxury of bringing items in and keeping them if they survive and can find items with add-ons should they have such perks. That is BP they save within every game they play potentially. Though I do understand where you are coming from. If I escape as survivor with 18,000 BP + I say I did very well lol. Survivors have to share BP gains within a trial. Killer gets all the BP to itself which is the big factor in killers being BP machines.

    That makes sense but playing solo is so difficult because you'll encounter randoms. Of course you have no idea what their intentions are; if they're messing around, wanna help the killer, or was basically carried into a higher rank and in result end up playing poorly or dying fast, getting tunneled to death, getting moried very early in the game, the list goes on honestly.

    Of course it doesn't mean it happens EVERY game because all players are different including how the killer plays but oh my god man. It just sucks.

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @Gamzello said:

    @TrAiNwReCk said:
    I play both survivor and killer. Though I enjoy survivor more I play killer often for the easy 26,000 BP + at the end. Survivors have the luxury of bringing items in and keeping them if they survive and can find items with add-ons should they have such perks. That is BP they save within every game they play potentially. Though I do understand where you are coming from. If I escape as survivor with 18,000 BP + I say I did very well lol. Survivors have to share BP gains within a trial. Killer gets all the BP to itself which is the big factor in killers being BP machines.

    That makes sense but playing solo is so difficult because you'll encounter randoms. Of course you have no idea what their intentions are; if they're messing around, wanna help the killer, or was basically carried into a higher rank and in result end up playing poorly or dying fast, getting tunneled to death, getting moried very early in the game, the list goes on honestly.

    Of course it doesn't mean it happens EVERY game because all players are different including how the killer plays but oh my god man. It just sucks.

    I totally understand your point of view really. Not sure what they would do to boost BP gains on the survivor side.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    @Gamzello said:

    @TrAiNwReCk said:
    I play both survivor and killer. Though I enjoy survivor more I play killer often for the easy 26,000 BP + at the end. Survivors have the luxury of bringing items in and keeping them if they survive and can find items with add-ons should they have such perks. That is BP they save within every game they play potentially. Though I do understand where you are coming from. If I escape as survivor with 18,000 BP + I say I did very well lol. Survivors have to share BP gains within a trial. Killer gets all the BP to itself which is the big factor in killers being BP machines.

    That makes sense but playing solo is so difficult because you'll encounter randoms. Of course you have no idea what their intentions are; if they're messing around, wanna help the killer, or was basically carried into a higher rank and in result end up playing poorly or dying fast, getting tunneled to death, getting moried very early in the game, the list goes on honestly.

    Of course it doesn't mean it happens EVERY game because all players are different including how the killer plays but oh my god man. It just sucks.

    I totally understand your point of view really. Not sure what they would do to boost BP gains on the survivor side.

    Probably in more perks like @Delfador had mentioned. The Prove Thyself buff (mainly addition to gaining BPs) is amazing. I’m pretty sure devs wouldn’t want to go overboard by adding several more perks with BPs gains but I honestly wouldn’t see the harm in it.

    At the moment the ways to get BPs as a survivor are:
    - Stunning the killer which is a good 1k (situational), (probably could happen once or twice a match)
    - Escaping the killer (depends on how good or bad the killer is)
    - Unhooking yourself/others
    - Cleansing dull/hex totems (hex totems are a good 1k bps)
    - Healing yourself/others 
    - Flashlight save (very situational)
    - Pallet save (very situational)
    - Going into basement (situational)
    - Opening in chests (depends)
    - Doing generators (obviously needed to escape either the hatch or gates)
    - Great skill checks (depends on skill tbh)

    As you can see the ways I’ve mentioned on getting BPs for survivors there’s just no way I can actually do that EVERY single match. Even if the BPs are shared, this makes it difficult to  grind for solo players. I don’t like playing killer for a good reason: stress. (I have health issues and I can’t play things properly when I’m too stressed because it mentally/physically affects me)
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883
    edited January 2019

    Except survivors don't loose items or addons if they escape and don't use it, completely regenerate charges,can bring items from trial. And if bp would be the same half the people would quit playing killer

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Killers and survivors get roughly the same amount of bloodpoints per hour. 
    Killer gets more per match, because he does more.
    Try interacting more with the killer. Stealth gives little points. Chases and stuns give tons of points. 

    Or play killer...
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:
    Killers and survivors get roughly the same amount of bloodpoints per hour. 
    Killer gets more per match, because he does more.
    Try interacting more with the killer. Stealth gives little points. Chases and stuns give tons of points. 

    Or play killer...

    Yeah sadly if you play stealthy while doing gens, unhooks, totems, chest searches you get less than if you did Merry go round simulator with the killer and did half that.

    It works great if you're an expert top tier looper but for me i can get 1-3 loops done before the killer always catches me unless they're a potato.

    So i always try and use loops what they were intended for to break los and try and escape but sadly there's just some places where it's not possible to do that.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Killers and survivors get roughly the same amount of bloodpoints per hour. 
    Killer gets more per match, because he does more.
    Try interacting more with the killer. Stealth gives little points. Chases and stuns give tons of points. 

    Or play killer...

    Yeah sadly if you play stealthy while doing gens, unhooks, totems, chest searches you get less than if you did Merry go round simulator with the killer and did half that.

    It works great if you're an expert top tier looper but for me i can get 1-3 loops done before the killer always catches me unless they're a potato.

    So i always try and use loops what they were intended for to break los and try and escape but sadly there's just some places where it's not possible to do that.

    I don't really loop that much. Usually it depends on the map. Some are easier than others. Freddy's and Myers maps are perfect for my playstyle of juking.
  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    Except survivors don't loose items or addons if they escape and don't use it, completely regenerate charges,can bring items from trial. And if bp would be the same half the people would quit playing killer

    I get that. But I’m not talking about that exactly. As a survivor I could literally do as many gens, try to get a few saves, and maybe one or two chest/totems before I escape or end up dying. When I die; I basically lose about 4-8k extra bps that I could’ve won throughout my match. That overall I’d probably get 19-20k maybe even less depending on how my match went.

    Survivors eventually lose their items. I only save mine if they’re extremely good items but sometimes I even give it away to my teammates because I know that I’ll get them again eventually in my bloodweb.

    But even when my characters are lvl 50, BPs with only 20k can’t even fill up the entire bloodup unless I get more than 50-60k which means I need to play a good 2-3 games and do really well in them WITHOUT dying. Making the grind even more difficult.

    Items only give survivors an advantage in gameplay but not extra BPs (unless it’s a flashlight save or unlocked the hatch).

    When I first started this game, it took me one week to get self care. Now that I’ve expanded my survivors a lot more; I now have to grind even more for the perks that I want. I hardly ever even use my items honestly.

    The grind for this game and gaining BPs takes a good while and can scare a lot of new players away because of it. Because normally matches last around 10-15 minutes so imagine trying to grind for 3-5 matches for that long? Some people don’t have the time for it.

    I personally believe that survivors should get a bit more at least it doesn’t have to be a lot or equal to killer.
  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    Tsulan said:
    Killers and survivors get roughly the same amount of bloodpoints per hour. 
    Killer gets more per match, because he does more.
    Try interacting more with the killer. Stealth gives little points. Chases and stuns give tons of points. 

    Or play killer...
    Killer stresses me out too much tbh I can’t play killer that long before I become upset and that can really take affect on my mental health atm.

    I do play it time to time though.
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  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619

    When playing survivors there are some things that give you too few BP.
    The most clear example is Bold, small BP gaining and small cap considering the risk.
    Skill checks, 100 BP for a good and 300 for a great would be nice.
    Cleasing totem, 1000 for a dull and 1500 for a hex.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    Well, killers are up against 4 people, if you take the Survivors BP at the end of the match it's usually 50/50 compared tot he killers but you guys have to split it 4 ways... Sometimes there is one survivor that gets way more because he did a good job but overall it's pretty equal.

    I’ve seen killers who have hit all survivors without hooking and still end up getting a pretty high amount of BPs 17k-19k or slightly more depending on how much they’ve done. That doesn’t seem very fair when they literally couldn’t even sacrifice anyone?

    I think there was only once where I’ve gotten 30k BPs and I’m pretty sure it’s cause I did really well in that match plus I have Prove Thyself which made it insane but yeah.
  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    IamFran said:

    When playing survivors there are some things that give you too few BP.
    The most clear example is Bold, small BP gaining and small cap considering the risk.
    Skill checks, 100 BP for a good and 300 for a great would be nice.
    Cleasing totem, 1000 for a dull and 1500 for a hex.

    I notice that even when you don’t get seen by the killer you get 5-10+ (little more) unless you hide in a locker. Hiding in a locker while killer is around gives you 50+ bold. They should probably give an additional 100+ for “hidden well” or something in bold when you don’t get seen by killer while outside.

    I think skillchecks are great the way they are now. I think great skill checks should give a little more too like you had mentioned.

    However, with the dull totems I’d probably keep it at 600. If I do end up cleaning all 5 totems in a match (without hex) that would be 3,000 which I think isn’t so bad. With hexes I’d probably make it up to like 1,500 as well. An extra 500 wouldn’t hurt.