Is dying after opening gates considered an exploit?

I did gens, I had chases, I had a normal game, now I opened Exit Gate or somebody else opened them so i can escape and nothing stopping me.
And i decide to throw myself at the killer (want more chases) or Iplay a martyr and save team mate from a hook, immediately dying after. I lose mmr even though I clearly could escape.
Is this considered an exploit of the system?
No because you only get mmr from escaping and time in match iirc.
The mmr system is a joke 🤙
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No exploit.
You´re safe.
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No. You're not stopping the game and dying to save a hooked teammate is a normal in-game event.
Somebody might consider throwing yourself at the killer to be smurfing but, if I see my teammates being poor winners as an example, I'll often stay behind to give the killer a kill as well. I don't consider that smurfing as I started the game wanting to escape but changed my mind due to my teammates trying to ruin another player's day. I would argue intent matters.
Why do you ask?
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If you only knew how many people meme their brains out in this game. I think you're good. I would honestly be surprised if not escaping when you easily could have would be considered exploiting.
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Basically, if you die - you get rewarded with weaker opponents.
There is no point in achieving high mmr at all, you dont get any bonuses for having it.
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Totally understand.
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I do the same. If I can get them out that's fine by me even if I get bodied.