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Do you think all meta perks needs nerfing?

Member Posts: 903

Overall, the 6th year anniversary stream promised a lot of good things coming up. I'm just a bit worried about the overhaul to meta perks. Yes, dead hard/ BT feels unfair. NOED too. But Corrupt? DS? Pain resonance? Pop? Self-care? BBQ? Ruin? I have no problem with any of them. Even if you nerf the current meta, a new one will emerge next. What should be looked at, in my opinion, is if a perk is really unfun/ unfair to go against. And many meta perks seems fine to me. But, well, i did get surprised with changes in the past... maybe it'll be the same.

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  • Member Posts: 429

    No every perk should be overpowered and worth bringing otherwise what is the fun in bringing a perk like Prove Thyself if you only end up finishing a generator a second sooner?

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    If a Perk is unfun or unfair to go against is highly subjective. Like, many people are complaining about DH, I dont have any problem with DH.

    They also said that they look WHY certain Perks are Meta. E.g. Corrupt Intervention is Meta, because the Killer is the weakest in the early-game. BT and DS are Meta because without those, it would be a 3v1 after 2 minutes and the Survivors lost at this point. This does not mean that they will just nerf all of those Perks into the ground.

    I think their major point is that they have around 200 Perks in the game but only a tenth of those actual find use. And the number is only so high because the Killers can utilize different Perks (e.g. Infectious Fright is awesome on Oni, but you will never run it on Hag. STBFL is great on Demo, but nonsense on Nurse). But it gets worse on the Survivor Side, since they dont have many strong Perks and some of them are needed as Bandaids (BT and DS). And Killers can also go full Slowdown on every Killer without problems (you can use different builds which suits the Killer or just go BBQ, PGTW, Pain Resonance and Corrupt intervention on everyone of them without any problem).

    This is one example - Self Care is not too strong. It is a decent Perk (when used smart), but not too strong. So maybe they make it Basekit and create a completely new Perk.

    So, yeah. Overall I think the goal is to not see the same 4 Perks every game on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Generally yes. I wouldn't say that perks like BT or corrupt are necessarily overpowered but if they did nerf them while also addressing why people bring them that would be a good thing. I would be happier with a game where perks in general were weaker -BUT- none of them felt mandatory to bring.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    I doubt they're nerfing all of the perks. I'm sure it goes both ways, they're gonna change the meta perks and buff some of the weak perks, that never get picked. Meanwhile making some adjustments to the base game.

  • Member Posts: 989
    edited May 2022

    Increase Gen repair time. Most problems solved right there.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited May 2022

    I do think they do. But they also said they are gonna buff weaker end perks which im excited for.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    The way I understand it is that they're changing 40 perks, where the meta perks are included. Since we don't really have 40 meta perks in the game, they'd have to be changing some of the lesser used perks as well.

    I imagine it's gonna be something like they change Ruin but also change Insidious. One of the best killer perks and one of the worst to even them out and make both equal and viable.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    I think that if they do it, they better fix the cause instead of just removing the result.

    Fixing the reason for gen defence will take more than adding 1 extra gen to do, or +10 seconds per gen. It also needs to be passive of gained in a way that doesn't require the killer to drop every chase to kick a gen.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited May 2022

    My biggest concern is that they end up doing more harm than good. I don't see it doing them any good at this point to stiff some very bitter players with the bill if they can't deliver on this meta shake-up. Right now the bar is set to be at least as good as where we are, which isn't saying much but if they can't achieve even that then this meta shake-up will big a huge goose egg.

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    I think we need a DBD2 so that the fundemental problems in the game can hopefully be fixed and create a more balanced play for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 1,252

    Most meta perks don't need any change at all. Noed needs some serious change, and some can get some minor tweaks. But Instead they should have focused on making the rest 80% of the roster viable or reworking them entirely. The devs probably missed the mark again.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    They never said they're "only looking at the top 40 most popular perks" either. Some of those 40 could easily be underused perks they're planning to buff.

  • Member Posts: 747

    It's hard to argue with the fact that these Perks are predominantly used above all others. Heck, even when I'm TRYING to make a fun, goofy build I find myself drawn to one or two of them.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I genuinely think that if they do something wrong with that rework, it'll be the end of the road for many players.

    Given how good the web stream was I'm hopeful. However there has been a lot of facepalm moments over the years.

    I don't think they'll nerf BBQ. I hope they won't. I hope they'll be smart about it.

    Same for the others.

  • Member Posts: 1,370

    I think you guys are missing the part about base game changes. I wouldnt mind any of those nerfs if we get i dunno, base game bbq bp points, base game nerfed corrupt or w/e

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited May 2022

    That's where the "smart about it" part comes in.

    I'm genuinely eager to learn their plan.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    they said that they're be reworking as well as nerfing them

    So some will be nerfed, some will be slightly different, either way, I'm happy that they're doing them all in one big package rather then like 3 per midchapter

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    According to their statistics (, we have at least 24 meta perks. It could mean we have a good chance of seeing something like 16 neverused perks. I'm kind of excited about it, because I was like: what perks could I run if the 24 meta perks weren't here? And I had a hard time choosing. Especially for Survivors. (I admit I have a hard time removing SB and IW from my loadout.)

  • Member Posts: 440

    Yes. All of them.

  • Member Posts: 167

    I think they should completely remove perks that virtually give you a second chance. Throw all of them in the bin, and build the base game mechanics to deal with problems like camping and tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 144

    I don't think meta perks need nerfing, I think the weaker perks need buffing. Give us a reason to use them instead of a meta

  • Member Posts: 854

    BBQ is not fine as is, because I feel obligated to bring it for the Blood Points and hate it and wish I could just never use it again without feeling BP starved because I like to hop around between different killers and play survivor with my friends.

  • Member Posts: 968

    Perks like NOED or Dead hard, yes ...............nerfing selfcare is just BRUH why?

    but nerfing DS and BT is something controversial because those perks exist like a band aid for bad gameplay design! (salty people ) -->

    is a thing soo idk how they are gonna nerf this 2 perks without making tunneling even more easy for people that likes tunneling at 5 gens against even baby survivors.

    about killers Pop is fine , BBQ (perfect as it is) Ruin by itself is ok , pain resonance might need a small nerf like adding a brief cooldown for hooking because at this point feels like a better version of pop without having to kick gens.

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    I agree, I think the utility versus other detection perks is also much more reliable, I would like to see some other options for tracking just as powerful.

  • Member Posts: 1,586
    edited May 2022

    I play both sides, and the only perk that I see as problematic is Dead Hard. All the other “meta” perks are fine. A large majority of perks (the ones outside of the 40 that are supposedly going to be reworked) are mostly useless and/or incredibly situational. The devs should be reworking/buffing these instead. The reason that the meta is so stale is because there’s such a small proportion of perks that are actually useful, it’s not because there are too many perks that are OP.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    BT and DS are currently fine the way they are. The only perk I have a problem with is dead hard.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    The perks themselves are okay, I'd prefer the actual gameplay be looked at directly.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    I think bbq is fine. The other meta perks I think should be not necessarily just nerfed but reworked.

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