With the upcoming release of the Dredge. Where does this leave Sadako?

Sadako is heavily restricted with her teleports. Lots of cooldowns prevent constant teleporting to TVs.
The Dredge has none of those restictions. Shouldn´t Sadako be buffed in that regard?
Dredge leaves Sadako in the bin.
Post edited by ThatOneDemoPlayer on25 -
Yeah honestly I didn't expect Dredge's teleports to be so lenient and even fun to hold - You have complete control over it. Meanwhile Sadako is pathetic in every comparison. Although for her I understand BHVR is very limited to what they can do with her given her license / character.
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They could remove the cooldown, when she teleports to a tv. So survivors feel forced to take the tape out of the tv.
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It just leaves her feeling even more weak. She’s fun but she needs some help.
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Back to the well she was in
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I noticed that original killers are better than licensed always except nemesis maybe
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Dredge doesn't get the option to remove someone from the game by teleporting to a locker next to them hello?
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Condemned is not a threat unless you're careless or clueless.
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my point being is that you have that option whilst Dredge does not. Yeah the TV cooldowns could be lower than 100 seconds but still
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That never happens anyways.
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Sadako is kind of amusing. She reminds me of old Freddy. I loved old Freddy. It was so fun to play as and against. I'd say she only needs her TV powers to be slightly buffed, but she needs to keep her stealth aspect. Not every killer has to be exactly the same and be strong at chase.
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Dredge is better than Sadako, better stealth and teleport.
Sadako needed buffs but there is not any buff for her sadly.
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Should? Yes.
Will? Nope.
What stealth aspect?
No, not every killer needs to be the same - but every killer needs to be good. And unless they amp her stealth and mobility up substantially, she's going to continue to suck - because what makes a killer good, for the most part, is the ability to chase.
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Which never happens unless a survivor goes out of his way to get killed. Aka standing in front of the hook and pointing at it.
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He'll be nerfed in 3 weeks after everyone bought him. Y'all should know this by now lol.
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I would honestly just prefer a power that helps during the actual game as opposed to someone who essentially lets the mori happen. I'd agree it's a really cool feature and a nice touch with how the survivor actually dies. Just she's abysmal in chase and her power doesn't really offer much even compared to killers without map mobility since she doesn't really have anything going for her once she's in chase.
At least Wraith for example has that huge lunge going for him since he kind of goes invis like her. Freddy and her both have a teleport but Freddy has snares and dream pallets. Don't really know what she offers that another killer doesn't do better and even have an additional power or something on top of that.
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You guys falling for it, these things will be changed before live bros, always is
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Sadako is a sad case... I mean Dredge isn't even anymore powerful. It has a better teleport ability but it's chase power is awful too. But thar can be easily fixed by just reducing the distance survivors can see and making it harder for the survivor to see the Dredge on the edge of the darkness.
Sadako does not have ANY chase power to fix. Even if you buff her teleport she will still be below others.
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Artist turned out pretty well, as did post rework Plague.
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Maybe I'm aventuring a lot, but Sadako seems to be worse than Dredge.
Dredge seems to have better chase potential than her, leaving the remnant behind can be used in chase and have a good mindgame potential.
His cooldown for teleporting is pretty small, the nightfall load quickly and this decrease the cooldown, increase the teleporting speed and give the undetectable status effect.
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I'm gonna assume she'll be put in the dumpster of killers that no one plays because the dredge is 5000 times more interesting
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Sadako is one of the worst 3 killers in the game. With or without Dredge. Instead of doing something about balance, they will release another broken Survivor-Map....
Sadako should be able to walk through pallets while Demanifested and pallets shouldnt stun her while demanifested.
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The dredge literally nae naed sadako and is dancing on her grave lmao.
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I reckon that's probably because they have a lot more freedom with what they can do when it's an original character.
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Leaves her Z tier. Where she has always been
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I doubt the licenses prevent them from having shorter cooldowns.
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Sudokwho? I think she's still lower, probably still around low C tier and amongst the worst of the stealth killers.
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I genuinely think she is the worst killer in the game
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Because she is.
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I mean at least with Legion you can get a first hit, trapper make a survivor leave a tough loop. pig has a dash attack.
her slowdown can be completely ignored by survivors, her stealth power is just bad.
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Correct. To make her teleport any effective, it would have to be sorta like the Dredges one. Short cooldowns, not waiting for ages. Dephasing should her also make harder to see. Otherwise she´s just a m1 killer without a power.
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Yeah agree but they could be at least A-B
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Same i highly doubt on the contract says it has to be 100 secs.If I would be the character owner i would say Okay you can use my killer but it have to be A tier but seems people doesnt give a damn about their character.
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Yeah, there is absolutely no explanation on why they release with Dredge a far stronger Sadako, right after her release. It would have made sense to me, if it was the other way around. To test the water on how the ability should be. But like this? Naah.
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Sadly , Devs no buff her anymore.
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That's not true at all. Pyramid Head is stronger than Nemesis if you put the time in, and Freddy, Bubba, Pig, Demo, and Pinhead are all decent to good, just like most of the rest of the cast. Myers and Ghostface are probably the two weakest besides Sadako but not unusable by any means.
It's really just Sadako that really needs heavy buffs, especially compared to Dredge.
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Idk. I have a 1 in million chance to win the lottery, but that doesn't mean I realistically have the option to buy 5 houses and 4 cars.
Sadako's mini mori conditions are heavily slanted to the survivors but I don't think they were ever meant to be reliable. It's possible they were meant to be time wasters like a pig trap. The problem is that they can be largely ignored.