Can Nurse stop lunging like Tier 3 Myers?

Nurse blinks, Nurse blinks again, she is outside of her lethal lunge range,
she lunges, at the very end of the lunge the Nurse hits you and you can see a very clear destinct gap between the blade and you.
Now killers like Freddy have small weapon, and it sometimes looks like they hit you from 2km away, but if you have same gap between Nurse and you, while her weapon is not short.
That's pretty strange..
Doesn't Nurse have a smaller Lunge when coming out of a Blink?
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I think she used to, like a long time ago. It should be the same as all killers now.
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Sounds more like a latency issue.
I invite you to play Nurse and see how many survivors you thought you hit but the game is like naaaah go blink after them again.
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This isnt a fighting game, we dont need tight af hitboxes that are too crucial for our sick dodges.
Hell, i might have hit more people with my butt as nurse than my weapon this week though i didnt hear any survivor complain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I have P3 Nurse
you like big hitboxes? Try Twins Victor pounce while hugging survivor
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Its the same range as every other standard M1. If her red stain reaches you she can hit you. Stop thinking lunge range is belly to back. That's just killers waiting out dead hard.
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As a killer main I should know all of those things, Nurse has extended lunge range occasionaly, end of story.
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"I have P3 Nurse" Is a very strange way to not actually confirm that you play her or understand her.
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Dude tell me about it, I should of hit the survivors way more often than the game gives me credit for. Sometimes it doesn't land even when I blink directly on them.
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It only gets worse when the weird Aim-Assist makes you swing behind you meanwhile they only dipped slightly around an obstacle when you landed on them and clank - you hit a garbage fire.
Almost symbolic.
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Nurse range was normalized years ago.
This is the second thread in the last two days and its starting to feel coordinated. Stop making up 💩 because you don't like Nurse.
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Yeah, exactly, it "looks like" Freddy is hitting you from a mile away. Same as a killer like Hag sometimes does. It seems you have very little understanding how lunges and killer models work as a whole.
When a Nurse comes out of a blink she's given momentum to allow to her to have a lunge that's no different than anyone elses, but perhaps the speed at which it happens makes you think otherwise.
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I see, you're mad because you never played survivor POV against a nurse.
Why would I P3 Nurse if I didn't play her?
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Yeah, in my 4k hours I've never faced a Nurse.
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You can P3 a character without ever having to play them lol./
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Why wouldn't you just say you play Nurse? Tons of people P3 characters they do not use. I'm not going to explain to you why you deflected. I don't give a ######### beyond the fact that you clearly deflected.
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Yeah that definitely doesn't sound pointless and like a huge waste of time
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I mean, if you have your main maxed or whatever, why would you not spend points on other killers just in-case you need them for dailys or tomes etc?
i also had that nurse achievement like 5 months after playing the game
I also have this achievement and haven't played nurse in an incredibly long time, it doesn't really prove much.
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this stance is kind of cringe though, is it not?
There's literally dozens of threads a week about ds / dh / bt / swf etc and if I said to you "It's coordinated" you'd probably scoff at me. With more people playing Nurse after her changes it's inevitable that more people are going to have an issue with her
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I was constructing the same damn response and then I saw yours, but I really want to paste how close I am so:
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As far as I know the nurse NEVER had a longer lunge. In fact if my memory serves me she actually had the worst lunge in the game when her moment speed was set to its current value due to it being based off of base movement speed.
Secondly just because you prestige a character doesn't mean you play them a lot. I prestige Michael because when I play him I actually like his prestige cosmetics but that doesn't mean I play him a lot.
Finally her lunges have always looked wonky simply because of the latency and weird auto desist the game has still...For some reason despite everyone hating it.
The latency issue also effects Freddy teleport/Spirit reappearance due to the hit going off before the game properly moves the character model into the correct position.
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Okay i read the thread until here
(Sorry for the unnecessary quoting Warcraft er)
But i think anyone could just have stopped after this:
"I have experience, so my subjective and not really proven point is correct, and I don't care what anyone else says."
That is what your comment there boils down to and Is one of the most childish posts i have read in a long time and should disqualify any further constructive discussion.
That sounds like it came from a stubborn, pouting child.
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Getting hit after the lunge animation clearly ends happens with all killers and it's related to latency and the horrible hit validation system, nothing to do with nurse
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She used to have a special lunge. You were forced to do a full lunge and it had auto-aim. There were times where you land directly on a survivor and auto aim would spin you around for the duration of the lunge animation. (2017 timeframe)
Btw that was true auto aim not the aim assist killers have today.