General Discussions

General Discussions

Goodbye (current) meta!

Goodbye dead hard

Goodbye decisive strike

Goodbye unbreakable

Goodbye iron will

Goodbye survivors self caring in the corner when the killer has sloppy

Goodbye every meta survivor perk

Goodbye corrupt intervention

Goodbye pain resonance

Goodbye pop goes the weasel

Goodbye every killer meta perk


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  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Playing without slowdown perks will be definetly something. Even Otz barely gets 3 hooks by the time the gates are powered, if he plays without slowdown. So i imagine thats gonna be a wild ride.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    I really don't know how to feel about it.

    if they do it wrong they could encourage camping and tunneling

    or they could encourage gen rushing.

  • Member Posts: 3,139
    edited May 2022

    They already inadvertently encourge camping and tunneling with how miserable the survivor meta is to play against.

    But for people that actually want to play and win can chill.

  • Member Posts: 3,108


  • Member Posts: 1,063

    goodbye playerbase

  • Member Posts: 53

    Do you all really think this is going to go well? Base game changes and that many perk changes. Do we remember CoH on release? MoM? OoO? Boil Over? Undying? How long it's going to take to fix broken/OP things. Not to many mention this is on top of base game changes.

  • Member Posts: 450

    This is my own feelings...I'd rather deal with many different things that are broken or op in different ways than the stuff we currently have that is op or broken. It's something different in the world of stale gameplay and I'll enjoy complaining about something different.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Shadowborn and Lethal Pursuer meta

  • Member Posts: 53

    Changing maps is the most unlikely option for a meta shift. Increasing gen times looks like the only option if gen regression is gutted. That or very quick chases and tunnel/camp, with no second chances. This is the worst option.

  • Member Posts: 4,759
    edited May 2022

    Name a killer perk that des something that can't be removed like a hex after these are gone.

  • Member Posts: 41

    Devs have actually mentioned on the forums that they're not just looking at the perks themselves, but also why they're meta and making adjustments to the game itself accordingly. We have no idea what they're going to be changing or how big those changes will be, though. Could be underwhelming, could be a full rework to core systems. We'll just have to wait and see.

    I'm assuming map design isn't going to change all that much, because it's something they've always been bad at and it would likely delay the update by a massive amount of time (unless they've been working on a largescale map design overhaul for the last year and that's why Realm Beyond slowed down to a crawl, but there's no evidence to suggest this is the case and it's more likely that the reason for that is just RPD's many technical issues putting things on hold), but slowing gens down by default is a definite possibility. I dunno, like I said, we'll just have to wait and see. No matter what happens, it should be interesting, at the very least.

  • Member Posts: 508

    I genuinely don't care what the changes are. I'll accept anything.

    No more DS & Dead Hard or Boons. No more Dead Mans Switch Pain Res. No more NOED.

    Let Pebble get stacks so I can machine gun pebbles across the map and knock out the killer.

    For the love of all things holy increase the chances of triggering skill checks when using Autodidact.

    Let me get extra Distortion stacks SOMEHOW. (Or get rid of stacks completely and give it a cooldown)

    Let me stack Inner strength tokens so I can be a true totem hog without worrying about wasting potential heals.

    I'm sure everyone can think of at least ONE perk on either side that they'd like to see get some love in one way or another.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    "Devs have actually mentioned on the forums that they're not just looking at the perks themselves, but also why they're meta and making adjustments to the game itself accordingly."

    They referenced understanding why they're ran, not that they will be making adjustments to the game itself.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    Say goodbye to 40 perks (or continue using them in their new form)

    And say hello to the other 100+ perks that exist

  • Member Posts: 41

    If this doesn't imply that they're making adjustments to the game itself, I don't know what it is implying, especially because the language of "looking into a root problem" means there are things they feel need to be fixed. Because, y'know, they wouldn't be calling them problems otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    True. The problem is these are the devs that made the game and RCPD. Do you really think they will give a suitable solution to gen speed at the same time as deleting perks to deal with it?

    It will take allot of work and way more effort than shifting some numbers.

  • Member Posts: 114
    edited May 2022

    No, "Matt S" stated on the live stream that there will be base game changes too. "Peanits" has also confirmed this in several posts on these forums.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    They've also been "looking into fixing" totem spawns for years and look at what's been done there, nothing.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Ah ty, that is a concrete confirmation. They weren't that direct in the broadcast.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Ah don't get ahead of yourself, the whole announcement amounted to them saying "these perks get used a lot so we are looking at them".

    There is a page with some very pretty graphs which basically say "these perks get used a lot", well duh. So until there is actual announced perk and gameplay changes I'd say you're looking at the current META and its gonna be here a while.

    Again don't get ahead of yourselves, its good that they are acknowledging a stale meta but they plan to overhaul a ton of perks, which is a lot of work and means that the current meta is here to stay for the time being and probably for a long time being.

    For all the talk there was very little solid content gameplay wise in that anniversary announcement even in the supplementary pages. Again don't get too sucked in by the pretty graphs they basically pictographically say "these perks get used a lot" That's all.

    They didn't really give a fleshed out roadmap, we got...

    -Funko bobble heads (for the have more money than brain cells crowd, you see how many LG/comic stores have buckets of these things from all kinds of franchises heavily discounted, they are just trying to get rid of stock that doesn't sell after a week of hype).

    -Menu updates with some increased functionality (its good),

    -A plan to implement custom game bots (yay finally I can play dbd without having to interact with dbd players, I promised myself I wouldn't cry hrmm... Its a one year wait by the sound of it but its something)

    -Anime cosmetics (I guess if you're a fan why not, its clear DBD's gritty 80's horror aesthetic is on the chopping block, bummer)

    -Latest release info new killer, survivor and map (They look good so yay).

    -Auto endgame last survivor mori. (I guess you get 1 built in mori rather than paying 6k BP's for the typically single mori).

    -Ridiculous dating sim (Simplistic virtual novel for the patreon/gamecore dating sim/sex game crowd, again if its your thing go for it).

    That's all, I'm not expecting general load outs to change anytime soon and neither should you.

    And before anyone says it, this is pragmatism not pessimism.

  • Member Posts: 575

    Otz is a player of barely-average level who often refuses to play optimally.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    Funny how you automatically think rework means nerf.

    Perks could also be reworked and buffed. Wouldn´t surprise me.

  • Member Posts: 508

    Perks are confirmed to be getting buffed. Not just nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Even IF that was true (not commenting on that), then it still stands in the room that without slowdown perks, the average player barely gets 3 hooks by the time all gens are completed.

  • Member Posts: 114

    But, devs did announce that there will be perk / gameplay changes. They've stated that the perk overhaul is scheduled for this summer, that really isn't that long away...

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    Old undying was their best fix and I suggested that as a perk. it got a lot of complaints.

    too good of fix I guess.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Lol all they're going to do is make them more surv sided. Meanwhile other issues still don't get addressed...

  • Member Posts: 763

    Not until issues like totems, maps, optimization, MMR, and broken characters get addressed. You should know this about forums.

  • Member Posts: 508

    okay but this thread isn't about those things is it.

    the devs confirmed that killer AND survivor perks are going to be changed and reworked. why do we have to make this yet another "us vs them" situation when clearly BOTH sides are losing and gaining something.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah but it was pretty light on the details. If they are planning the kind of large scale overhaul that’s being hinted at then they either started a long time ago or are probably promising more than will be delivered. There was no real roadmap as to what was going to be achieved just a we’re looking at it so expect something.

    There has been talk of shaking up the meta for a long time and it hasn’t really manifested.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Killers will finally have to learn to play without massive slowdown. Corrupt, Scourge, POP, Ruin, Undying is simply too oppressive.

    I'm glad the devs are finally seeing it is hurting the game.

  • Member Posts: 763

    That's simply because most of the changes would come down on the survivor perks, considering they have the most 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chance perks and they don't want the complaints from survs that killer meta perks didn't get touched.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Killers will learn to tunnel the exit gate, considering without slowdown you'll only have a 5 minute match outside a handful of top tier killers. Gen rush meta will rule.

  • Member Posts: 508

    The whole point is that they're changing ALL META PERKS.

    That includes SURVIVOR. AND KILLER. Both roles.

    Not just the survivor meta perks. You can't change the meta without changing it from both sides...

  • Member Posts: 763

    Then they have a LOT of work on the SURVIVOR SIDE, considering they created this issue. So just like everything else, don't believe the hype until you see it. Still holding my breath on them addressing totems like they did boons...

  • Member Posts: 508

    They also have a LOT of work on the KILLER SIDE. It goes both ways, friend.

  • Member Posts: 763

    You would like to think so but there's no such thing as parity/equality when it comes to the amount of killer perks that needs changing than surv perks. Not only that, you see the same perks up to 4 times in a match vs 1 for killer and that's before getting into the totem/Boon issue. Just saying it goes both ways doesn't make it so.

  • Member Posts: 718

    Believing BHVR that's dumber than believing the government. More powa 2 ya!

  • Member Posts: 508

    I literally don't care anymore I'm just saying both sides have glaring issues.

    Gosh, it doesn't matter how in the middle someone tries to be there's always gotta be the one person that's like "Okay but MY side has it harder and I will argue in circles because of it!!"

    Like do y'all ever get tired of just refusing to see the game from the other role's perspective?

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Everybody wants a change to the meta, but then are all like "NOOOO! DON'T TOUCH MY PERKS!"

  • Member Posts: 857
    edited May 2022

    Controlling the killer meta probably means just giving the slowdown perks a blanket nerf, as those are really the only perks killers run.

    the gen slowdowns perks luckily have enough depth to them now that nerfing say 2-3 of them wouldn't hurt too badly, if they coupled the perk rebalancing with adjusting gen times or spawns. like corrupt intervention doesn't feel very oppressive or is very game changing, but it encourages survivors to move around in the early game, so that if the killer gets ######### rng spawns, the survivors at least have a chance of running into them. which feels healthier because it means earlier chases.

  • Member Posts: 1,370

    Hey Sluzzy we are probably finally getting slowdown in base kit, arent you happy <3

  • Member Posts: 508

    They only want a change to the meta when it comes to the perks for the other role.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    There is no perk, on either side, that I am so married to I refuse to give up. Especially if it means I can scorched earth a bunch of ones I hate.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    I just hope they do something about making it so gens don't fly fast even with slowdown. I don't like running slowdown perks, it's not fun but it literally is mandatory to actually have a chance to win in higher MMR. Also I really hope they do a good change to the survivor meta cause while the killer meta isn't that great, the survivor meta is unbearably boring.

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