Matchmaking is ruining the game for killers

jamally093 Member Posts: 1,780

Seriously this new update matchmaking better be fixed because I hate playing killer now it's the same thing higher skill survivors over and over basically when I play killer I just suspect one thing okay so DS,Flashlights,DH,UB, a bully squad,High skill survivors. So basically matchmaking isn't good old matchmaking with its weird rainbow actually was way better then this because it's not skill no no it's Whatever the game feels like matchmaking.


  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,983

    It’s not just killers- it sucks for us survivors too. IDK what the hell is going on. Too many games I get high MMR killers with low-mid MMR teammates. What kind of matchmaking is this?? It’s all over the place for both sides.

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    What do you mean? It's actually amazing, Every evening I get bunch of easy 3k and 4k. Lots of DCs though. During day time I mostly get 2k and 3k though. So thinking about it, you right, I want to get 4ks during day time too.

  • Martine1979
    Martine1979 Member Posts: 58

    I kinda notice this when i played some games late yesterday, 2 matches each (survivors and killer).

    I played my killer favorite two games but i notice after game were over in both that all survivors were full packed and in both games they all escaped.

    And then i played my survivor favorite; i notice same thing with killers. he or she who played them in these 2 matches they wiped almost all survivors very very quick.

    (Notice: I am still newbie to this game; Level 40+ right now without devotions) Not sure if that has do to matchmaking at all. I just guessing.)

    In couple of days ago i had somewhat more evenly and funnier matches then yesterday and in some matches i had killer even showed mercy to me, but not lately.

  • Persephone_
    Persephone_ Member Posts: 157

    Things were actually a little better right after the update but I've genuinely been wondering if something was tweaked in the background?

    As survivor I have been paired with literal newbies on my time. Really don't mean this in a bad way but the gap between someone with 50 and with 950 hours is just too big and I'm not Noob3 - I can't run the killer for 20 minutes or so.

    I'd argue I'm a better killer than survivor and I face competent squads most of the time, with the very occasional outlier (in both directions, soo newbies or GodSquad). It's not really my preferred playstyle - I prefer going for 8 to 12 hooks and this has simply seemed impossible for me since the update. However, I guess the kill/escape averages work out as 2/2 for me, even when I have significantly more end game kills where survivors were just left by their team leaving without even trying. 🙄

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    I'm almost certain that after a few days they tweaked something further without telling us. I had absolutely atrocious games when the changes went live, my usual escape rate of 15-20% went down to 5% (I literally only escaped 3 matches in 94 games which is insane even by this horrible SBMM system). And then suddenly things went back to normal and now I usually escape 1 or 2 matches in every 10 games.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    Yeah, the Ranges are probably way too big.

    This means that you can have Survivors who are more skilled or way less skilled than you when playing Killer.

    And when you play Survivor, it can happen that you have Baby Teammates, who really run to the edge of the Map while being chased and then you go against the Blight with the most Rush Hits in the next game. It is just strange.

  • Impalpable
    Impalpable Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2022

    Beside the core balancing issues with DBD i have one more problem with the matchmaking which is you cant choose to sweat or play casual/fun. You literally have to give up your progress and derank to reach people with a different mindset or your bound to sweat for the rest of your days which is exhausting and makes me playing the game less then i wanted on a day.

    Post edited by Impalpable on
  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    Even that doesn't necessarily help. O have played the last 100 of my 300 hours as a friendly fair killer and mostly intentionally let survivor escape. And I still see 75%+ meta perks often and also often tryhard attitudes.