Intentional use of hug tech makes it exploits?

I try not to use hug tech because I don't want to do exploits.
However, we also see users who use hug tech, which seems very unfair.
If hug tech is a bug, I would like to see an official declaration that knowingly using it would be exploits.
@MandyTalk confirmed it is bug and we can just hope that bug will fix as soon as possible.
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It’s a bug and unintentional and is planned to be removed, but it’s also simple to mindgame, so it’s not really a big deal either way until then.
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They're not going to ban people for using Hug Tech. They didn't ban anyone for using Breakdown while it was bugged to break the hook permanently, or Object + Blood Pact when it gave wallhacks.
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I don't know they banned or not but i remember they warned people for some old Legion add-ons.
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That was years ago, and I think the only reason they banned for that was because the mend times were so long they considered it to be holding the game hostage.
Also I'm pretty sure they put something about it in the in-game News section at the time, not sure though, I wasn't there for it.
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Yeah, this was only time i saw BHVR was so serious about bug lol. They warned people ban if they use those add-ons.
But you are right, they will not ban people for hug tech for sure.
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Maybe it's my fault for being hesitant to use the bug after all.
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Sad that there was no mention of 「hug tech」 in the patch notes for PTB 6.0.0.
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Not sad, its very good that it wasn't mentioned
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What's Hug Tech? Never heard that term before.
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It's a bug that Blight players exploit to get an unintended advantage by sliding along/around an object. They're up in arms because the Devs have declared that it's definitely a bug and will be fixed.
Note: Killer main here just don't think that an acknowleded bug should be kept just because some players like it.
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I was praying it would get removed this upcoming chapter release. My hope is that it'll get patched out with the Mid-Chapter.
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Ban for that? Its in the game for over a year. Yea surely they will ban people for using sliding mechanic that was created by them.
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Calling it an exploit seems uhhh, pathetic
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I am really surprised by people thinking that tbh. They either dont know what hug tech is or they really getting hit because of it every single blight game? As far as Im concerned, hug tech is the least they should be worry about
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It's going to change a lot, the hits that you could get thanks to that bug you won't get anymore at loops.
Also if It's not going to change anything, why do you use it in the first place? Oh.
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If anything it’ll make blight a pain to go against. Bump logic>Hug tech but people don’t know what that is
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Then come to a 4v1 without using it and you'll see how wrong you are lol.
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Thanks for letting me know. I hardly play Blight so I guess that's why I haven't heard of it.
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Literally. Only thing that removing hug tech does for me is make blight clips much less cool and flashy. I don't completely mind though. I had enough fun with the mechanic already.
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Any tile with random geometry sticking out of the wall. Like Eyrie Crows, Macmillan, Autohaven, Coldwind etc.
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Misread your comment, sorry.
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Blood lodge, Suffocation pit. You can chose.
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Anybody that's anybody that truly understands Blight like I do knows this whole thread is useless for 1 very important reason you guys can't grasp that think this is a exploit to hug tech.... there is this little thing called raycast collision okay and it's in the design of Blight and to remove your hated hug tech you would need to remove raycast and that's not going to happen so learn to deal with hug tech and move on. What the devs have said is that the hug tech was a unintentional function of the Blight but to fix what is happening would require a total rework of Blight and his ability which is not going to happen because the devs are and should be very proud of there work on designing and making Blight. So know the game and most importantly do your homework on this particular character in the game before you jump to assume this is a exploit. People need to be more informed vs misinformed because the real reason Blight gets hate is because what people don't understand they associate with something bad which in this case there is nothing bad.This thread should be locked for lack of foundation and hearsay 🤣🤣🤣
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If "hug tech" is a bug, please specify that. If it is not a bug, please specify that it is a specification. This is all I ask.
I am a killer player and I play Blight. That's why I want you to confirm which one it is.
If it is a bug, I need to be told that knowingly using it is EXPLOITS. If it is a spec, I will confidently use HUG TECH.
Currently, killer users who do not use hug tech out of consideration for survivor players are at a disadvantage.
Sorry if this is a poor translation.
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No hug tech is not a bug at all. It was not intentionally made by the devs but the way he is made and the way he works can't be changed now. Blight players figured out how to utilize Blight in this way and the devs never knew it was something Blight could do. So players figuring out how to utilize a killer is not a bug okay??? Don't feel bad ever for using a killer to there full potential and let's not act like every single Blight is OP cause there not. I haven't seen but two Blights in game that were actually real good at utilizing him in every situation. There is a Adam something on PlayStation that is really good with Blight but good luck truely finding a awesome Blight on console and pc may have 5 top gun Blight players. If players find away to use a killer effectively and survivors call it a bug that's there problem. You can't hug tech around everything where once again u have to understand raycast collision to even know what u can and can't hug tech around. To remove it would require the devs to rework every single map or rework Blight entirely which is not going to happen so hug tech away guilt free because your just playing a character in a game
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They only ban for something big, not just hugging a wall of shack. But I am sure people are being reported for any hits they land already so it doesnt really matter
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It is an exploit imo. Don’t know how anyone can argue. Blight and Oni are supposed to have caps on their flick radius by design.
But I agree with the upset killer players in this thread that it is not that big a deal. It should be patched out; these killers are already strong enough with their intended flick.
Hope that makes sense. Yes, it’s an exploit. Yes, it should be removed. No, no one should get “in trouble” for using it.
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This is the last time I will say this with proof.... it's not a exploit to hug tech and my proof is in patch 4.7 or 4.1.7 I will go check to make sure so you can go watch the stream the devs themselves said It was intended by them for blight to look down to modify his collision okay go look yourself and the last thing I'm going to say is go ahead take hug tech away if u want but blights kill rate will go up huge because nobody will go for fun crazy flicks, instead they will just straight destroy with bump logic. People act like hug tech makes blight op when it's the player making him that way. Pick any killer for example even the weakest one and go find a great player to watch them stream killing everyone match after match with ease making that killer look op. Too many times people hate or get mad at stuff they don't understand and immediately say it's bad.exploit is a bad definition of this topic. Did you know that it was accidentally founded in a fighting game for combos over Lag ? Was that a exploit because every fighting game has combos now. A smart player a good player will always find a way to be good at something in a video game.I challenge anyone to pickup blight put the time in and it will be loads of it before you can even get close to learning how to even hug tech the right way and consistently at that. He is arguably the hardest killer to master in the game and the ones that put the massive time in him tear people up so let's call on exploits let's call on his addons or his power and that's just wrong. Does anybody on here just except that there are just players out there more skilled then themselves and u got to tip your cap and move on that's the way it is and always going to be. There is always a better player and nobody ever just wants to admit that. Survivors have more then enough tools and brains to deal with a Blight. The ones that don't come on here questioning the devs the game the character I mean everything but THEMSELVES on there own skill. There mad they pushed e made it to the pallet and dropped it on Blight's head now they can't push e it's on cooldown and Blight got them around a car or whatever. Not mad that they didn't strategize the chase better so head to the forums scream exploit or nerf.
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It’s literally confirmed by BHVR to be a bug, you mad ? And you using it for your advantage makes it an exploit.